JAVA sea
The Charging Regulator TOP CHARGE (TC) is made to ensure optimal charging of your batteries, whether in your boat or in your car.
In addition to better performance, the use of TC will increase the lifetime of your batteries.
TC must be connected to + / -on the battery and further to D+ / DF on the alternator, after having disconnected the internal regulator inside the alternator.
A temperature sensor is fixed to the battery surfaceto automatically adjust the charging voltage in accordance with the temperature in the battery.
Whenconnected the TC will automatically check if the battery voltage is 12 V or 24 V, and adjust the normal charging voltage to 14,4 V alternatively 28,8 V.
During the first minute after startupof the engine(s), the charging voltage will be0,4 V (0,8 V) higher than normal charging voltageto accelerate the initial charging process.
The charging voltage willstabilize on14,4 V (28,8 V) after some time (hours), depending on battery status, and then automatically drop to 14,1 V (28,2 V) after another5hourscontinuous charging.
TICcanregulatecharging from two alternators in parallel if you have a doubleengine installation.
Size WxHxL: 64 x 28 x 89 mm
Voltage fromalternator(s): 12 V (24 V) unregulated
Charging voltageto battery : 14,4 V (28,8 V) at 20 deg. C
Temperature sensor:Adjusts the charging voltage with 0,2 V (0,4 V)/10 deg. C
Cables to alternator(s): Min. 1,5 mm2
In addition to TOP CHARGEyou may optionally install aCONTROL PANEL(TCC),where you canobserve the charging voltage and the alternator(s)for malfunctions.
Malfunctions will be indicated with flashing red lights.
Byoperating the ALT/F push-button, the unit will generate short pulses to the battery to speed up the charging.
Pulse mode charging will also have an internal cleaning effect of the batteries (prevents sulfatingof the led plates), increasing the lifetime of the batteries.
A light sensor automatically regulates the intensity of the lamps in accordance with the ambient light level to avoid problems during night navigation.
By operating the VOLT push-button you can adjust the charging voltage to the batteries in steps:
VH : 14,8 V (29,6 V) Flashing greenHighvoltage
H: 14,6 V (29,2 V)
N: 14,4 V (28,8 V)
L: 14,2 V (28,4 V)
VL: 14,0 V (28,0 V)Flashing greenLowvoltage
Flashingred Battery temperature above 45 deg. C
NB! Batteries maybe damaged if charged above 45 deg. C
Size: 60x60 mm
Voltage: 10 – 32 V DC fromthe ignition key
(If two engines, one wire from each ignition key)
Current consumption: 50 mA
Cables: 0,5 – 0,75 mm2
Display (DU): 3 digit display for temperature reading
Java Sea reserves the right to do changes in the product design without further notice
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