DSPower 3
Uninterruptible Power Supply
10Kva 160Kva
User Manual
UPS Description
Static switch
Control logic
Electrical connection
Electrical protection
AC input
Input output battery connections
External battery box connection
Input switch
Reserve Switch
Manual ByPass switch
Output switch
Battery Fuse
Free contacts communication port
RS232 - RS485 Communication port
USB communication port
Navigation switchmenu
Menu navigation
Measure menu, Voltage
Measure menu, Current
Battery menu
Alarm menu
Service menu
Parameter menu
Relays menu
We would like take the opportunity to thank you to have been choosing our product.ACS is a company whose focus is to project an manufactured system for electrical conversion energy.
Our products are This converterUPShas been designed andmanufactured according tothehighest quality standards, in order to providetheoperating characteristics ofreliabilityand durabilityat the highest levels.
Please consider this manual includes important information for your safety, installation procedure, technical information, and information to solve any ups issues.
This manual contains all needed information to safety use ups, it must be maintained carefully and used only by the technical personal who take care of ups.
Furthermore all operations on the ups, for safety reason, have to be taken only by qualified personnel instructed to operate on high voltage system.
Before start to use ups, please ensure that ground wire is connected , terminal marked with GROUND, with yellow/green colour.
Be informed that ups must not be used if there is no ground wire connection.
UPS has to be used only if front door and lateral cover are close..
Any operation must be done when the ups is open or with the supplied circuits accessible..
Whenever maintenance operations are needed to open the ups front door and the lateral cover please ensure to follow step by step manual bypass instructions; open all circuit breakers in the ups and in the external battery box.
Verify with a multimeter there are no voltages on the input output and battery terminal on the ups and external battery box.
When you disconnect the main supply and the batteries, please wait 10 minutes before do any action on the ups, because in the ups circuits may still be stored dangerous voltages.
If necessary to replace the fuses, please ensure that they have the same capacity , and the same technical charatteristic.
Batteries must be replaced only by qualified and authorized personnel.
Exhausted batterieshas to be provided to specialized consortium, contact the producer to get all relevant information.
Batteries are toxic products and their storage is controlled by local law.
CE certification
UPS is complying to CE rules and it is certified by:
LV Directive 2006/95/EC.
- EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.
STORAGEIf the ups is not installed immediately, it must be stored in the original packaging protected by water and dust.
If batteries are inside the ups, those must be charged every 6 months for 8 hours each.
We suggest to store the ups in places with temperature between:
+10° to 30°C (+50° e 86°F).
Installation InstructionsUps and batteries cabinet have been designed and made to be installed internally.
In order to install correctly the ups please consider the following information:
- Avoid dust ambient
- The floor where the ups and batteries cabinet are placed must be supported the totally weight.
- Avoid to install ups and batteries cabinet in restricted places, to do not have problems during maintenance activities.
- The relative humidity has not to be higher than 95%.
- Avoid to install ups to direct contact with warm air.
- When the ups is working, room temperature should be between 0 40 degreed for 8 hours, and average temperature per day should be of 35 degrees max.
- Battery correct temperature is between 20 25 degrees max.
- For correct ups ventilation the place must be able to exchange of air equal or greater than the ones produced by the ups and batteries.
Preliminary Operation
Packaging control
Upon receipt ofthe UPSand anybattery cabinets, check the conditions of, ifthey had occurredthe damageduring shippingplease contact the manufacturer.
If everythingappears to beinorderto proceed with theunpackingand placementof the devicesusingthe utmost careand attention.
With theupsalsoneed togettheinstruction manual andshut down software (optional), serial cable(otional), snmp agent (optional).
Theupsis packed withacarton box coverandplaced over awooden pallettobe movedduring transportand duringplacement.
Make use of aforkliftto handleups.
Placethe UPSat least60cmaway from wallsaround, remember thatthe air entersfrom the frontand below theupsand exitsfrom the rear.
Do not obstructin any waythe air inletsand outlets.
The power cablesI / Ocomingfrom the baseof the front,andall the switchesareopening thefront door.
Depending on the powerof the UPSbatteriesmay be containedinside the ups.
