St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Parent Bulletin

As we enter the final term of the school year, I am in the pleasing position of leading our two Trust schools into a new phase as an outstanding primary school. We build St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Primary school on strong foundations; shared histories, extensive experience and recent academic, sporting and creative successes.

Now the staffing restructure has been completed, I would like to introduce some of the team, and their roles, to you all more formally.

  • Alison Symonds will be Senior Assistant Headteacher working across both sites with me. She will have a particular overview of Inclusion and Early Years Education, but will deputise for me as necessary.
  • Aoife Greaves is Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for SEND across the Primary school.
  • Amanda Dimmock is Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Early Years (Nursery and Reception classes).
  • Gemma Otter is Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year2).
  • Rosa Simpson is Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Lower Key Stage Two (Year 3 and Year 4).
  • Tina Hounsome is Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Upper Key Stage Two (Year 5 and Year 6).
  • Kate Martin is Operations Manager leading the Site Teams.
  • Maria Randall is Administrations Manager leading the Office Team.

Of course there is much to do, as there always is in the Summer Term, both in our current settings and in preparation for September.Initial planning has been underway since the beginning of the yearat a Leadership level andthroughthe administrative teams across the schools and Trust.We have all had several meetings to determine a plan of action for all aspects of school life. Some of these aspects needed early decisions, whilst others have still to be decided.

A range of meetings and events have been planned for this and next term;

AParents Meeting has been arranged for Wednesday21st June at 15:45 and 18:30, both at St Gregory's (Upper Primary site). All parents are invited to attend if they are able.There will be an opportunity for parents and children to tour the Upper Primary site; exploring exciting new facilities such as dedicated music, art and cookery rooms, a science laboratory and an ICT suite. A short presentation will offer parents information about how the school will operate effectively over two sites and the opportunity to ask questions of the Leadership Team.

A Meet Your New Teacher day is planned for Wednesday5th July. On this day children and staff will have the opportunity to work together in their new classes. Parents and children will be given information about new classes, their teachers and back to school packs for the Autumn Term.

A New Parent Meeting (Reception children) will also take place on Wednesday 5th July from 13:45 – 15:00 in the Early Years setting and the Lower Primary Hall. Information about this day will be sent out to all new parents after half term. Places are still available in reception classes for September 2017.

I'm delighted to inform you, Trust Directors have agreed a change in uniform for the new primary school. We looked carefully at what both schools had in place already, the costs involved in changing all of the uniform, informal feedback from a range ofstakeholders and several suppliers. A new logo had already been produced incorporating the Chi-Rho symbol, which both schools had previously used.It has been decided to keep the Anderson Tartan Kilt (currently worn at St Joseph's) and use the Gold from the St Gregory's logo on sweatshirts for the new uniform logo. It was felt a change of colour would indicatea new start for everyone, so a bottle green jumper and smart blazers (KeyStage2) will be introduced for September. Directors have agreed to fund a school jumper (Y1, Y2, Y3) or a school blazer (Y4, Y5, Y6) for every current pupil to help with the initial costs. Current Year5 children will not be expected to buy the school kilt or new PE kit. This will be phased in over the next year. Below is a mock-up of the uniform with information about the supplier. Uniform can be ordered online or through the school office. There will be sample sizes available in the school office for children to try on. The new uniform will be modelled at the Parents’ meetings arranged for Wednesday 21st June and order forms with price lists will be sent out after half term. Book bags and PE bags will be available in the new colours and logo;however, children may continue to use the one they currently own.

School Term dates have been determined for the coming academic year (2017-2018). I am pleased to say directors have authorised an additional INSET day in September to enable re-organisation of resources and extra planning time which are essential at the start of a new term in a new school. The calendar below will also be shared as a PDF and will be available on the current school websites. The first day of the Autumn Term for all children is Thursday 7th September.

There are still many things to be decided and I am sure you have many questions. Do please attend the Parents’ meeting on Wednesday 21st June if you can. I intend to send several more bulletins highlighting progress and next steps as the term progresses.

Photographs for our new website, Twitter account, Facebook page and marketing material will be taken on both school sites on Friday 19th May. Do look out for groups of children proudly wearing the new uniform! As all of our forthcoming marketing material will show, our combined histories and experiences will set strong foundations for our continued growth and development into a newschool we can all continue to be proud of.

Lisa Sumpter

Headteacher St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Primary School