February 2017

If you are struggling in any class, please talk to your teacher and attend tutoring. DO NOT WAIT until it is TOO LATE to do anything about your grade!! If you have failed a required course previously, you must make it up through Edgenuity. We must have verification that you passed the course or you will not be able to participate in graduation ceremonies.

Mrs. Richardson–Counselor for last names A – F
Mrs. Steinmetz – Counselor for last names G – N
Mrs. Barr –Counselor for last names O - Z

Senior Project

**Feb. 1 – 28 – Senior Project presentations (you need to be prepared to present on the date assigned to you)

Remaining ACT dates (register at

(1)  Feb. 11 – must be registered by now

(2)  Apr. 8 – must register by Mar. 3

Remaining SAT dates (register at

(1)  Mar. 11 – register by Feb. 10

(2)  May 6 – register by Apr. 7

Bullitt East’s CEEB code: 181-914 (use this code for all tests)

BEHS Test Center Code for ACT: 222800 (code to take at BE)

KYOTE Math Testing (no cost) at JCTC Bullitt Co.

*Feb. 15 at 3 pm *Apr. 19 at 3 pm

*Mar. 15 at 3 pm *May 17 at 3 pm

Schedule your assessment: Go to, type in the password – KYOTE, choose a date and select “Register”. Fill out the registration form & print out your ticket. Don’t forget your calculator & photo ID when you go to take the test.

Graduation Requirements Reminder

In order to graduate, don’t forget that you must pass a minimum of 24 credits (listed in Sept. Newsletter), pass your Senior Project, participate in 4 school sponsored or approved activities (or participate in 10 documented community service hours for each activity you are missing), complete your ILP (on the computer), and pass a minimum of 4 credits senior year. You must also be either college or career ready to get your diploma. Attendance is also important. If you wish to attend prom and/or walk the line at graduation, you must have less than 10 unexcused absences. You will not be allowed to participate if you have more than 10.

AP Exam Announcement

AP testing begins May 1! You must register for your AP exam(s) between March 15 – 17 in the guidance office. Exams ordered after March 17 are subject to a $45 late fee. Each exam costs $93, and checks should be made payable to Bullitt East High School and be accompanied by an AP exam registration form. **Any student who qualifies for free/reduced lunch is eligible for AP fee reduction. Also, just a reminder that it is district policy that any student in an AP course must take that course's AP exam in order to receive a weighted point toward his/her grade point average.

Words of Advice

If you haven’t already done so, you may need to create a new email address before applying to college and for scholarships or typing up your resume. Adults won’t be impressed by funny/cutesy email addresses. You need to present yourself as a professional. This also applies to your Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook accounts (or any other social media accounts). College admission counselors, coaches, scholarship committees, future employers, and college sororities and fraternities really do look you up and if what you have on your page is inappropriate, you may not be accepted due to that reason alone. Be smart now, it can determine your future!

Prom Announcement (Tickets on sale during lunch)

*$45/person (price goes up to $50 in March)

MUST have behavior contract (if BEHS) student before purchasing ticket and if you are bringing someone from another school you MUST turn in a Guest Approval Form to Momma Jo for approval (WITH a picture ID of your date).

Class of 2017 & Parents: Please sign up for the following to receive updates on senior events.

·  Remind for seniors & parents: Text @8kebf to 81010 or go to to join.

Twitter: follow BEHSSeniors2017 Mr. Mason’s eNews: Click on the “Counselors’ Corner” tab


1. BEHS Athletic Booster Club Scholarship (Application now available in guidance.)

·  Must be a participating senior in BE athletics (managers, trainers, & statisticians may also apply), must have participated for a minimum of 2 years, write an essay of at least 300 words, & have a minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

·  Parent(s) must be a member of the Athletic Booster Club for at least 2 years, must attend 3 meetings each year & work at least 3 bingos in each of the 2 membership years, with one year being the student’s senior year

·  Deadline – postmarked by March 31st

2. Scholarship

·  $1,000 scholarship drawing held once/month & various other scholarships awarded

