
Meredith Public Library Trustee Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2013 Called to Order at 6:03 PM

Trustees present: Mary Richardson, Rhetta Colon, Colleen Nolan, Pam Coburn, Duncan McNeish, Paul Eldridge.

Alternate Trustees Present: none

Absent With Notice: Ann Butler

Others present: Erin Apostolos, Director; Judy Hodges, Assistant Director

Secretary’s Report. Approved the minutes of the meeting of January 8, 2013.

Treasurers Report.

1/1/13 value of both funds = $ 818, 206.56 ( $ 170, 632.86 for IF); ( $ 64, 404.79 for NF )

For 2012 we withdrew $ 36, 853.00 from the Improvement Fund ( IF)for Library repairs/needs

RBC fees formanagement of the Nichiporuk Fund ( NF)in 2012 were $ 9,524.19

AnRBC Wealth Management Tax Information Summary for 2012 will be forwarded on or about 2/15

Motion: Coburn; Second: Richardson. Aye: All

Library Directors Report: See attached and made a part here to.

Old Business.

CIP: Apostolos and Nolan met with John Edgar and Brenda Vittner regarding the creation of a report for CIP. Report is to focus on masonry work. Apostolos is going to draft the report using forms given at the meeting. Draft will be presented at next Trustee meeting.

RFP will be developed by Erin Apostolos for a three phase project to repoint and clean the exterior of the library Building.

Fire protection engineer. It may be possible to avoid having to install sprinklers in the back stairs if the room uses in the library are re-arranged. Apostolos is going to contact engineers to get quotes.

Outside Employment policy for library employees. Motion: McNeish; Second: Eldridge. Aye all.

It was determined that the trustees will find and retain a Facilitator to assist the trustees in developing a Master Plan for the Library. McNeish and Apostolos will meet to search for more names.

Policy committee will develop an amendment to the Town personnel policy for the library.

RFP for Trust fund management will be published in area newspapers and sent to other recommended management companies. Trustees have until Friday, 2/15/13 to submit recommendations to Apostolos. Policy committee will met to draft an Investment Policy for next meeting.

As part of the preliminary research for arenovation/building capital campaign, trustees Rhetta Colon and Mary Richardson met with Library officials from the Moultonborough and Gilford Libraries. See attached note from those meetings.

Development of an Expendable trust fund warrant article for library maintenance was tabled for review at the March trustee meeting.

The final dollar amount for the budget ($519,956.94) was approved. Motion: Eldridge; Second: McNeish. Aye all.

The Holiday Schedule for 2013 was approved. Motion: McNeish; Second Coburn. Aye all.

Motion: McNeish; Second: Eldridge to go into non-public session at 7:50 PM. Trustees poled, all approved.

Motion: Eldridge; Second McNeish to return to public session at 8:16 PM. Trustees poled, all approved.

Motion: Coburn; Second Richardson to hold the March trustees meeting on March 5, 2013 at 6PM to avoid conflict with Town Meeting.

Motion: McNeish; Second: Eldridge to adjourn at 8:18 PM. Aye all.

Respectful submitted –

Paul Eldridge

Acting Secretary