July 30th 2015 - August 3rd 2015


July 30th2015Arrival at the Hotel and Check-in

6:00 pm. – 10:00 pm.Sign-in and Pick-up of Convention Information Kit


July 31st2015

8:00 am – 9:00 amBreakfast at the Hotel

8:00 am. – 9:30 am.Sign-in & Pick up of Convention Information Kit

9:30 am. – 9:35am.Singing of the Ugandan and American National Anthems

9:35 am. – 9:50 am.Welcome and Introductions – Andrew Hakiza Chairperson, ICOB Texas and Ruth Ndyabahika,ICOB, President

Welcome from Mayor of Addison Texas, Todd Meier

Introduces Uganda’s Ambassador to the U.S.H.E. Ambassador Oliver Wonekha

9:50 am - 10:00 amAmbassador Oliver Wonekha, Convention Opening Speech

10:00 am. – 10:30 am.Keynote Address: The Prime Minister of Uganda: The Rt. Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda: Convention Theme: Towards a Better Tomorrow; Unlocking the Economic and Human Potential of the Kigezi Region

10:30 am – 11:15 am.Honorable Henry Banyenzaki – Minister of State for Economic Monitoring – TBD - pending

Dr. Sam Mugasi, Executive Director,National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS): Investment Opportunities in Uganda’s Agricultural Sector and the Role of NAADS in Facilitating Economic Empowerment through Community Engagement

Frank Roby, CEO of Concero Global. Perspectives in Development. What Money Wants: Understanding the emotional objectives of investment and how to attract it.

11:15 am – 11:30am Coffee Break

11:30 am – 12:30 pmBetty Bigombe, Senior Director for Fragility, Conflict and Violence, The World Bank–Empowering Women for Development - pending

Dr. Dick Kamugasha, Director Technology Development Center, Uganda Industrial Research Center, Transforming Communities through Industrial Skills Training, Technology Transfer and Innovative Product Development

12:30 pm. – 2:00 pm.Lunch at the Hotel

2:00 pm. – 3:30 pm.Education, Youth & Economic Empowerment

Morrison Rwakakamba, Chief Executive Officer- Agency for Transformation, Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government – Kigezi’s Political Economy: Mobilizing Communities for Transformative Change.

Jackie Nintunze – Navigating a Bifurcated Cultural Environment – Helping our youth succeed in the Diaspora - pending

Dr. Betty Wakou – Sensitizing Local Communities on Food Technology to Promote Economic Development

3:30 pm – 4:00 pmCoffee Break

4:00 pm – 5:30 pmEducation Forum: Presenters

Leroy White, Director, Texas State Technical College, Technical Education and Skilling for Youth Empowerment.

Dr. Denis Akankunda Bwesigye, Columbia University – Educating Uganda’s Children for a Better Tomorrow

Dr. Lillian Katono Butungi – Foundation for Educational Transformation and Community Engagement – Creating Engaged Learning Communities

Questions and Discussions

5:30 pm End of Formal Program

Saturday [1]

August 1st 2015

8:00 am – 9:00 amBreakfast at the Hotel

9:00 am – 10: 30 amHealth Forum Panel: Presenters:

Hon Dr. Chris Baryomunsi – Discussion on Health Initiatives in Uganda- The Role of Partnerships - pending

Dr. L. Tutaryebwa, formerlyDirector of Clinical Services and Head of Pediatrics.Bwindi Community Hospital – Access and Capacity Building in Health Systems

[TBA - Doyin Oluwole – Progress in Breast and Cervical Cancer Education and Awareness]

10:30 am – 11:00 amQuestions and Discussions

11:00 am – 2:00 pmCoffee & Lunch Break

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm ICOB General Assembly – Presentation ofLocal Chapter Reports and ICOB Apex Annual Report

6:00 pm – 12:30 pmDinner Dance and Banquet at the Hotel


August 2nd 2015

10:00 am. – 12:00 pmChurch Service

2:00 pm. – 5:30 pmVisit George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and FortWorth Stockyards National Historic District; Picnic and BBQ


August3rd 2015Departure

12:00 NoonCheck-out