Bajaj Nagar, West High Court Road, Nagpur 440010 Maharashtra India


List of Contents

No. / Item / Page
I / Curricular Activities / 4
1. Programmes of Study / 4
2. The Local Managing Committee (LMC) / 4
3. The College Council / 5
4. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) / 5
5. Admissions / 5
6. Post Graduate Department / 5
7. Undergraduate Department / 7
8. Board of Examinations / 7
9. Board of Seminars and Research / 8
10. Board of Career Guidance & Placement / 8
11. Board of Publications / 9
12. The Library / 9
13. Rural Camp / 10
14. Educational Tours / 11
15. Skill Laboratory / 12
II / Co-Curricular Activities
1. Students’ Council / 13
2. Rotaract Club / 14
3. Human Rights Cell / 16
4. Internet Club / 17
5. National Service Scheme / 17
6. Vishwaarth – The Institute Magazine / 19
7. Wall-Magazine / 19
8. The Literary Club / 19
9. The English Corner / 19
10. Students’ Social Work Forum / 20
11. Students’ Achievements / 20
III / Research Projects of the Institute / 22
IV / Workshops and Symposia for Students and Staff / 22
1. Alternate Technologies for Social Change / 22
2. Rational Use of Medicines / 22
3. Discussion on Tribal Development / 23
4. Interface with Dr John Zerzan / 23
5. Orientation on RTI / 23
6. Workshop on Communicative English / 23
7. Workshop for NSS Volunteers / 23
8. Workshop on Project Proposal Writing / 24
9. Workshop on Pension Procedures / 24
V / Other Events / 24
1. Educational Tour-cum-Workshop on Gandhian Ideology and Social Work / 24
2. Participation in Consultative Meet on Peace Education / 25
3. National Study on Child Protection / 25
4. Blood Donation Camp / 25
5. Institute Hosts TISS National Entrance Test 09 / 25
6. Communal Harmony Week / 25
7. Students’ Council & Rotaract Club Raise Funds for Child Victims / 26
8. NSS Volunteers Participate in Constitution Day / 26
9. Students Excel in Skit Competition / 26
10. Students Shine in Folk Dance / 26
11. Students Participate in Group Dance Competition / 26
12. AIDS Awareness Rally / 26
13. Institute Represented at North-East Youth Festival / 26
14. Students participate in Summer Camp at Kolupur village, Amravati. / 27
15. ‘Page One’ (In-House Magazine) Launched. / 27
VI / Visitors / 27
VII / Field Action Projects of the Institute / 28
1. CHILDLINE (Nodal Organization) / 28
2. Cell for Women in Distress (Family Counselling Centre) / 30
3. Social Work Intervention To Promote Juvenile Justice (SWIPJJ) / 32
4. Saksham GFATM Round-7 / 37
5. Community Action for Environment (CAFÉ) / 38
6. School Social Work / 39
7. Research Resources Centre (RRC) / 41
VIII / Activities of the Faculty / 41
a. Faculty Participation in Seminars, Workshops etc. at a Glance. / 41
b. Faculty Appointments in University Committees etc. / 42
c. Faculty Publications / 45
d. Award Received by Faculty / 45
e. Faculty Awarded Ph.D / 46
f. Faculty Participation in Refresher Courses / 46
IX / Adieu and Welcome / 46
X / Creation of Assets & Facilities / 47
XI / Conclusion / 48
Annexure 1 / 49


Bajaj Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur 440010


(As on 31ST May 2010)

The Matru Sewa Sangh was founded by Late Padmashri Kamalatai Hospet along with Smt Venutai Nene in 1921. Under the auspices of Matru Sewa Sangh, Late Dr Satyabala Tayal founded the Matru Sewa Sangh Institute of Social Work in October 1958. The Institute which celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2008 has gained recognition as a significant centre for social work education in the country. It is affiliated to the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University since 1962. In January 2009, the Institute was reaccredited by UGC-NAAC with an ‘A’ Grade (CGPA- 3.03), thus joining the select league of colleges under the University, and in the country, to achieve this uncommon status. The aims of the Institute are : a) to provide professional education in social work; b) to develop a sense of civic consciousness and social responsibility among the students; and c) to train personnel for a wide range of social work intervention at various levels in the field of social welfare through class room teaching, research and field work strengthened by various field action projects. Dr John Menachery joined the Institute as its Professor-Principal on 1st June 2009.

