The purpose of the cheerleading program at Hickory Ridge High School is to create school spirit and promote school athletics. Through cheerleading, participants will learn the value of teamwork, responsibility and commitment. Team members will represent Hickory Ridge at all times and be positive role models and leaders within the school. The Constitution will be enforced by the coaches. Therefore, read the following information carefully; you will be expected to understand and abide by the rules.


Each member must meet the state requirements for athletics (see pg. 9 Athletic Participation Packet)

Each member must have an up-to-date Physical Form on file.

Cheerleaders are required to take the student accident insurance unless their parents complete and sign the waiver form indicating they wish to have their family insurance cover their child if they are injured. This requirement includes tryouts.

Each member must receive a medical examination before participation in tryouts. The medical exam must be done once every 365 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.

Coaches will check progress reports and report cards to ensure each cheerleader is meeting the eligibility requirements.


Hickory Ridge Cheerleading must be a top priority for each team member. Members are expected to attend all scheduled games, practices and special events including camp, youth camp and playoff games.

Cheerleaders must be present on the day of an athletic event for a minimum of half the school day to be eligible to participate in the event.

Tardiness and early departures from practices/games are unacceptable. If you are tutoring with a teacher, you must have a note when you return to practice/game.

The following are considered excused absences:

·  Illness

·  Family Emergencies

*Jobs, club activities, all-star cheerleading, church activities, vacations and doctor/dentist appointments are not considered an excused absence. All doctor/dentist appointments should be scheduled so they do not interfere with team activities.

Injured athletes must have a doctor’s note and are still required to attend all scheduled cheerleading events.

The athlete must be present at the practice prior to the game to be eligible to cheer.

In the event of an absence from any cheerleading function, the coaches will need to be notified by a parent/guardian by noon on the day of the event. Phone calls or emails after the absence are not acceptable. Failure to notify all coaches will result in immediate suspension from a game.

Emily Waddington –

Dayna Ryan –

Jacie Latch –

Katie Long –

Behavior & Discipline Policy:

Cheerleaders are expected to represent Hickory Ridge appropriately at all times both on and off school grounds and in or out of uniform. The following behaviors will not be tolerated and will result in extra conditioning, a game suspension or dismissal from the team. The discipline policy includes, but is not limited to the behaviors listed below. We will operate on a demerit system for all rule violations. Upon receiving the fourth demerit, the cheerleader will be removed from the team.

The following behaviors will result in extra conditioning:

·  Not being prepared for team events including: forgetting any part of uniform, not wearing the correct uniform, not arriving to game/practice in full uniform including tennis shoes, etc.

·  Chewing gum or eating during a practice or game

·  Jewelry of any kind

·  Using cell phones during practice or games

·  Nonathletic apparel

The following behaviors will result in a game suspension and 1 demerit:

·  Unexcused absence from any scheduled cheerleading event

·  Showing public displays of affection while in uniform

·  Creating or participating in any type of drama that negatively affects the team

The following behaviors will result in a game suspension and 2 demerits:

·  Inappropriate language or behavior

·  Acting in a disrespectful manner towards coaches, peers or HR staff members

·  Unsportsmanlike conduct, including yelling at the opposing team, fans, officials, etc.

·  Control Room referrals

·  In School Suspension (ISS)

The following behaviors will result in dismissal from the team:

·  Lying to a coach or HRHS staff member

·  Inappropriate behavior through social networking website

·  Use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or drugs at any time or place

·  Out of School Suspension (OSS)

***Any involvement with law enforcement will be dealt with on an individual bases and will result in an extended suspension or dismissal from the team.

Each situation will be handled on an individual basis. Punishment will be at the coach’s discretion. The Athletic Administration and coaches reserve the right to dismiss anyone from the team at any time due to disciplinary problems and any actions they deem detrimental to the team.


The school will provide transportation to and from away games for the athletes. Athletes may be checked out after the game by a parent only. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from all other cheerleading events. Coaches will not transport cheerleaders.


Uniforms are property of the HRHS Athletic Department. Each cheerleader will be provided with uniforms for use during the season. Uniforms are not to be altered and should be dry-cleaned before they are collected at the end of the season. There will be a $25 fee for uniforms that have not been dry-cleaned prior to returning. Any lost or damaged uniforms will need to be replaced at the expense of the cheerleader. Team uniforms or apparel should be worn by cheerleaders only. If you are dismissed from the team, you may not wear any apparel representing Hickory Ridge Cheerleading.


I, ______, have read and fully understand the rules and regulations stated in the Hickory Ridge Cheerleader Constitution. I assume all responsibilities associated with being a cheerleader and agree to abide by the Constitution.


Signature of Applicant Date

I, ______, have read the attached Constitution and fully understand the rules and regulations which will govern this program. I further understand that my signature indicates my full recognition and understanding of the commitment required by Hickory Ridge High Athletics.


Signature of Parent Date