The removalof batteries insidethe upscan be removedby removing thelateralside shields.
Sufficient distancefrom the wallsinsuch a way asto be able toperformany maintenance.
The cabinetupsandbattery cabinets, equipped withwheelsorlegsthat facilitatemovement, remove from the pallet and move the ups by a forklift.
The UPS isastatic electric machinethatthroughthe conversion of energydrawn from the batteriesconnected to it,
The ups supply the load when the input line is present or not.
The ups is composed of:
- Input PFC
- Inverter
- Statc ByPass
- Battery
- Control Logic
The picture show the schematic block of ups.
Input PFC
ThePFCinputis anAC / DC converterthat converts theinputAC voltageto DC voltagewhichis used tosupply the inverterandto charge the batteries.
ThePFC(Power FactorCorrector) allows you to presentto the mainsloadupswhatever it is,asa resistive load,absorbing energywithacosPHIclose to 1, normally0.99, reduces the harmonics injectedinto the power line by capacitive and inductive load and by non linear load.
The IGBT and the high performance DSP used in the PFC, permit to obtain the very high efficiency.
The start up of thePFCon theinput lineis controlled bya rampofchargein such a wayas to keepthe very low inrush current.
The inverter willconvertthe DC voltageof thePFCandthe batteryinto AC voltagewhich is thensuppliedto the loadsconnected to the UPS.
The waveformof the output voltageis a sine wavewithavery low distortion, less than 3%, perfectlystabilizedin frequency andvoltage.
The inverterhas nooutput transformer, transformerless, and uses athree-phaseIGBTbridgewhichensuresreduced dimensionsandvery high efficiency.
Static switch
TheByPassautomaticallyswitches tothereserve lineto lineinverterwithoutinterruptiontransfertime =0
Theswitchingof the two linesoccurswhen they are inperfect synchronismalways ensuringa correct supplyto the load
The UPS batteriesfeed theloadsconnected to the UPSin case of lackof the electricity network, by ensuring amore or less longtimebackto the systemaccording to theircapacity.
The batteries aremaintenance freedry type.
During the charging , the PFC control the temperature and changing the charging curveas the temperature changes, ensuring aperfect chargeto the batteriesand a longlife
Control logic
The operation ofthe UPSis fully digital, including the generationof all signalsrequired to operatethe inverter andPfc.
To do thiseachPFCandinvertercontrol board, equipped with two performantDSP(Digital SignalProcessor), which control all the variablesina very short timealarms andevents that occurduring the operationof the UPS.
The use ofDSPalso allows you toremain unchangedover time, thetechnical characteristics ofupswhile always ensuring thecalibrationcharacteristicsarrangedintesting phase
Electrical ConnectionProtection
Below are showthe datafor dimensioning the UPS input and output protection.
10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 80 / 100INPUT
Imax* [A] / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 160 / 200
Imax [A] / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 160 / 200
Rated Current [A] / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 180 / 200
Current / 16 / 32 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 180 / 200
*The maximum current(Imax), is calculated using theminimuminput voltageandmaximumoutput currentand thebatteriescompletely discharged.
AC Input
Is recommended tobe installed in input and outputof the UPSdevices forovercurrent protection, these protectionsare realizedthrough the use offuses orcircuit breakersreferring to theabove table.
If the ByPass line is separate from input line, provide to install an overcurrent protection.
Attention, the battery fuses are connect directly on the DC voltage circuits at the time ofreplacementbe sure to replacefusesequal to thoseassembledat the factory
Eachandeverybattery boxhasthe fuses, be sure that the fusesthat aremounted in external battery cabinetsmust be mountedon the cabinetitself
ADRC device (Residual Current Detector), must be installed in input of the UPS.
Thedifferential switch in input of the UPSmust have the followingcharacteristics:
- Sensibility 500ma
- Class A o B
- Delay major or equal 0,1sec.
Input output and battery connection
Warning, thefollowing operationsmust be performed byqualified personnel.
Before performing anytype ofelectrical connectionterminalsto connect thegrounding.
Before doing anything,make sure thatthe UPSis completelyisolatedfrom the power supplyfrom the loadand especiallythe batteries,so allcircuit breakersand fuseson boardupsand in anybattery cabinetsmust be open.
