Star Student Week

Room 14’s Star Student Week is a week long activity designed to give each child an opportunity to be in the spotlight in our classroom. In order for a child’s self-concept to grow, he/she needs to be in an environment of trust and support so that he/she can feel secure enough to take risks. One of the best methods is through mutual self-disclosure. Preparing for your child’s turn to share about themselves will provide you and your child a chance to work together on something that is personal, enjoyable, and important.

Our Star Student Week program consists of the following activities:

Star Student Posters for Bulletin Board(Mon.)

Your child will be supplied with Star Student Packet the Friday before the assigned week. This way your child can complete the packet over the weekend and bring it in on Monday. Please have your child decorate and fill out the pages at home the week before his/her star student week. Please remind your child to take pride in their work and create colorful pages as these will be posted on our Star Student Bulletin Board. Your child will share his/her poster in class on the Friday of his/her star student week.

Star Student Book

On this special day, your child does not have to bring in anything. He/she will be given a cover page to color in while the rest of the class writes him/her a personal letter. These are then bound into a folder of his/her favorite color. The children really like looking over these at the end of their special Star Student Week.

I hope that this week will be a happy and memorable week for your child. I enjoy hearing about each child and learning about their families.Please see the Star Student schedule for your child’s assigned week. This will be posted very soon!


Mrs. Cohen