Participant guidelines

Ecumenical Continuing Formation Seminars provide a safe space for the analysis and discernment of cutting-edge issuesof concern for the ecumenical movement and offer expertise and experience to accompany this discernment process. Seminars are designed to sharpen awareness of the ecumenical implications of societal and ecclesial changes for churches. They encourage engaging in dialogue and cooperation, envisioning possible action, including with people of other faiths in response to the call to join the pilgrimage of justice and peace. Note that all seminars and courses are taught in English.

We thank you for your interest in applying for an ecumenical continuing formation seminar. The following guidelines are designed to ensure that your application is received in the best possible way. Please follow the instructions below:

  • The seminar Mission in Changing Ecclesial and Global Landscapes is taking place at Bangkok (Thailand) on 28 September – 2 October 2015.

You will receive detailed information concerning the venue, how to get there and where to transfer the money for the seminar fee when your application is accepted.

  • The closing date for applications is at the latest three (3) months prior to the beginning of the seminar when selections are being made. Please apply well in advance of the closing date. All candidates are informed by e-mail regarding whether or not they can participate in the seminar. Should places remain, applications can be received for up to two (2) weeks before the beginning of the seminar from candidates who do not need a visitor’s visa for Thailand.
  • The WCC uses the following criteria when selecting participants: the candidate’s motivation to participate in the seminar; a recommendation from the candidate’s faith community; the need to create a balanced group of participants in terms of faith/confession, gender and geography.
  • The fee for the seminar is CHF <amount> for accommodation and meals. It does not include the costs for visa, or travel to <venue>. This is a basic fee that covers full room & board for <number> days and nights including breakfast, lunch and dinner <other info re morning and afternoon tea/coffee breaks, accommodation > meeting room, course materials, and health insurance (at special request).

< if applicable: If you wish to ensure that you have a single room with a bathroom, please let us know. According to availability this may be possible at an extra cost.>

  • Every admitted participant is obliged to pay the seminar fee of CHF <amount> and cover the costs for transport, visa etc.Many churches have funds available for their members to participate in continuing formation short-term seminars. Please check with your faith community to see what opportunities exist.
  • In certain cases the WCC can cover part of the seminar fees for candidates that demonstrate financial need. All applicants must complete the Financial Pledge/Assistance Request Formon the last page of the application from. The form should be returned together with the completed application. Financial assistance is decided on at the same time as applications are being selected.
  • Please type or write clearly on the application form. The details you give in your application form will be used for its administrationand as the basis of your participant record. If the form is incorrectly completed your application may be delayed and may not be processed.
  • Please use only the full name given in your passport and identity documents. Your surname name is used to identify and match all materials sent with your application and to deal with enquiries.
  • If you wish to apply for more than one seminar, you will need to submit separate applications using the appropriate application form for the individual seminar.
  • Please send the application form and supporting documents by e-mail or post to the addresses listed below.

Supporting materials

The completed application form must be accompanied by the following materials in English:

The completed two-page application form

Copy of passport (name and photograph page)

One (1) recommendation letter from your faith community

A brief description in English (no more than 250 words) explaining why you want to participate in the seminar, your current involvement in the seminar’s theme and what you hope to gain from the experience.

A curriculum vitae or résumé listing your professional experience

A completedFinancial Pledge/Assistance Request Form

Applications should be sent to the following address:

The World Council of Churches

Ecumenical Continuing Formation

ATTN: Maria van Heemstra

P.O. Box 2100

CH-1211 Geneva 2

Tel: +41 22 791 6208Fax: +41 22 960 6301



Name of Seminar :

  1. Personal information

Title: / Surname
(as in passport)
First name and Middle name (if applicable)
(as in passport) / Maiden name:
(if applicable)
Gender  female  male / Civil status  single  married other
Date of birth
(day/month/year) / Place of birth
Country of birth
(as in passport) / Nationality
(as in passport)
Passport number / Place of issue
Date of issue
(day/month/year) / Valid until
Faith community (if Christian, indicate name of church):
  1. Contact information

Street address / City and State (if applicable)
Post code/Zip code (if applicable) / Country
Telephone (with country code) / Mobile phone (with country code)
E-mail address / Alternative E-mail address
  1. Language (s) (English is the language of the seminars)

Indicate (F) Fair – (G) Good – (E) Excellent

Language / Writing level / Reading level / Speaking level / Comprehension level
Mother tongue:
  1. Professional Experience and Other Information

Current occupation
Current employer (if applicable)
Other relevant professional and faith-based experience
How did you find out about the seminar?
I testify that the information I have given in this form is true and accurate and that, if admitted, I agree to abide by the conditions governing the WCC.
Date / Signature

Financial pledge/assistancerequest form

All admitted participants are expected to pay the seminar fee.Many churches have funds available for their members to participate in short-term continuing formation seminars. Please check with your faith community to see what opportunities exist. In certain cases, the WCC can be asked for financial assistance. The amount is determined according to the financial needs of the participant, his/her motivation and recommendations, with priority given to candidates who have not received such assistance from the WCC in the past.

Please note that travel expenses to and from the venue of the seminar, as well as all personal expenses (e.g. passport, visa, transit visa,etc.) before, during and after the seminar are the responsibility of the participant.Board and lodging expenses outside the official dates of the seminar are the responsibility of the participant.

Family name/ Surname
(as in passport)
First name
(as in passport)
Transportation to the venue of the seminar:
I will pay my own transportation costs to venue of the seminar (circle appropriate answer): Yes No
Seminar fee:
I will pay the full Seminar fee of CHF 500,- (circle appropriate answer): Yes No
I pledge to contribute the following towards my seminar fee*:______(please indicate value in Swiss francs CHF) and I apply for financial assistance for the remainder : ______CHF
If you are being sponsored by your faith community or another organization please indicate it here and attach the original supporting document(s) Name of Sponsor:
Health Insurance:
I need WCC health insurance (circle appropriate answer): Yes No
If yes, specify dates when health insurance is needed: From: To:
In applying for financial assistance I confirm that I am unable to cover the full costs of the seminar. I understand that, if I am granted financial assistance, it will cover only the official period of the seminar. I also agree to continue searching for additional funds so as to increase my contribution, and to inform the Ecumenical Institute in this regard.
Date / Signature