Name: ______

Bailey 10 Reading Guide

What problems did the new nation face in 1788?

Growing Pains

What type of demographic growth was America facing? Arithmatic or exponential?

Washington for President

How was George Washington’s election different from every other presidential election?

What was the cabinet system?

Who were Washington’s cabinet heads?

The Bill of Rights

Why did Madison want to amend the Constitution using the Congressional route rather than the Convention route?

Why is the Ninth Amendment important?

What did the Tenth Amendment do?

What law established the Supreme Court?

Who was the first Chief Justice?

Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit

Summarize the public and self image of Alexander Hamilton.

Why did Hamilton believe economic policy should favor the wealthy?

What does “funding at par” mean?

Why had speculators purchased public debt?

Why did Hamilton want to assume the debt of the states?

Why did some states support and some states oppose assumption?

Why is the District of Columbia located between Virginia and Maryland?

Your teacher laughs out loud at the caption for Hamilton’s portrait. According to Bailey, what three things stood in the way of Hamilton’s presidential aspirations?

Customs Duties and Excise Taxes

What did Hamilton say was a “national blessing?”

Sketch Hamilton’s financial structure in order to engage your visual memory. This is a good chart in Bailey, for once.

How did Hamilton hope to pay the new national debt?

What is a “protective wall?”

When Hamilton’s tariff plans were thwarted, how did he raise governmental revenue?

What geographic calculus lay behind farmers’ decision to turn their grain into hard liquor?

Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank

Why did Hamilton want to create a national bank?

Did Jefferson believe the bank was constitutional? Why or why not?

(Jefferson was a STRICT constructivist – Hamilton was a LOOSE constructivist who sought to stretch the “Elastic clause” in conjunction with the interstate commerce clause. These differences are still relevant today)

Summarize the philosophical difference between Hamilton and Jefferson (last paragraph on page 195).

Who did Washington support?

Whose interpretation was supported by the North? By the South? Was this an omen?

Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania

What role did Whiskey play in frontier culture?

What happened to the Mutinous Moonshiners? Why did events play out differently than they had in Shay’s Rebellion and Bacon’s Rebellion?

The Emergence of Political Parties


Do NOT confuse the political party titled “Federalist” with the “Federalists” who supported ratification of the Constitution. Not all ratification Federalists became partisan Federalists.

Describe the origin of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties.

Summarize the first full paragraph on page 198.

The Impact of the French Revolution

What event dominated world history in the first quarter of the 1800s?

How did America react to this event?

How did the execution of the Louis XIV influence America’s fear of Mobocracy?

How did the nascent political parties respond to the French Revolution?

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation

What does neutrality mean?

Why did Washington seek to avoid being drawn into the French conflict?

Why was the Proclamation controversial (politically and unilaterally)?

Why did Citizen Genet pose a problem to Washington’s administration?

Embroilments with Britain

Why was Britain reluctant to turn over the Northwest Forts even after American had created a stronger government?

Describe the terms of the Treaty of Greenville.

How did the two political parties react to British seizure of American merchant vessels?

Jay’s Treaty and Washington’s Farewell

What were the terms of Jay’s Treaty?

Why was it unpopular?

Describe the terms of Pinckney’s Treaty.

What tradition was established by Washington’s decision to retire after eight years?

Would this bolster or undermine his reputation as a modern Cincinnatus?

Describe the terms of Washington’s Farewell Address. In what way is it commonly misunderstood?

John Adams Becomes President

Why did Federalists decide not support Hamilton’s election as Washington’s successor?

What were the major issues of the Presidential campaign of 1796?

Describe the relationship between Adams and Hamilton.

Unofficial Fighting With France

How did the French respond to Jay’s Treaty?

What was the XYZ affair?

What famous slogan was coined in the aftermath of the XYZ affair?

How was the “unofficial” war with France fought?

Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party

How was the French crisis defused?

Describe the terms of the Convention of 1800.

The Federalist Witch Hunt

Describe the Alien and Sedition Acts. Take your time – these are important!

How did the Sedition Act violate the First Amendment?

How did the Alien and Sedition Acts affect public support for the two political parties?

The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions

What did Madison and Jefferson hope to accomplish with their resolutions?

What is the State Compact Theory?

Who did the Federalists say had the power to declare laws unconstitutional?

Look ahead to 218 and name the court case that ratified the Federalist position:

Federalists Versus Democratic-Republicans

Study and LEARN the aspects of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican Parties (See page 208)

How did Jefferson define “the people” in a “democracy?”

How did Jefferson justify slaveholding?