Additional file 1: Abbreviations and Areas of systems, sub-systems and classes of the habitats classification in Egypt (km2)

System / Sub-system / Classes / System / Sub-system / Classes / System Area (km2) / Sub-system Area (km2) / Class Area (km2) /
M / MP / MPE / Marine / Pelagic / Epipelagic / 269204.63 / 265154.63 / 52445.57
MPM / Mesopelagic / 97643.00
MPB / Bathypelagic / 115066.06
MS / MSS / Islands / Islands / 637.16 / 637.16
MC / MCC / Corals / Corals / 3412.84 / 3412.84
A / AT / ATA / Artificial / Terrestrial / Arable Land / 51938.97 / 41970.49 / 39773.27
ATU / Urban Areas / 2197.23
AA / AAW / Aquatic / Water Storage Areas / 9968.48 / 9357.76
AAA / Aquaculture Ponds / 292.96
AAX / Salt Exploitation Sites / 178.68
AAD / Canals, Drainage Channels and Ditches / 139.07
W / WF / WFR / Wetlands / Fresh / Rivers Banks / 70177.49 / 4397.81 / 4397.81
WFM / Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools
WFS / Springs and Oases
WB / WBP / Brackish / Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes / 4001.57 / 2866.41
WBM / Swamps and Marshes / 1135.16
WM / WMR / Marine / Rocky Shoreline / 61778.11 / 31374.91
WMS / Sandy Shorelines and/or Beaches, Sand Bars, Spits, etc / 22060.99
WMM / Mud Shoreline and Intertidal Mud Flats / 25.41
WMX / Salt Marshes / 8314.36
WMT / Tidepools
WMG / Mangrove Submerged Roots / 2.44
D / DH / DHM / Desert / High land / Mountains / 868860.71 / 333192.72 / 11756.33
DHH / Hills and Plateaus / 73139.16
DHS / Scarps and High Areas / 233288.52
DHP / Plain Areas / 15008.71
DP / DPD / Plain Land / Desert Sand Dunes, Sand Sheets and Sand Mounds / 480719.43 / 254579.23
DPH / Hamada Desert / 220539.31
DPC / Coastal Sand Dunes / 5600.89
DL / DLV / Low land / Valleys and Canyons / 54948.56 / 35088.03
DLD / Depression / 12761.35
DLS / Sabkhat / 7099.18
DC / DCC / Caves / Caves and Karsts / 0.00
F / DI / DIR / Fresh water / Inland / Rivers / 7156.31 / 7156.31 / 3180.31
DIL / Lakes / 3691.60
MIS / Islands / 284.40