Minutes of the 69thJoint & CouncilMeeting Held on 17thMay, 2013, atMpile Board Room,Mpile Office Park, Lusaka
15.50 hours (Lusaka Time)
Name / Company / PositionCOUNCILLORS:
Gilbert Temba / IEL Ltd / IPP/ MMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Hugh Carruthers / First Quantum Minerals Ltd / Secretary/ MoMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Geoffrey Mulenga / Blackthorn Resources / Treasurer – Administration, Finance & Membership Sub Committee Leader
Julian Green / GeoQuest Ltd / Website Development & Maintenance
Sub Committee Leader
Alex Matthews / MMG Zambia / MoMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Nic J Money / Individual / Oil, Gas & Coal sub Committee Leader
Roger Staley / Barrick/Lumwana / Member/Training, Career Development Sub Committee
Simon Nkemba / African Energy Resources / Member
Dudley Barker / Phelps Dodge/FMI / Member
Andrew Goode / Vale Zambia / Member
Hobson Bwalya / FSSMAZ / Alternate to President/Affiliate
Gregory Milambo / ZCCM – IH / Member
Vincent Simumba / Intertek Genalysis Zambia / Member
Janet Mukonta / Caledonia Nama / Member
Ian Hart / Blackthorn Resources / Member
Phabhash Raman / Infraca Drilling / Member
Frank Mithi / Infranca Drilling / Member
Lyndon Przybylski / Capital Drilling / Member
Edith Lukwesa / AZMEC / Office Manager
Nathan Chishimba / Barrick / Preside/MMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee Leader
Willie Sweta / Zambezi Resources/Mwembeshi / PP/MMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Clint White / Luiri Gold Mines Ltd / Member
Chris Meyer / Northcore / Member
Osebrt Sikazwe / UNZA School of Mines / Dean
In the absence of the Newly Elected President, Mr Nathan Chishimba, Mr Gilbert Temba, the Immediate Past President chaired the meeting. He went on to welcome everyoneandthanked the members for staying on to attend the first joint council and general meeting of the new council. He also welcomed the newly elected council and calledthe meeting to order at 15.50 hours.- Summary Noting and Adoption of Minutes of the 68thCouncil Meeting – Minutes of the last Council meeting were read, corrected and adopted, proposed by Nic J Money and seconded by Roger Staley.
- Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:-most matters arising from the previous meeting form part of the agenda items.
/ MMEWD – GRZ Liaison Communications & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee- AZMEC / CMZ / MMEWD Proposed Amendments to the Mines & Minerals Development Act 2008: a meeting with Chamber of Mines to discuss the Act has been proposed.
- Proposed Workshop on Mineral & Hydro-Carbon Exploration and Exploitation in Reserved Areas: the proposed date for this workshop is 28th June, 2013. After confirmation of this date with the PS this should be communicated to the members. AZMEC and the Chamber to fund this half day workshop. (Edith following up with the PS– firm date and send letters of invitation to other key Ministries).
- Proposed Workshop on S.I. 34 Amendments: it was proposed that AZMEC seeks clarification with the PS whether it is SI 17 or SI 34. This half day workshop will be held on 17th June and AZMEC will sponsor.
/ Finance, Membership & Administration Sub CommitteeFINANCE REPORT
DATE / 19/04/2013 / % / 17/05/2013 / %
US$ / 68,406.93 / 68,381.93
ZMW / 279,190.14 / 305,602.99
PABS INVESTMENT / Principle Amount / % / Principle Amount / % / MATURITY DATE / INTEREST
90 DAYS / 117,791.23 / 12.5 / 120,927.64 / 13 / 03/06/2012 / 4,048.59
90 DAYS / 134,844,934.43 / 12.5 / 142,711.01 / 13 / 06/07/2013 / 4,574.57
- MEMBERSHIP:it was proposed that the new President should approach Maamba Collieries through ZCCM – IH to become members and also Lafarge. (Nathan to follow up with the 2 companies).
