(Revised 9/2/15)



Tony Jimenez, Assistant to the Superintendent (Administrative Services)

FUSD Certified Staffing (2015-2016)

·  As of September 2, 2015, we have approximately 8.0 teacher vacancies across the District. The breakdown per school site is as follows:

Anthem 3 Classroom Teachers (1 Science, 2 Math)

CCR 0 Classroom Teachers

CB 0 Classroom Teacher

FHS 2 Classroom Teachers (1 SPED crurrently LTS)

FK8 1 Classroom Teacher (1 Title I Reading)

MR 0 Classroom Teachers

PBHS 2 Classroom Teachers (2 --Biology and SPED)

SR 0 Classroom Teachers

WB 0 Classroom Teachers

SUMMIT/LAE 0 Classroom Teachers

8.0 TOTAL OPENINGS for 2014-2015 as of September 2, 2015.

Revision of Board Policy GDQA—Support Staff Reduction in Force

·  ASBA recommends a slight modification to our current policy GDQA—Support Staff Reduction in Force. Policy language has been modified for clarity in reference to reduction in force which may be necessitated during the school year in addition to the provisions for reductions occurring prior to an up-coming school year.

·  The recommendation from ASBA is to the strike the first sentence from the current policy:

The number and type of support staff positions required to implement the District’s educational program will be determined annually by the Board after recommendation from the Superintendent.

·  The other recommendation is to strike through a portion of the last sentence of the policy:

Personnel to be released laid off for the ensuing school year shall be notified of such release as soon as practical.

Comparison of Benefits for the Staffs from CUSD San Tan Schools

·  On September 23, 2015, at 3:30 pm FUSD Benefits Specialist, Kim Childers, along with representatives for our Benefits Consulting Specialist, the Bagnall Company, will make a presentation to teachers in the Consolidation CUSD San Tan area schools. The goal is not to make a case of which school district offers a better benefit package but to compare and contrast the two benefits programs. We will reserve time for questions and answers after the presentation. We will be meeting in the Media Center at San Tan Foothills High School.

Personnel Report

·  For Personnel Report, see Consent Agenda items, September 16, 2015.