DAHA Board of Directors


6:30 pm

Mountain View Ice Arena

Members Present: Julia Berglund (2nd VP), Karen Stoner (Treasurer), Deb Davis (Secretary), Mark Mielcarek, Marty Fox, and Andrew Watkins.

Members Absent: Barry O’Brien (President), Al Hart and Ken Wood

Others Present: Abbey Berglund

Quorum Established – 6:10 pm

Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved: Motion: Karen Stoner, Second: Mark Mielcarek. Unanimously approved and may be placed on website.

Public Comment – Abbey Berglund representing the girls team stated that girls team members are upset with the amount of practice time they received this year (11 full practices, 18 half practices-shared with goalie practice, last weekends games periods were shortened to 12 minutes – should be 15 minutes – due to running behind schedule). 13 practices were cancelled due to Flivver games or returning ice to Ice Reflections for tournaments with no make-up, wondered why girl’s team was not in the rotation for before/after games until end of season. Most of the season had no coach; coach is still unable to make it to games.

Treasurer – Karen submitted P&L and Balance Sheet

Lotto Fund: 5,838.33

General Fund:13,577.80

February ice has been paid. SCRIP check has been received, tournament income is included – have only received sponsor check from Verso, waiting for Edwards and M&J; team sponsorship received from Bink’s Coca-Cola for 2011-12, and 2012-13 seasons. March ice (1 week + spring skate) has not been paid.

Mark Mielcarek motioned to approve the financial report and place on file, second Andrew Watkins. Unanimous.

Fundraising Committee

  • Poker Tournament – Mark will ask Mike Bennett to pencil us in for 1/27/12 (last Friday in January), apply for license ASAP.
  • MarkMillerHockeyAcademy – Barry will follow up with Mark Miller.
  • Hannahville – LPGA tournament at Sweetgrass, offering us the opportunity to sell $10 tickets – we keep 100% of the profit.Sue Mielcarek will attend informational meeting at Sweetgrass next week. Will ask local pro-shops (Timberstone, OakCrest and Pine Grove) to sell tickets for us.
  • 4th of July Party – Mark Mielcarek talked to someone who mentioned that these events require a lot of manpower with sometimes very little return. He will continue exploring the feasibility.
  • Golf Outing – Spike gave Karen a date of 8/27th, need to let him know if that is going to work.
  • Econo bagging fundraiser – call to secure a date in the fall.
  • 3-on-3 Tournament – Kirk Fortner mentioned this idea to Deb Davis, he said that he would be willing to help coordinate it with help from his neighbor (who runs a basketball tourney) and others. He believes that it could bring in several thousand dollars. Mark will contact Kirk and ask him to present something to the board, if we were to do something like this we would need to begin working on this soon for next year.

Tournament Committee –

  • Need to select dates for Mite Jamboree, Squirt-PeeWee Tourney and Midget (or) Bantam Tourney ASAP and apply for sanction numbers, print flyers for coaches to distribute as they travel to play games, scheduler to bring copies to CUP scheduler meeting in fall.

ADM Program – Bob Mancini came to Mountain View to do a demonstration on 2/26. Only 16 kids participated in the on-ice demonstration, but it was very enlightening to see how the ice can be divided and used by up to 60 kids at a time. Families who were against cross-ice were sold on the idea. Practice plans can be found on-line for 8U and 10U age groups, need one person at each level to take charge and coordinate. Bob has agreed to come back and do another demo in the fall. Barry will coordinate with him. Deb presented a rough sketch of a new practice schedule incorporating ADM, will need coaches input, etc.

Scheduler Report–No report. Jeff Harvey will be stepping down. We need to find a replacement, will put on website and send a mass-email looking for candidates. Needs to have board approval. Jeff will help with the transition, recommends that the Scheduler also be the MAHA rep as it is beneficial to get the changes directly from MAHA.

ACE Report – none.

Equipment Committee–Andrew & Marty will be collecting Equip-a-kid rental equipment. Andrew will attempt to order jerseys from the Degree Free Jersey program. He will order 2 mite sets, 2 squirt sets, and 1 peewee set. Need to order based upon current registration numbers. Deb will get him our association ID so that he can place the order.

Registration – Karen has been talking to website people about on-line registration

Concession Stand – Received a used chest freezer from a church. Placed outside zamboni area. Need to research where it came from and send them a thank you.

Banners– no report

Bylaws – no report

MAHA Report – no report.

MVIA– Next meeting is 3/14/11 at 6:30 pm.

Website –Julia has an e-mail from NGIN about our online pro shop, has not had time to look at it. Need to get it up and running by the beginning of next season.

Considerations for Next Year

  • Weekend practices at beginning of year, keep teams to practice on 1 day (practice on Sat & Sun is too much, low attendance)
  • Poker Tournament – 1/27/12? – apply for license ASAP
  • Board approval for key jobs (scheduler, concession, etc) – try to prevent one person from taking on too much.
  • Coaches – get commitment earlier
  • Recruiting Scheduler and ACE Coordinator – need to find people ASAP!!
  • Recruiting Tournament Directors and training future ones
  • ADM practice schedule
  • Limit the number of poker tickets per family at registration
  • Look at streamlining registration, it is confusing
  • Maybe requiring a general # of volunteer hours, can be completed in concession, fundraising, scorekeeper, etc. – rather than concession stand plus volunteer item.
  • Late Bantam practice.
  • Switching Squirt/PeeWee tournament to December, Midget tourney first week of February. Maybe change Midget tourney to Bantams.

Old Business – Board Elections – deadline will be the last date of spring skate, 3/17/11. No one has signed up yet.

New Business – Spring Skate – signup is on bulleting board, currently 17 kids signed up – need 30 to break even. Dates are 3/8, 3/10, 3/15, 3/17, 6-8 pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 4/6/11, 6:30 pm at MVIA.

Motion to Adjourn: Karen Stoner. Second: Andrew Watkins. Unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Davis


DAHA Board of Directors