/ Training & Career Development Sub Committee- Proposed Courses by Snowden: it was proposed and agreed that a questionnaire be circulated to all members requesting for their training requirements. (Sub Committee to follow up).
- Workshop for Chinese Exploration and Mining Companies in Zambia: proposed that this should be followed up with the Ambassador in writing proposing appropriate dates, preferably in July. (Chairman to follow up with Chinese Ambassador and Minister of Mines).
/ Publicity & Public Relations Sub Committee:- ZIMEC 2013: preparations are ongoing, it was also reported that exhibition booths are sold out and so far about 350 participants have confirmed attendance.
- 2013/14 Council Positions:- the following are nominated for the following:-
Treasurer (Finance, Membership & Administration Sub Committee) – Geoffrey Mulenga.
Training & Career Development Sub Committee – Osbert Sikazwe and Simon Nkemba.
Publicity & Public Relations Sub Committee – Roger Staley, Alex Matthews & Andrew Goode.
Website Development Sub Committee – Julian Green
Energy Minerals Sub Committee – Nic J Money & Simon Nkemba.
Bulletin Production Sub Committee – Nic J Money
/ Website Development & Maintenance Sub Committee- General Update: as reported during the AGM.
/ Energy Minerals Sub Committee- General Update: prices continue to remain low. It has been proposed and agreed that the two sub committees, Uranium Explorers & Producers and Oil, Gas & Coal be merged.
/ Bulletin Production- General Update: the sub Committee leader reported that he is still looking for sponsors for the next issue (June) which will be ready during ZIMEC 2013. Proposed to approach Blackthorn Resources and request them for sponsorship of the next Bulletin. Issues around the current bulletin production were extensively discussed and it was proposed and agreed that we continue with current arrangement and also out source for a person with geology technical background. This should be tabled at the next council meeting.
/ Chamber of Mines- General Update: No representationand no report to this meeting. Hugh Carruthers will represent AZMEC at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 24th May, 2013.
- Kalulushi Core Shed/Data Archive – Appointment on the Trust: the chairman to discuss with the President of the Chamber. (Gilbert Temba to follow up).
/ Federation of Small Scale Mining Association of Zambia- General Update: Still awaiting response for the Baseline Study.
- Business Plan: the Swedish Embassy has requested for a review and submission of a report on the core findings.
- EEU Funding: the work from these funds in Central and Southern has progressed although RDA worked on the small roads instead of the agreed roads.
/ UNZA School of Mines- General Update: no representation andno report to this meeting.
/ Geological Society of ZambiaGeneral Update: no representation andno report to this meeting.
/ Any Other Matters;- Swedish Embassy: Roger Staley reported to the meeting that he attended a meeting at the Swedish Ambassador’s residence and during this meeting a funding body/committee was nominated for both large and small charter. The large charter is more aligned with the Chamber of Mines.
- Mines Bill: it was felt that some of the proposed issues to the bill by industry have not been adopted. It was felt that the policy issue should be looked at, e.g. how it is going to affect administration; retention of licences; area relinquishing and definition issues, etc. It was proposed that a letter be written to the Ministry and use this opportunity to bring out what has been omitted and ensure that this is communicated effectively.
- AEI: it was suggested that we should request for workshop report from the Ministry.
- Challenges to Export Samples: Vincent Simumba from Intertek Genalysis informed the meeting that his company was facing a lot of challenges in exporting samples. He said the process is long and time consuming, e.g. they are being requested to produce Mineral loyalty certificates, etc. This issue was debated and it was proposed that council should seek clarification from the Ministry. (Hugh Carruthers to follow up and Vincent to provide necessary information).
/ Date of Next Meeting- The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 27thJune, 2013, at 14.00 hours, at Mpile Office Park, Lusaka.
Signed ………………….. Signed ………………..
Chairman Secretary