Checkthatthe switches: Main line, Reserveline, Battery, Output, andByPass, are open,andthat switches on allbattery cabinetsare open,thenuse a multimeter tomake surethat there are nodangerous voltagesat the terminalsof'ups, battery cabinetandconnecting cables
Below are showthe ups electrical connectionsin various configurations.
Theups, tobe connectedto the mainsand to the loadsto be supply, has aterminal blockwhich is locatedin the bottomby opening thefront door.
Being theupswithseparateentrancetothe reserveis normallysupplied with thereserveand the main lineconnected to each otherthroughthe cables,if you wanted touseaseparatenetwork ofreserveswill be sufficient toremovethese cablesand connect thereserve line.
Before proceedingwith the linkups, make sure that there are notensionsin the electrical systemandall the organsofswitching and protectionare able towithstand thecontinuous currentrequiredby the UPS.
To knowthe current valuesrefer to the tableTable1.
Before starting anyoperationconnectthe ground wire
Also check :
- Ensure that the voltage and frequency value are correspondent with the value mark on the ups label
- Check that the ground connection of the system, is complies with the IEC standard norm.
Install in input and output of the ups the quadripole and or bipolar switch having the following specifications:
- Capacity equal to orgreater than thecapacityindicated on the identify ups label or refer to thecurrent table
- Characteristics comply withCEI norm or regulationsat the installation site, withcurveC
In the figureshows the input/output terminal block which is locatedby opening thefront doorof the UPSand removingthe metal protection.
Infigure shows theconnections on the input output terminal blockathree-phasethree-phaseupswithseparate reserve.
Wiring diagram forthree-phasethree-phaseUPSwitha separate reserve
1 L'ups has been designed to workwith a three phase line input and neutral.
2 To installprotection systems for input and output overcurrent, refer to the table 1
3 In the event thatyou were tousea power linewithout theneutral, you must install a transformerin inputof the UPS delta / star.
Infigure shows theconnections on the input output terminal blockathree-phasethree-phaseupswithreserve and input don’t separate.
Wiring diagram forthree-phasethree-phaseUPSwitha input line and reserve don’t separate.
- The ups has been designedto operate with aninput linephase with neutral..
- To install input and output sourge protection refer to the table.
- For use the ups with the power line without neutral, connect in input of the ups an power transformer star delta
- To usea single input line and reserve line, is sufficient to createaconnectionbetween the terminalsReserveLine and InputInput.
The diagram belowshows the connectionof the UPSconfigurationinsingle phase/ single phaselinetoa separate reserve.
Wiring diagram of single phase ups with separate reserve line
The diagram belowshows the connectionof the UPSsingle phase/single phase with no separate reserve line
UPS single phase diagram without separate reserve line
The diagram belowshows the connectioninthe UPS three mono phase configuration with separate reserve line.
Wiring diagram three phase mono phase ups with separate reserve line.
- The ups has been designedto operate with aninput linephase with neutral..
- To install input and output surge protection refer to the table.
- For use the ups with the power line without neutral, connect in input of the ups an power transformer star delta
- To usea single input line and reserve line, is sufficient to createaconnectionbetween the terminalsReserveLine and InputInput.
The diagram belowshows the connectioninthe UPS three/mono phase with no separate reserve line.
Wiring diagram Three/mono phase ups without separate reserve line.
- The ups has been designedto operate with aninput linephase with neutral..
- To install input and output surge protection refer to the table.
- For use the ups with the power line without neutral, connect in input of the ups an power trasformer star delta
- To usea single input line and reserve line, is sufficient to createaconnectionbetween the terminalsReserveLine and Input.
The figure showsthe mono phase/three phase UPS input/output terminal block
The figure showsthe wiring diagramof the UPSinsingle-phasethree-phase configuration
Note that thereserve lineis not presentin this configuration, being the single-phase inputandthree phase outputgeneratedonlyby the inverter
The figure showsthe UPS electrical connection in converter configuration
The figure showsthe input output terminal block for the inverter converter.
Note, in this configuartion the reserve line is not connected, as the frequencyofinput / outputandtheinput / output voltagemay be different.