·  Must register at & virtually visit 5 colleges monthly on their site

3. Discover Student Loans Scholarship

·  $2,500 (40 awarded in a random drawing on Mar. 7, 2017)

·  Apply online at

4. Scholarship

·  $1,000 monthly drawing (lots of other great info at also)

·  Register at

5. The National Co-op Scholarship Application

·  $6,000 or $6,500 (160 renewable scholarships worth $24,000 - $30,000 each)

·  Must attend 1of the 10 participating colleges and universities (none in KY)/ Univ. of Cincinnati is the closest

·  3.5 GPA minimum

·  Apply online at by Feb. 15th (some of the colleges have earlier application dates though)

6. The Christian Connector Scholarship

·  $2,500 (random drawing, but must be attending a Christian College)

·  Deadline – apply only at by May 31st

7. B. Davis Scholarship (juniors & seniors can apply)

·  $1,000

·  Deadline – apply online at by May 22

8. The Army Reserve 4 Year Minuteman Scholarship

·  Application details can be found at

9. Cross Country Distributing Scholarship

·  $1,000 (up to 8 awarded)

·  Parent must be employed in the roofing industry

·  Deadline – apply online at by April 1st

10. “I’m In” Scholarship (1 awarded to a BEHS senior in a random drawing)

·  $1,000 (renewable for 1 year / total $2,000 awarded)

·  Must submit verification of acceptance to a college to Ms. Allen or Ms. Barr in guidance

·  Deadline – May 1st

11. Fashion Schools “Aspiring Fashion Professional” Scholarship (

·  $1,000

·  Intend to pursue a degree in a fashion related field

·  Deadline – apply online at by June 1

12. “Aspiring Animation Professional” Scholarship

·  $1,000

·  Intend to pursue a degree in an animation related field

·  Deadline – apply online at by June 1

13. The OMBAR “Aspiring Business Professional” Scholarship

·  $1,000

·  Intend to pursue a degree in a business related field

·  Deadline – apply online at June 1

14. KY Federation of Republican Women Scholarship

·  $1,000

·  Must be female & politically active in the Republican Party, submit 2 letters of recommendation & a short essay

·  Deadline – postmarked by Apr. 1

15. Nursing Schools Almanac “Aspiring Nurse” Scholarship

·  $1,000 (must pursue a college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs)

·  Deadline – apply at www.nursingschoolsalmanac.comby June 30

16. WKU Greater Louisville Alumni Association Leadership Scholarship

·  Up to $1,000 (11 scholarships awarded last year – 1 was a BEHS student)

·  Must attend WKU in the fall & finalists will be interviewed

·  Deadline – postmarked by Feb. 15th

17. Central KY Community Foundation Scholarship Central

·  Here is a link to all the details about our Scholarships and Scholarship Central.

·  Deadline - apply by Mar. 1

18. Mometrix Scholarship

·  $2,500, $1,000 & $500

·  Submit an essay of no more than 400 words about how work you put in ahead of time helped you achieve a goal

·  Deadline – submit online at by May 19

19. Kentucky Farm Bureau Scholarships

·  $1,000 - $4,000 (38 scholarships awarded)

·  Must have either a 3.5 GPA or a 23 ACT & be the child of a KY Farm Bureau member family (some of their scholarships have different requirements, so check eligibility for all of them)

·  Two letters of recommendation and two essays are required (questions are on the application)

·  Application available in college room or on-line at

·  Deadline - postmarked by Feb. 28th

20. Bullitt County Farm Bureau Young Farmer’s Scholarship

·  $1,000 (priority given to a student pursuing a course of study relating to agriculture)

·  Family be the child of a Bullitt Co. Farm Bureau member & have a minimum 2.5 GPA

·  Deadline – postmarked by Mar. 15

21. Bullitt County Farm Bureau Scholarship

·  4 awarded (1 is designated for a student pursuing an agriculture or ag-related career)

