Marsden Pre-School Playgroup and Toddlers

Policies and Procedures


At Marsden Pre-School Playgroup we want all the children to experience a smooth transition from Playgroup into School. This enables the children to continue learning and making good progress without disruption.

Both settings share the belief that each child is unique and allow the children to access the curriculum at their level of development.

Both settings offer similar daily routines so children leaving us will be familiar with the way things are done.


1. At Playgroup we monitor and record the children’s development in the appropriate booklet(Development matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage.)

We do this via observations, next steps and planning. This follows the child from entry into Playgroup to the end of the Foundation year.

These booklets are passed on to the Foundation Unit within school before the children start there so all the information is shared, along with a transition document that the child’s key person has filled in at Playgroup. This gives the school vital information about the children including their interests, likes and dislikes, stage of development and any relevant information regarding involvement with outside agencies.

Any PEP’s and IEP’s are also passed on and shared with the relevant staff.

2. We have a visit from the Nursery staff every year in the last term of the year so they can meet the children in comfortable surroundings and take photographs ready for when they start in Nursery.

We have a book displaying photographs of the Nursery and the staff which we take the time to share with the children on a regular basis during the term so they become familiar with the building and teachers and can see what to expect.

The children and parents are actively involved in the transition process, visiting the setting and having the opportunity to talk with both Nursery and Playgroup staff.

3. For children who we feel may need extra support through this period we offer extra visits up to the Nursery with the child’s key person, if in September support is still required we allow for the key person to attend sessions at Nursery whilst the child gets used to his/her new surroundings.

ReviewedJanuary 2017

Next ReviewJanuary 2018