UNIT Test- World War I/Russian Revolution

I. Multiple Choice

____1.What was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

a. / the Serbian People’s Front / c. / the Bosnian Militia
b. / the Red Band / d. / the Black Hand

____2.The Schlieffen Plan was designed to.

a. / Attack France first, then Russia / c. / Eliminate Great Britain as a rival
b. / Attack Russia first, then France / d. / Rapidly defeat the Serbs

____3.Fighting along the Western Front during World War I was characterized by

a. / the slow but steady advance of the German army.
b. / trench warfare that kept both sides in virtually the same positions for four years.
c. / decisive victories by the French army, quickly driving back the German forces.
d. / innovative strategy and tactics that fully utilized the new technologies available to both armies.

____4.Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire became known as

a. / the Allied Powers. / c. / the Central Powers.
b. / the League of Nations. / d. / the Eastern Powers.

____5.The German policy of “unrestricted” submarine warfare meant

a. / Germans submarines would attack civilian ships if they were believed to have weapons.
b. / The Germans would attempt to attack port cities with missiles from submarines.
c. / Only military vessels would be attacked.
d. / The Germans would no longer attack ships with submarines, only destroyers

____6.The Treaty of Versailles was

a. / a peace settlement that consisted of five separate treaties with the defeated nations.
b. / forced upon Austria, and gave some of its land to the new state of Poland.
c. / the treaty signed with Germany that many Germans felt was a harsh peace.
d. / a defensive alliance between Great Britain, France, and the United States.

____7.France’s approach to peace was guided in large part by

a. / the desire to get revenge against Germany and punish Germans for the war.
b. / the need to prevent the spread of communism.
c. / the desire to obtain control over some of Germany’s former colonies.
d. / a vision to create a League of Nations to prevent future wars.

____8.Fighting in World War I ended on ______.

a. / November 11, 1918 / c. / December 7, 1941
b. / July 14, 1789 / d. / July 4, 1776

____9.Which of the following was not a cause of WWI?

a. / Bolshevik attacks on the Czar / c. / Imperialism and colonies
b. / The alliance system / d. / Military growth

____10.Which of the following was not a reason for Russia’s heavy losses during WWI?

a. / Generally poor military leadership.
b. / Inadequate weapons and supplies.
c. / Constant air attacks by the US Air Force.
d. / German machine guns.

____11.The German advance toward Paris was halted at ______.

a. / the English Channel. / c. / the Battle of the Marne.
b. / the French-Belgian border. / d. / the German-Belgian border.

____12.Italy was a strange participant in World War I in that in 1915 it ______

a. / Turned against Germany and Austria and joined the Allies
b. / helped to knock Russia out of the war.
c. / Had to withdraw from the war.
d. / became a world power.

____13.Which of the following was a reason the United States joined the Allies in fighting World War I?

a. / the sinking of the Titanic
b. / the German embargo on gasoline
c. / the United States’ fear of the Austro-Hungarian powers
d. / the Germans’ use of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman note

____14.____ felt he was the spokesperson for a new world order and developed a 14 point peace plan that would not blame anyone for the war, and would prevent further war bycreating the League of Nations.

a. / Woodrow Wilson / c. / Karl Liebknecht
b. / David Lloyd George / d. / Georges Clemenceau

____15.Germany was unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles because it forced them to do all EXCEPT ______.

a. / forced Germany to reduce the size of its military.
b. / forced Germany to give back the territories of Alsace and Lorraine.
c. / Declare that they were responsible for starting the war
d. / Forced Germany to take on France’s Georges Clemenceau as their new chancellor.

____16.Which of the following is not a WWI-era alliance?

a. / Great Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary
b. / Great Britain, France, Russia
c. / Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.
d. / Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire.