·  Must be the child of a Bullitt Co. Farm Bureau member & have a minimum 3.0 GPA or a minimum 19 ACT

·  Deadline – postmarked by Mar. 15

22. Salt River Electric Scholarship

·  $1,000 (4 awarded to local seniors that reside on Salt River Electric lines)

·  Minimum 2.5 GPA & write a 500 word essay

·  Applications available in guidance or at & click on the Community tab

·  Deadline – received by 4pm on April 10th (mail or turn in at Salt River Electric office)

23. KYACAC 2017 Kimberly D. Merritt “Achieve Your Dreams” Scholarship

·  $500 (4 awarded in KY / 1 from this region)

·  Deadline – apply online at by Feb. 17th

24. Bullitt County Extension Homemaker Scholarship

·  $200 textbook scholarship (guaranteed to a Bullitt County male or female graduate)

·  Must have a 3.0 GPA, 19 ACT minimum, letter of recommendation & a letter from the student recommended

·  Deadline – postmarked or turned in to the extension office by Apr. 14th

25. The Louisville Agricultural Club College Scholarship (hard copy in guidance or found on

·  $4,000 ($1,000/year) / 3 awarded

·  Must enroll in agricultural-related curricula in college in KY or IN, submit 2 letters of recommendation, & write a short essay (400 words or less)

·  Deadline – emailed to by Apr. 18th

26. Walter Thomas Knapp Masonic Scholarship

·  $500 (guaranteed to a BEHS graduate attending college in KY in the fall of 2017)

·  Deadline – received by May 1st (mail by Apr. 25th to be safe)

27. Nelle Peterson Memorial Art Scholarship

·  $2,000 (awarded to 1 student from the Louisville area)

·  Must major in art or a related field & have a 2.0 high school GPA

·  Deadline – apply online at by Feb. 28

28. Student-View Scholarship

·  $4,000 (1), $1,000 (2), & $500 (10) / awarded in a random drawing

·  Deadline – complete a 15 – 20 minute survey about area colleges at by Apr. 22nd

29. The Matthew Curtis Allen Memorial Scholarship

·  $1,000 (minimum 3 awarded)

·  3.0 GPA minimum, active in school sports, 2 letters of recommendation & an essay

·  Deadline – returned to Mrs. Allen in guidance by Mar. 31st

30. Bullitt Co. Rod & Gun Club Scholarship

·  $750 (1 awarded to a BEHS senior) / Award will be paid directly to the college/university the recipient attends in the fall.

·  1 letter of recommendation from a teacher & a short essay of 500 words or less

·  Deadline – Apr. 1st (mail by Mar. 28th to be safe)

31. Bullitt Co. Master Gardener Scholarship

·  $1,500 (guaranteed to a Bullitt Co. graduate)

·  Must attend a technical school or college & major in horticulture, landscape, or environmental related field

·  Deadline – received by Apr. 1st (mail by Mar. 28th to be safe)


Typically all colleges/universities offer academic scholarships. Their deadlines are often in December or January & you must be admitted to their institution by that date to be eligible for their scholarship. You need to check their websites for this info. Hardcopies of all other scholarships can be found in the college room in the guidance office. Hardcopies are not available for the scholarships that have an online application.

Testing Help

Other Good Practice Sites for a Variety of Tests

SAT Prep Center: &

ACT Test Prep:,,, &

ACT, SAT, & Advanced Placement Exams Test Prep: - Reading and Math - math only with answers or

Websites to check out:

· (NCAA) or (NAIA) for athletics

· for free financial aid information

· for help planning & paying for college. for free career assessment

·, & for info on job/career outlooks

· for post-secondary education information (you may take virtual tours of college campuses, get information on financial aid, KEES info, & more!)

· (free scholarship search)

Open House Information

·  Asbury College

Ø  ACCESS Days (overnight visits) – Feb. 23-24, & Mar. 23-24 /for more info & to register,

·  Bellarmine University

Ø  Trolley Tour Visits – Feb. 18, Apr. 1 & Apr. 8 / RSVP at