Ifrequiredcomesconverter/ upsthat combinesthe typical functionsof the converterwith the ability tosupply the loadsin the absence ofcurrentline
To use theconfigurationE.P.S.(Emergency PowerSupply)you can referto the electrical schematicsand connectionof the converter.
External battery connectionCaution, the external battery have a very high and dangerous voltage.
All operation must be performed by qualified personell.
To increasethe back up time ofupsyou can connecttheexternalbatterycabinets.
The figure showsthe connection diagramofexternalbatterycabinets.
Allexternal battery cabinets(optional) are equipped with fuses or circuitbreakersfor protection,whichcan be foundby opening thefront doorof the cabinet.
The batteries have a very high nominal voltage , you should exercise extremecaution whenconnecting thebatteryto the UPSbox.
The maximum capacityof the batteries isdetermined by the characteristicsof thePFCinput.
Referto the technical manualto determinethis value.
An incorrectbatterycapacitysetting, could createdamage to the batteries.
Opening thefront doorof the UPSyou have access to the switches /disconnectors.
The figure showsthe switches in the ups from 10 up 60va.
Input switch
The input switch disconnectsthe input stagePFCfrom the main line.
It is also usedas apower switchwith circuitlinereserve,at the time ofclosingthecontrol logicare poweredupsandprepares for thestartofthe procedure, issofedactivatingthePFCthatfeeds theinverter stage.
Reserve switch
The Reserve Switch disconnect the power from static bypass.
The reserve lineis check from inverter control logic todeterminethe frequency of operation, the phase sequence , and is the linewhich is takenas a reference forthe synchronismoverto power the loadpendingthat the inverterbecomes active.
Manual ByPass switch
Themanual bypass switchis used when is necessary to completely isolatethe UPSfrom the mains.
When the switch isclosed, the voltage presenton the reserve lineis directly connect tothe output, theinverter control logic force the static switch to reserve line , and in the display front panel the manual bypass led is on.
When you reopenthe switchbackthe UPSto operate asnormal.
Output switch
The outputswitch connectsthe UPSto the loadsconnected to it.
Whenthisswitch is open,the loads arefully insulatedandwill besuppliedonly in the casewheretheswitchis closedManualByPass.
Battery fuse
Thebattery fuses connect the battery (inside the ups) with the inverter stage.
Ifthis switchremains openduring normal operation,the batteries are notrecharged,in the event thatoccursan interruption of theinput line the inverter don’t have back up time.
Onceall ups connections are maderespectingthe instructions in thisuser manual, you can turn on the ups.
Before closinganyswitchesof the UPS, make sure that all switchesare open , then you canpower up thepower supply line
To turn onthe UPSas follows:
- Close the Inputswitch
Thecontrol logicispowered, the display and thefans will come onthepfcis activatedand begins tosupply powerto the inverter,whichcontinues to remainswitched off.
- Close the switchReserveLine
The logicinverter detects thefrequencyofthe lineand sets itautomatically checksifthe phase sequenceis correctand thenturn on theinverter,
- Close theoutputswitch
The loadis poweredthrough the reserve line .
- Closethebatteryfuses.
Afterthe LEDlineon the display andthe LEDinverterwill be turned onyou can closethe battery fuses.
At this timethe UPSwill operate properlyinthe event of ablackoutandpower to the loadwithout interruption
Ifyou want tostop at any timethe ignition processis sufficient to openall switcheswill be canceledimmediatelyandthepowerups.
Close the battery fuses only and exclusively when the ups is started and when in the display panel the led inverter and the led line are on.Switch off the ups
To shut downthe UPS, proceed as follows
- Turn offthe loadsconnected to the UPS
- Open the output switch
- Open the battery fuses
- Open reserve switch
- Open Input Line switch
Manual ByPass Procedure
Follow this procedure.
Notobservethis proceduremay cause serious damageto the UPS
ThemanualByPassconnects directlyandmechanicallywithout any control the inputwith the outputof the UPS.
Thisifnotdone correctlycan result inserious damage totheinverter section.
It isnecessary to activatetheManualByPasswhen you have toperform the normal or extraordinarymaintenance that providetotal isolationfrom anypotentialups