_____17. The USSR was divided into several ______who had representatives in the government .

a. / Bolsheviks / c. / Vanguards
b. / Soviets / d. / Dumas

____18. Under the leadership of ____, the Bolsheviks took control of Russia.

a. / Alexander Kerensky / c. / Vladimir I. Lenin
b. / Grigori Rasputin / d. / Alexandra Romanov

____19. In an attempt to end Russia’s involvement in the war, Lenin

a. / seized the Winter Palace and overthrew the Russian government.
b. / signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, which gave up much Russian territory.
c. / united the soviets under the Bolshevik party.

____ 20. ______succeeded Lenin as the leader of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union

a. Leon Trotskyc. Alexander Kerensky

c. Josef Stalind. Adolf Hitler

_____21. During the “great purge”, ______.

a. those who opposed or threatened the leadership of Stalin were eliminated

b. Jews living in the Soviet Union were forced out of the country and into Germany

c. Business and economic leaders of the Soviet Union were fired and replaced with communists

d. Members of the family of Nicholas II were executed in order to remove chances of having a Czar

_____ 22. Under Stalin, fear of the NKVD caused ______.

a. many Russians to leave the country and move to countries to the West

b. many Russians to turn in their friends and family members for crimes against the state

c. mass suicides by Russian factory workers afraid of contracting the disease

d. military buildup along the German border to prevent another attack

_____ 23. New weapons technology used in World War I included all of the following except ______.

a. machine gunsd. aircraft carrier ships

b. airplanese. submarines

c. “big berthas”f. poison gas

_____ 24. In the movie/book Animal Farm, which of the following character DOES NOT represent the

person/people it is associated with in this question

a. Boxer/ typical Russian citizensc. Farmer Jones/ Czar Nicholas II

b. Napoleon/ Either Lenin or Stalind. the farm itself/ Germany

_____ 25. ______was overthrown as Czar of Russia when women and soldiers took him out of power.

a. Alexander Kerenskyb. Nicholas IIc. Menelik IId. Vladimir Lenin

_____ 26. The ______were the followers of Lenin, who later became the communists.

a. Black Handb. Bolsheviksc. Mensheviksd. White Russians

_____ 27. Many Americans died when a German u-boat sunk the British Cruise liner ______

a. Lusitaniab. Titanicc. Andrea Doread. Hindenberg

_____ 28. Alexander Kerensky led the Russian legislative body of Russia known as the ______

a. Sovietsb. Bolsheviksc. Dumad. National Convention

_____ 29. Vladimir Lenin was most influenced by the writings of ______.

a. Machiavellib. Adam Smithc. Voltaired. Karl Marx

_____ 30. In the movie/book Animal Farm, the dogs working for Napoleon represent ______.

a. Bolsheviksc. NKVD

b. British Armyd. Nazi party members of Germany

III. Who most likely would have said this?

A. Wilhelm IIB. Woodrow WilsonC. Georges ClemenceauD. Franz Ferdinand

E. Alexander KerenskyF. Gavrilo PrincipG. Vladimir LeninH. Nicholas II

I. Josef StalinJ. “Doughboys”

_____31. Germany must be punished! If it were not for their attack on us, the Great War would never have been fought in the first place. Whatever peace agreement we come up with must force the Germans to take responsibility for their actions.

_____ 32. We must begin a new revolution in Russia. My friends and supporters, the Bolsheviks will lead the movement and Russia will become a great nation following the ideas of Karl Marx. As long as I am in charge it can never fail! Peace, Land, and Bread for everyone!

_____ 33. What is happening to my great nation? We have lost a war to the Japanese, my soldiers have opened fire on a group of unarmed peasants, our farms are not producing enough food for our people, and we have no real manufacturing to speak of…but I have a plan. We will go to war in support of Serbia and attack the Germans. That ought to make life better for our people.

_____ 34. What is going on here? We have feared for years that we would have a war with fighting on both of our borders. We have tried to avoid it, but now it is happening. The Russians have attacked us from the East and now they are expecting France to join them. We can’t wait for the French to fight. We must end this two front war quickly or we will be destroyed. We will quickly attack and defeat the French before they know what is going on, and then we can turn our army to destroy the Russians.

