28 January 2015 7:00 p.m. Public Safety Building

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Attorney David Frank.


Statement of Conformance with the Open Public Meetings Act and the Municipal Land Use Law was read by Mr. Frank.

Mr. Frank swore in new member Deputy Mayor Jeffrey Beenstock and reappointed members Charles Watson, George Snyder, Erin Herman, Frank Bicker and Christopher Benstead.


Present: Ferrara, Snyder, Beenstock, Watson, Phelan, Wells, Herman, Basello-Holt, Bicker, Benstead, Hartwig

Absent: None

Professional Staff: Solicitor David Frank, Engineer Christopher Noll, Planner Scott Taylor, Secretary Judy Hess, Recording Secretary Nancy Linden

Motion to Go Into Executive Session

Ms. Wells made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss professional appointments and other Planning Board matters. Ms. Herman seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

No action was taken during Executive Session. The Executive Session Minutes will be made available when the matters discussed are no longer sensitive.

Attorney Frank reconvened the Reorganization portion of the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Mr. Snyder made a motion to appoint John Hartwig as Planning Board Chairman. Ms. Herman seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Planning Board Chairman. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion.

A voice vote carried the motions.

Medford Township Planning Board

28 January 2015

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Ms. Wells made a motion to appoint Mr. Phelan as Vice Chairman of the Planning Board. Ms. Basello-Holt seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Planning Board Vice Chairman. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion.

A voice vote carried the motions.

Ms. Herman made a motion to appoint Taylor Design Group as Planning Board Planner. Ms. Wells seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Planning Board Planner. Mr. Phelan seconded the motion.

A voice vote carried the motions.

Deputy Mayor Beenstock made a motion to appoint Litwornia as Conflict Planner, subject to his acceptance of the position. Ms. Basello-Holt seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Conflict Planner. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion to close the nomination.

Recorded Vote:

Ayes: Watson, Beenstock, Snyder, Ferrara, Basello-Holt, Hartwig

Nays: Herman, Wells, Phelan

Abs.: None

Motion Carried: 6 – 3 – 0

Ms. Wells made a motion to appoint Christopher Noll of Environmental Resolutions as Planning Board Engineer. Vice Chairman Phelan seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Engineer. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion.

A voice vote carried the motions.

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28 January 2015

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Deputy Mayor Beenstock made a motion to appoint Guzzi as Conflict Engineer, subject to his acceptance of the position. Vice Chairman Phelan seconded the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the nomination for Conflict Engineer. Ms. Wells seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion to close the nomination.

Recorded Vote:

Ayes: Watson, Beenstock, Snyder, Herman, Wells, Ferrara, Basello-Holt, Phelan, Hartwig

Nays: None

Abs.: None

Motion Carried: 9 – 0 – 0

Ms. Herman made a motion to designate the fourth Wednesday of each month as Planning Board meeting date, except in November (3rd Monday) and December (2rd Mondays) at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Wells seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

Mr. Snyder made a motion to designate the Central Record as the official newspaper with the Burlington County Times as the alternate. Ms. Herman seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

Mayor Watson made a motion to appoint Judy Hess as Planning Board Secretary. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

Ms. Wells made a motion to appoint Nancy Linden as Planning Board Recording Secretary. Ms. Herman seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

Deputy Mayor Beenstock made a motion to rebid the Planning Board attorney appointment, and seek bids for the appointment of a conflict attorney. Mayor Watson seconded the motion.

Recorded Vote:

Ayes: Watson, Beenstock, Snyder, Herman, Wells, Ferrara, Basello-Holt, Phelan, Hartwig

Nays: None

Abs.: None

Motion Carried: 9 – 0 – 0

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28 January 2015

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Ms. Wells made a motion to approve the December 15, 2013 Minutes. Mr. Ferrara seconded the motion.

Recorded Vote:

Ayes: Snyder, Herman, Wells, Ferrara, Basello-Holt, Phelan, Bicker, Hartwig

Nays: None

Abs.: Watson, Beenstock, Benstead

Motion Carried: 7 – 0 – 3

Chairman Hartwig advised new members that they were required to attend a mandatory training program (excluding Township Council members). The Alaimo Group conducts a Saturday session free to Planning Board members. However, there are other sessions and dates available.

RESOLUTIONS TO BE MEMORIALIZED: Postponed to February 2015.



Chuck Deal, 5 Cobbler Court. Mr. Deal distributed a handout to members which addressed his concerns regarding maintaining the character of Medford while at the same time expanding growth in the town. He does not object to larger building sizes, but believes setbacks and buffers should be maintained. He would also like to see more pedestrian/bicycle paths.

No one else from the public was heard.

Mayor Watson made a motion to close the Public portion of the meeting. Deputy Mayor Beenstock seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.

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28 January 2015

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As part of the Planning Board’s educational sessions, Mr. Noll will present his lecture, with accompanying handout, in February. Chairman Hartwig encouraged members to present the Planning office with any issues they would like Mr. Noll to cover.

Chairman Hartwig reminded members to return their flash drives to Mrs. Hess.

Mayor Watson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Vice Chairman Phelan seconded the motion. A voice vote carried the motion.


Judy Hess, Secretary


Nancy A. Linden, Recording Secretary