2003-04 Staff Council
Rhonda Acker, Secretary / Biology DepartmentLinda Allen, Secretary / Student Publications
Oscar Barrera / Facilities - Plumbing Shop
Michele Bauman / School of Social Work
Pat Cowan / Accounting Office
Sylvia Flores / Residence Life - Training
Larry Fuller / UPD - Parking Services
Mary Alice Gonzales / Residence Life
Pamela Graham, Chair Elect / Facilities Mgnt. - Warehouse
Tina Jackson, / Faculty Advancement Center
Susie Longoria / Custodial Operations
Jeff Lund / Human Resources
James Mathews / SLAC
Veronica Mazuca / Instructional Tech Support
Gilbert Morales / Facilities - Electric Shop
Terry Pacheco / School of Social Work
R. Dean Reading / UPD - Parking Services
Ruth Ross / Human Resources
Roberta Ruiz / Counseling Center
Curt Schafer / Career Services
Tina Schultz, Chair / Disability Services
Selma Selvera / Human Resources
Mary Short / Residence Life-Custodial Operations
Jan Tidwell / Library
Jonnie Wilson / Multicultural Student Affairs
03-04 Accomplishments
- President Trauth supported the recommendation from Staff Council that the Staff Employee of the year be recognized on stage at Convocation.
- Staff Council members showed unity by wearing their Staff Council shirts at the Name Change ceremony in September.
- Staff Council chair Tina Schultz began the tradition of including monthly Staff Council updates in the HR Bulletin.
- The Staff Council poster was updated and distributed to university departments across campus.
- As approved by the Provost Committee, Staff Council members had an opportunity to hear presentations given by each of the candidate’s for the new provost position at Texas State.
- Chair-Elect Pamela Graham represented Staff Council and all university staff on the Work/Life Task Force.
- Chair-Elect Pamela Graham represented Staff Council on the Mariel Muir Mentoring Award committee.
- Staff Council received a letter of appreciation and support from President Trauth on December 19th. In her letter, Dr. Trauth assured the members of Staff Council that she will continue to work with us on issues important to staff at the university.
- Staff Council hosted a meeting with the FAS Team to share issues and concerns with the new financial management system. This meeting was initiated by Staff Council which resulted in a number of recommended changes which the FAS agreed to begin working on. Follow ups to this initial meeting were regularly made at subsequent Staff Council meetings.
- The Staff Council Perks Committee created a “Perks” web page. The web page includes businesses within the I-35 corridor who are interested in offering discounts and specials to Texas State staff and faculty.
- Staff Council reviewed the draft UPPS 04.04.XX “Staff Reduction in Force” and submitted recommendations to Human Resources.
- Successfully facilitated access to the HR bulletin (hard copy) for Facilities staff without electronic access.
- Recommended to Human Resources that the university provide cash payments for state comp time in extreme situations, and with Vice Presidential approval. Approved by President’s Cabinet.
- Recommended to Human Resources that all employees receive annual notification regarding the university policy on FSLA and state comp time. Approved by President’s Cabinet.
- A computer access resolution was unanimously passed by Staff Council on October 14th. The resolution was designed to facilitate computer access for all staff at the university by recommending that all employees be assigned a computer account. The Council encouraged computer access by publicizing the availability of computer training on campus and the location of open computer labs via the Staff Council website