8thGrade Science Syllabus

Mrs. Robertson - NorthwestMiddle School

Welcome to 8th grade! I am so excited to have you in class this year and want to tell you about my class and what I will expect from you in order for you to be successful.

Course Outcome:

Course Description:

This course is an inquiry-based science class integrating technology and engineering while exploring the interrelationships of life, earth, and physical sciences. The major themes are biodiversity and change, basics of chemistry, magnetism/electricity, gravitational forces on Earth and within our universe.

“Knox County Science teachers will empower students to search, solve, and succeed in order to contribute to and improve our complex world.”


General Pacing:

The basic outline for this class is as follows:

1st 9 Weeks:

Inquiry (will also be addressed throughout the year)

Technology/Engineering (will also be addressed throughout the year

Biodiversity and Change (Classifying organisms, adaptations of a population, the biodiversity of Earth, and how fossils help us to gather evidence)

2nd 9 Weeks:

Matter (Atoms, the structure of atoms, states of matter, physical and chemical changes, elements, compounds and mixtures, the Periodic Table, chemical reactions, acids, and bases)

3rd 9 Weeks:

Forces in Nature (Magnetism, electricity, electromagnets, gravitational force, and gravity)

4th 9 Weeks:

TCAP Review

Materials Needed/Fees:

The following materials will be needed as soon as possible for class: pencils, pens, erasers, a spiral notebook, loose-leaf paper, and a two pocket folder to put important papers in. It is very important for you to be as organized as possible and keep all papers in order for you to be prepared for tests. There is no fee for this class.


  • Textbook Information:

The Science text you will be using this year is Holt Science and Technology. There will be a class set of books available for students. If you write in or destroy any textbook – YOU will be responsible for paying to replace it.

  • Supplemental Materials:

Instructional time is very valuable; therefore, I do not use videos on a regular basis. The videos I do show in my classroom, however, are educational videos that relate to topics that are a part of the science curriculum. All videos are a part of our school library collection. Some titles that will be used are:

  • BBC “Life”
  • PBS “Hunting the Elements” and “The Mystery of Matter”
  • Understanding Science “Matter”
  • Bill Nye “Atoms”, “Phases of Matter” “Chemical Reactions” “Gravity” and others
  • Textbook Topes “Matter” and “Earth’s Features”
  • Physical Science in Action “Atoms and Molecules” and Elements, Compounds and Mixtures”
  • National Geographic “Fossils” and “What’s the Earth Made of?”
  • Discovery Education video clips

If you do not approve of a specific resource listed in this syllabus, please make your request to me in writing and an alternative assignment and/or materials will be provided.

Religion in the Curriculum (Board Policy):

The Board affirms that it is essential that the teaching about religion—and not of a religion be conducted in a factual, objective and respectful manner in accordance with the following:

  • Music, art, literature, or drama with a religious theme or basis are permitted as part of the curriculum for school-sponsored activities and programs provided it is essential to the learning experience in the various fields of study and is presented objectively;
  • The emphasis on religious themes in the arts, literature and history shall be only as extensive as necessary for a balanced and comprehensive study of these areas. Such studies shall never foster any particular religious tenets or demean any religious beliefs; and
  • Student-initiated expressions to questions or assignments which reflect their beliefs or non-beliefs about a religious theme shall be accommodated. For example, students are free to express religious belief or non-belief in compositions, art forms, music, speech and debate.


Homework Policy:

You have homework every night! In order to be successful in my class you must study your notes 15-20 minutes every day. If you do not do this, you will have difficulty passing quizzes and tests. There will also be various projects due throughout the year.

Make-Up Work Policy:

Knox County Board of Education Policy states and Northwest Middle School will follow:

“If a student must be absent from school for any reason, excused or unexcused, up to ten (10) days upon returning to school, he/she shall be given the opportunity to make up any and all assignments that were missed during the student’s absence. The student must request make-up assignments within three (3) days after returning from the absence. Failure of a student to initiate a request for make-up work within three (3) days will result in lost opportunity for credit for that assignment.”

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain their missed assignments from an absence. At parent’s request, the office will gather missed work for students who are absent 5 or more days. However, due to meetings taking place during teachers’ plan times, it is reasonable to allow at least 24 hours before picking up the assignments.

Late Work Policy:

Individual teachers, teams and other school officials at Northwest Middle School have the authority and responsibility to impose deadlines for the submission of work. One of our goals as a school is to prepare students for the future by teaching students responsibility, and experiencing the natural consequences of failure to meet reasonable deadlines is the primary manner in which we learn this skill. Please do not expect school administration or teachers to extend or ignore a deadline. For students that choose not complete their assignments on time, the following Late Work Penalties will be assessed:

Days Late / Percent of Grade Received by Student / Example(s)
1 day / 95% / 100 records as 95 (100 x .5= 10 points off)
80 records as 76 (80 x .5= 4 points off)
60 records as 57 (60 x .5= 3 points off)
2 days / 90% / 100 records as 90 (100 x .10= 10 points off)
80 records as 72 (80 x .10= 8 points off)
60 records as 54 (60 x .10= 6 points off)
3 days / 85% / 100 records as 85 (100 x .15= 15 points off)
80 records as 68 (80 x .15= 12 points off)
60 records as 51 (60 x .15= 9 points off)
4 days / 80% / 100 records as 80 (100 x .20= 20 points off)
80 records as 64 (80 x .20= 16 points off)
60 records as 48 (60 x .20= 12 points off)
5 days / 75% / 100 records as 75 (100 x .25= 25 points off)
80 records as 60 (80 x .25= 20 points off)
60 records as 45(60 x .25= 15 points off)
6 or more days / No credit will be given; a grade of zero will be recorded.

**End of the Semester Exception**

All students absent, will be given ten (10) days to complete a missing assignment unless the missing assignments are near the end of the semester. At that point, all assignments not completed by the end of the semester grading cut-off date will be recorded as zeros.

Grading Policy:

  • 40% of your grade comes from formative assignments such as:

Participation in class discussions, quizzes, class work, and homework

  • 60% of your grade comes from summative assignments such as:

Chapter tests, projects, presentations, and written papers

Knox County Grading Scale:

93-100 – A

85-92 – B

75-84 – C

70-74 – D

0-69 – F

Parent Portal Policy:

Parent Portal and my Aspen website are two valuable resources for you to use to ensure your child has the most successful experience in this class. In order to provide timely feedback, I will update grades once per week.

Student Expectations:

My rules are very simple: be prepared for class, be respectful to yourself and others, and be the best student you can be. If you choose to break a rule, you are choosing to have a consequence to your action. Those consequences may include: privileges taken away, after school detention, phone call home, parent conference, or ultimately, a referral to the principal. I want you to learn and in order to learn, you must have self-control. The bottom line: Be Where You Are Supposed to Be, When You Are Supposed to Be There, Doing What You Are Supposed to Be Doing!

Teacher Expectations:

If you need to contact me, feel free to call the school at 594-1345 or email me at . In order to provide timely feedback, I will update grades once per week.