Date: April 7, 2016

To: ETA Safety Committee

From: Ron Scholtz X8137

Subject: 4/7/16 ETA Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Attendees: Ron Scholtz (ETA), Susan Synarski (ETA), Ari Harding (BTUS/ESO), Heather Madison (EHS), Xianglei Mao (ESDR), Peter Therkelsen (BTUS), Darryl Dickerhoff (BTUS/SAC Rep.), Yuyi Li (ESDR), Heather Madison (EHS), Amy Kronenberg (RPG Presenter), Quang Le (EHS/RPG)

ETA Safety Metrics (Ron)

The March 2016 Safety Metrics presentation slides were distributed to the committee by email earlier in the week. They are also available on the ETA Safety website:

Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (Ron)

All Safety Alerts are found on the ETA Safety webpage: The following were issued in March:

·  Lessons Learned- Incompatible Chemical Storage

·  Lessons Learned- Food in Technical Areas

·  Safety Alert- Propane Torch Requirements

Self-Assessment Program Update (Ron)

·  The Activity Lead self-assessment project is underway. Activity Leads have participated in interview meetings with. We are now compiling the data collected prior to drafting the summary report.

·  The Engineered Nanomaterial self-assessment has been completed and is going through signatures prior to submittal.

Training (Ron)

·  LBL0101 is a new course that is now being required for all new hires. It combines 3 existing courses into one and will reduce the total amount of time needed to complete. (EHS0010, EHS0135, and BLI0919).

Old Business (All)

·  The B70-291 pressure reactor incident Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been completed and submitted. The ORPS report has been closed.

·  The annual revision of the ETA Integrated Safety Management Plan has been completed and is going through signatures.

New Business (All)

·  Amy Kronenberg of the LBNL Radiation Safety Committee gave a presentation regarding planned corrective actions to address radiation protection program issues. Some key points include:

o  Investigators who are responsible for Radiation Work Authorizations (RWA) will receive specialized training on their responsibilities.

o  Investigators will receive training on how to provide On the Job Training including defining the “envelope” workers are authorized to work within.

o  Existing on-line radiation training is being modified to emphasize working within the scope of the RWA.

o  It is important to communicate with the Radiation Protection Group prior to making any changes in work covered under a RWA.

·  It was identified that ETA does not have a representative on the Radiation Safety Committee (AI- Ron)

·  Many of the actions proposed to address RWA issues are also applicable to “scope of work” and “daily ISM” issues ETA is currently addressing in its technical areas from the pressure vessel incident. Ron will obtain a copy of Amy’s presentation (once available) and distribute to ETA management for review.

Next Meeting: Thursday, June 2 @ 9:00am in 90-3075

Action Items

Item / Action Needed / Assigned / Status
10-1 / Follow-up on electrical equipment survey and EEIP failed items. / Ron / Number of remaining items down to 2. Move focus to completion of “conditional acceptance” items.
1-1 / Annual review/update of ISM Plan / Safety Committee / Completed
4-1 / Identify an ETA representative for the LBNL Radiation Safety Committee. / Ron- ETA Management / Owners of RWA’s should be considered.
4-2 / Conduct survey of ETA electrical equipment racks for electrical hazards. Follow-up to recent arc flash issue in ALS. / Ron/Ari / Due 4/15/16. Survey started.
4-3 / Distribute a copy of the RPG corrective action presentation to Safety Committee and ETA Management / Ron / Presentation not yet “officially” available to distribute