CAMSS Board of Directors Meeting – August 6, 2010

Attendance: Carolyn Bachamp, Dana Crowell, Suzette Pulliam, Debbie Patterson, Aimee Woolley-Randall, and Anmarie Masters

Location: NSMC Board Room

Date/Time: August 6, 2010, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Board Minutes / Carolyn Bachamp / The June 11, 2010 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved with one revision noted. /
Treasurer’s Report / Nancy Barron / No report this month. /
Bylaws Report / Suzette Pulliam / No report this month. /
Nominating Committee / Carolyn Bachamp / Dana Crowell accepted the nomination for President-Elect. Kate Cramer was nominated for the Member at Large/Website Manager position.
Dana learned that using the CAMSS website polling feature as a mechanism for the election this year would entail use of the Discussion Forum (which members don’t use) or posting the ballot in the Document Repository and e-mailing members that they should access the ballot that way and return it by e-mail once completed. We decided that since it would require us to e-mail members anyway, we would use Survey Monkey to make it easier for everyone.
The secretary will present the ballot to membership on September 1st and voting will conclude on Sept 15th. /
Website Update / Dana Crowell / Dana reported that, although she has queried membership twice to get their input on content for the discussion forum, she has received no response. She’ll poll members again and will continue to post interesting and relevant information as she has been doing. /
Past President Report / Shelley Leigh / No report this month. /
Fall Conference Report / David Heck / David was unable to attend, but reported by telephone prior to the meeting that the University of Colorado Hospital venue was not viable this year. He suggested the Radisson Conference Center in Longmont as an alternative location. It has the necessary amenities and, based on 60 to 70 attendees at $20 to $25 per person, the $1200 - $1300 cost would be reasonable. He was not sure about the A-V expense. Both Kathy Matzka and Janet Wilson are unavailable. He suggested Chris Mobley, who could speak to TJC MS 01.01.01 or other hot topic. Also, Matt Jones, a motivational speaker, a CPEP representative and Mark Laitos of the Colorado Medical Society were suggested. Concern was expressed that John Herringer addressed MS 01.01.01 at the Spring conference, so that topic shouldn’t be presented at the Fall conference. The Aging Physician was suggested as a timely topic. Suggestions for alternate speakers included Lynn Buchanan and Cheryl Davis. Dana suggested another venue option: The Courtyard by Marriott’s “Meeting Place”, located at CO 119 and Hover, which offers catering, A-V, and parking. Speakers could lodge at the Courtyard. Discussion ensued regarding the date of the Fall conference and lack of progress made by the Board. It was decided that the conference should be pushed back to November 5th to ensure that a quality event could be planned. Carolyn will contact David regarding the speakers, the venue, and the new date. She will email the results of the discussion with David to the Board members. /
Membership Report / Aimee Woolley-Randall / No report this month. /
Outreach Report/Strategies / Debbie Patterson / Deb reported that she visited Steamboat Springs, Kremmling, and Grand Junction since the last CAMSS Board meeting. The meetings went very well, and the information she presented was well received and appreciated. Grand Junction contact is considering joining CAMSS. /
Other Business / Carolyn Bachamp / Shelley Leigh’s term as a member of the Colorado Health Care Credentials Application Review Committee expires in 2012. The expectation is that a CAMSS Board member always sits on the CHCCARC. Carolyn will speak with Shelley and perhaps write a letter to George Dikeou, legislative consultant for COPIC, and Chairman of the state application committee requesting that “and/or designee” verbiage be incorporated to ensure that the past president or other Board member succeeds the outgoing CAMSS representative. It was noted that Gina Mortenson is once again employed as a MSP and is presently working for Banner Health in Brush, Colorado.
The next CAMSS Board meeting will be held by conference call on August 27, 2010. /

Respectfully submitted

Anmarie Masters, RHIA, CPCS

North Suburban Medical Center