I. Curricular Activities

1. Programmes of Study:

1.  Certificate in Social Work (CSW) Programme.

2.  Bachelor in Social Work (BSW) Programme.

3.  Master in Social Work (MSW) Programme.

4.  M.Phil (Social Work) Programme.

5.  Ph. D (Social Work) Programme.

Apart from imparting professional social work education, the Institute has been extending available expertise and experience to various government and private social welfare organizations through consultancy services, conducting research studies and is involved in many field action projects. The Institute takes pride in presenting this report of its efforts during the academic year 2009-2010 (as on 31st March 2010).

2. The Local Managing Committee (LMC) - of the Institute constituted under the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 comprised of the following members:

1. Dr Kusum Wankar, President, Matru Sewa Sangh / Chairperson
2. Dr Lata Deshmukh, Secretary, Matru Sewa Sangh / Member
3. Dr John Menachery, Professor-Principal / Secretary (Since June 2009)
4. Dr G. B. Mundhada / Member
5. Dr Sneha Deshpande, Treasurer, Matru Sewa Sangh / Member
6. Dr Ramesh Pande / Member
7. Ms Rekha Dandekar / Teaching Staff Representative
8. Dr Geetha Thachil / Teaching Staff Representative
9. Dr Keshav Walke / Teaching Staff Representative
10. Mr Baba Ingale / Non-Teaching Staff Representative

Elections to the LMC from both the constituencies of teaching and non-teaching staff were held on 21.12.2009. The sitting teaching and non-teaching representatives were returned to the LMC unanimously. The LMC met four times as on 30.6.2010.

3. The College Council : Besides the LMC, the College Council periodically reviewed the progress of work and participated in the process of collective decision making. Ms Nandita Mane was elected as the Secretary of the College

Council. The College Council met six times as on 30.6.2010.

4. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) : The IQAC continued its efforts this year towards development of quality standards. The members of the IQAC were :

1.  Dr Kusum Wankar (Chairperson and President, Matru Sewa Sangh)

2.  Dr Lata Deshmukh (Secretary, Matru Sewa Sangh)

3.  Dr Vijay Shahane (Family Physician)

4.  Ms Snehalata Shrivastava (Journalist, The Times of India, Nagpur)

5.  Dr Prajakta Tanksale (Associate Professor, MSSISW)

6.  Dr Arun Kumar (Associate Professor, MSSISW)

7.  Dr Geetha Thachil (Associate Professor, MSSISW)

8.  Ms Saroj Kolhe (Faculty, MSSISW)

9.  Ms Rashmi Babhulkar (Faculty, MSSISW)

10.  Ms Jyoti Niswade (Assistant Professor, MSSISW & Coordinator, IQAC)

11.  Mr Baba Ingale (Head Clerk, MSSISW)

12.  Ms Aparna Deshpande (Senior Clerk, MSSISW)

13.  Dr John Menachery (Principal, MSSISW)

The IQAC held one meeting on 12th April 2010 and suggested measures for maintaining quality at the Institute. It also suggested some action plans for the future. The sixth Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) for the year September 2008 to July 2009 was sent to NAAC, Bangalore, after the approval of the IQAC. Ms Jyoti Niswade functioned as the Coordinator of the IQAC.

5. Admissions : A total of 268 students took admissions to various programmes of study during 2009-10, of whom 172 (64.18 %) were women and 96 (35.82 %) were men. The Admissions Board consisted of the following faculty members : Principal (Chairperson), Dr Geetha Thachil (Convener), Dr (Ms) Prajakta Tanksale, Ms Anuradha Joshi, Ms Rekha Dandekar, Dr Keshav Walke, Ms Rashmi Babhulkar, Dr (Ms) Shilpa Puranik, Ms Saroj Kolhe.

6. Post Graduate Department : The PG Department of the Institute conducted two programmes of study, namely MSW and M.Phil (Social Work). A total of 108 students were admitted to the MSW course (58 in MSW I & 50 in MSW II), while a total of 20 candidates took admission to the M.Phil (Social Work) Course. Dr Saroj Kolhe, Dr Shilpa Puranik and Ms Rashmi Babhulkar functioned as Class Directors of M.Phil, MSW II and MSW I respectively.

For the MSW Part I students, three-day general orientation and four-day orientation programme on Field Practicum was held in August 2010. Observational visits were also arranged to seven organizations (governmental and voluntary) as a part of their curriculum. For the MSW students, seventeen organizations were identified for Concurrent Practice Learning. Students were placed in these organizations for their Field Work as per syllabus requirement. They were supervised by the faculty. Theory classes were conducted regularly with the help of full-time faculty members of the Institute as well as contributory faculty drawn from other centres of learning. Rural camp for MSW Part I students was held at Dhurkheda village. (Details are included separately in this report). Regular Skill Lab sessions were also organized by faculty. The students were evaluated in their theory, field work and research work, at the end of the session.