_____ 35. War is terrible and must be avoided at all costs. Thankfully, we Americans only joined at the end of the Great War, but Europe has been destroyed. Our main goal should be to stop this from ever happening again. I have a 14 point plan to end the war and keep the peace. Most importantly we need to form a League of Nations, where countries can come to solve their problems without violence. I just hope I can get the French and English to go along with my plan.

_____ 36. Russia is in trouble. It is up to my fellow Duma members and me to save our country. We will remove Nicholas II from power and run things ourselves. Unfortunately we need to stay in the War to keep from angering our allies in France and England. I hope the people can accept that we must keep fighting.

_____ 37. Stupid Austria-Hungary. What makes them think they can tell us what to do? They can’t intimidate us Serbians. My brothers in the Black Hand will eventually run them out of our country and we will have independence no matter who we have to kill.

_____ 38. It is about time we entered this war. We have been sitting out for the past few years while Europe has been fighting. I wasn’t really sure if we should join or not, but after the sinking of the Lusitania and that Zimmerman Note mess we really had no choice but to join in. Me and my buddies just got here and the European citizens sure seem thankful that we’re here.

_____ 39. I’ll show those Serbians who is boss. They think they can have their independence? Not a chance. I’ll travel down there and get them in line. I dare those bloody Black Hand terrorists to do something.

_____ 40. The country is now mine. As leader of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union I have total and complete power…but I must keep the power. There are always those that want to take it from me. I will eliminate them. I will make the people love me. Love me or fear me that is. I know what is best for the USSR and will make sure that it happens…no matter what it takes.

IV. Review Questions

A. Charles DarwinF. Menelik II

B. Adam SmithG. Napoleon Bonaparte

C. Jean Jacque RousseauH. Karl Marx

D. John LockeI. Klemmens von Metternich

E. Otto von BismarckJ. Montesquieu

_____41. The government needs to stay out of the business of business. Yes, people can be greedy and want to make money…but the only way to make money is by producing goods that customers either want or need. Therefore simply by following the law of supply and demand, those who wish to make money will in turn help everyone.

_____ 42. Those industrialist pigs!!! Factory owners making all that money off of the troubles of the workers. We work and earn pennies, while they do nothing and make millions. I think we should change things. Let the government decide what products we will make and let the money be divided among the workers.

_____43. Through the process of natural selection, only the best adapted creatures will survive. Not only that, but the creatures will actually evolve. They will take on new characteristics that allow them to better compete in the world of nature. We can call this process, survival of the fittest.

_____ 44. I think I must be the most important man in the world right now. As an Austrian, I am the leader of the Congress of Vienna. I know we all are here to talk and give our opinions, but mine is obviously the most important.

_____45. A government and its people must enter into an agreement with one another. The government must agree to provide protection and order for the people while the people must give up some freedoms in order to let the government provide that protection and order.

_____46. One man, or even a small group of men, cannot be allowed to have complete power over a government. This will always lead to corruption and enslavement of the people. In order to stop this from happening, governments need to be divided into three separate branches. One should create laws, one should enforce laws, and another should determine if the laws are fair and if the people are guilty of breaking the laws. Nobody should be allowed to serve in more than one branch.

_____47. That government was not only not protecting its people’s right to liberty; it was actually taking away the people’s liberty. Because of that, the people were completely justified in overthrowing the government.

_____ 48. I must keep Ethiopia independent. I will do the best I can to play each European country against another and maybe even gain some weapons from them. Hopefully by having European weapons we can stop others from attempting to colonize us.

______49. German people need to be unified. I will take an army and conquer all lands where Germans live. I will unify the German Confederation, take land from Austria and France, and create the most powerful nation in all of Europe.

_____50. I am so thankful for my soldiers. I have guided them through many battles and they have allowed me to become the most powerful man in the world. Now on to conquer those belligerent Russians who refuse to stop trading with England and enforce my Continental Plan.