The PG Department of the Institute, as an additional academic input, organized a series of interactive sessions / workshops with field practitioners, activists et al for MSW Part I and Part II students. The following sessions were held (details are elsewhere in this report):

1. Alternate Technologies for Social Change : held on 26th August 2009.

2. Rational Use of Medicines: held on 12th September 2009.

3. Discussion on Tribal Development : held on 10th October 2009.

4. Interface with Dr John Zerzan : held on 30th November 2009.

5. Orientation Workshop on RTI : held on 16th December 2009.

6. Language Workshop in Communicative English : held on 30th November 2009.

7. Workshop on Project Proposal Writing : held on 7th March 2010.

6.1 Report on M.Phil (Social Work) Programme - 2009-2010. Class Director : Ms Saroj Kolhe

In compliance to the norms of the University, a total of 20 students were admitted to M.Phil (Social Work). The admission procedure for selection of candidates comprised of a written test followed by a personal interview. Dr John Menachery, Dr Geetha Thachil & Ms Saroj Kolhe constituted the panel for the personal interview. The Academic session started with a general orientation programme for the students. A research orientation programme was also organized for the students. Dr John Menachery, Dr Arun Kumar, Dr Keshav Walke and Ms Saroj Kolhe were the resource persons for the research orientation.

As per the feedback received from the students, the research orientation programme gave them more confidence and helped them in preparing their research synopsis. A research synopsis presentation session was held before finalization of the research topics. Following this the research synopses prepared by the students were forwarded to the university. Dr John Menachery, Dr Geetha Thachil, Dr Shilpa Puranik, Dr Keshav Walke, Dr Sneha Deshpande, Ms Rashmi Babhulkar & Ms Saroj Kolhe supervised the students for their research work.

Dr John Menachery, Dr Keshav Walke and Ms Saroj Kolhe engaged theory classes during this academic session. The academic programme during the academic year also included paper presentation sessions (class room seminars). Students presented papers on topics of their choice, in line with the syllabus during the paper presentation sessions.

Additional inputs were given to encourage students to make optimum use of the library and the internet. Apart from the activities outlined above, the students also participated in the co-curricular activities like seminars, workshops and interactive sessions organised by the Institute. They also participated in extra-curricular activities and cultural events.

6.2 Ph. D (Social Work) Programme.

The following faculty members of the Institute currently function as approved PhD Guides of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur :

a.  Dr Arun Kumar (Associate Professor)

b.  Dr Naveenchandran K. (Associate Professor)

c.  Dr Prajakta Tanksale (Associate Professor)

d.  Dr Sphurti Katarni (Associate Professor)

e.  Dr A. B. Kanphade (Retired Principal)

f.  Dr V. V. Devasia (Retired Principal)

g.  Dr N. D. Wasmatkar (Retired Associate Professor)

Scholars who are registered for Ph.D with faculty members of the Institute are being provided Library and internet facilities. In all, during the report year, three Doctoral Research Scholars successfully completed their doctoral research under the guidance of faculty of the Institute. Research Scholars Ms Geetha Thachil and Mr Keshav Walke successfully completed their doctoral research under the guidance of Dr V. V. Devasia and were awarded Ph.D Degree in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Subject: Social Work) by the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University. Similarly, Ph D Scholar Ms Rani Wardhewar, successfully completed her doctoral research under the guidance of Dr Naveenchandran K. and was awarded Ph D in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Subject: Social Work) by the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.

7. Undergraduate Department : CSW and BSW Programmes were organized by the UG Department. A total of 140 students took admission to various Undergraduate classes. The following table gives details of class-wise strength of students admitted and Faculty Members who functioned as Class Directors:

No. / Class / Class Director / Students
Men / Women / Total
1 / CSW Part I / Dr Keshav Walke / 02 / 07 / 09
2 / CSW Part II / Ms Anuradha Joshi / 00 / 01 / 01
3 / BSW Part I / Dr Geetha Thachil / 23 / 37 / 60
4 / BSW Part II / Ms Rekha Dandekar / 12 / 30 / 42
5 / BSW Part III / Dr Prajakta Tanksale / 07 / 21 / 28
Total / 44 / 96 / 140

The class directors ensured that theory classes and field work practicum were organized in the best possible manner. The Institute is grateful to nearly 50 different social work agencies in the city which allowed placement of its MSW and BSW students for their concurrent Practice Learning.