High-Level Seminar and Workshop on ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020

Bogor, Indonesia, 17-18June 2014


Subject / ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Strategic Plan 2016-2020
Date / 17-18 June 2014
Location / Bogor, Indonesia
-ASEAN Secretariat: ASEANstats, AIMO, DSG of AEC and of ASCC; Relevant Divisions of ASEAN Secretariat
-ASEAN Member States: Members of the ACSS-SCPC, selected Head of AMS’ NSOs
-Data users from the National Governments: Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Planning
-Data producing agencies:Selected Central Banks, Customs Bureaus
-International organisations: UNESCAP/UNSIAP, ADB, World Bank, ILO, UNDP, ABS, Eurostats, PARIS21, EU-ARISE
-Research institutions and media: ERIA, CSIS, PIDS, Media

Overall Objectives:

To gather inputs from users and stakeholders in finalizing the ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and to raise awareness on the policy relevance of ASEAN statistics for informed decision and policy making.

Specific Objectives:

  • To identify and resolveglobal and regional issues involving the ACSS, including on data quality and dissemination;
  • To decide on the broad and specific levels of prioritization for better allocation of resources towards the enhancement of ASEAN statistics;
  • To review the strategies and measures proposed in the draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and finalize the recommendations;
  • To discuss measures in integrating the regional strategies and priorities in the respective NSDS and to seek guidance from the Member States; and
  • To develop strategies in raising awareness and promoting the use of ASEAN statistics toboost support from the policy makers and the national Governments.

Expected Outputs:

  • Well-defined approaches to address present and future challenges on global and regional needs including on data quality and dissemination;
  • Well-structured outline ofbroad and specific priorities in the Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDS);
  • Recommendations for finalisation of theDraft Strategic Plan 2016-2020, including the resources and time frame;
  • Recommendations to align the RSDS with the NSDS; and
  • Measures on raising the level of appreciation for ASEAN Statistics from the policymakers in the region.

Day 1: Tuesday, 17 June 2014
08.30-09.15 / Opening remarks / - DIRLarry Maramis
Director of Cross-Sectoral Cooperation Directorate, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Department, ASEAN Secretariat
-PARIS21:Deputy Manager of PARIS21 Secretariat, Dr. El IzaMohamedou
-EU-ARISE: Institutional Strengthening Specialist, Mr. Paolo Vergano
- DIR Melanie Milo
Director of ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office (AIMO), ASEAN Secretariat
Adoption of the Agenda / ASEANstats
  1. User Input Session

Session 1: Statistics for ASEAN Needs and Agenda
09:15-10:30 / Agenda 1a:Understanding the data requirements for ASEAN integration monitoring, policy analysis, and trade negotiation / Expected Outputs: Defined challenges and overall prioritization concerning ASEAN data requirements – in terms of variety, comparability, level of details, frequency, etc...
  1. ASEAN Economic Community Integration and the ASEAN Community Progress Monitoring System (ACPMS)
/ Ms. Melanie Milo
Director of ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office (AIMO), ASEAN Secretariat
2. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Integration / Mr.Larry Maramis
Director of Cross-Sectoral Cooperation Directorate, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Department, ASEAN Secretariat
3. Implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity
4. Progress of ASEAN-Japan Transport Statistics Database
5. World Integrated Trade Solution / Ms.Gizella Marie A. Herrera
Senior Officer of Connectivity Division
ASEAN Secretariat
Mr. Kiyoshi Odashima
Director for International Cooperation Policy Planning, International Policy Division Policy Bureau, MLIT-Japan(ASEAN-Japan Experts Group on Information Platform for Transport Statistics)
Mr. Agus Sutanto
Senior Officer, ASEANstats, ASEAN Secretariat
10:30-10:45 / Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 / Agenda 1b: Panel Discussion on Agenda 1a and Open Discussion
Comments by Discussants / Mr.NguyễnViệtHùngh
General Department of Viet Nam Customs
Ms. Karen Samonte
Department of Labour and Employment, Philippines (t.b.c.)
Ms. Omi Kelsom Elias
Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics Malaysia
Open Discussion / Mr. Romulo A. Virola
Consultant, PARIS21
12.15-13.15 / Lunch Break
Session 2: Broader Needs and ASEAN Users’ Needs Surveys
13:15-14:30 / Agenda 2a:Understanding global and regional data needs, including quality and data dissemination, through users’ perspectives / Expected Outputs: Defined Key global and regional challenges that ASEAN needs to respond urgently, and recommendations for improvement of user needs’ survey and other measures for enhancing user-producer consultation and raising the level of appreciation of ASEAN statistics from the policy makers.
  1. Post-2015 Development Agenda: Global and Regional Concerns
  1. Regional and Global Programme on economic and social statistics
  1. The Role of Global Strategy in Improving Data on Agriculture and Rural Sectors
  1. National User's Needs Survey
/ Ms. Lina V. Castro
Philippine Statistics Authority
Mr. Chris Ryan
UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. Allan Nicholls
FAO, Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. M. Ari Nugraha
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
  1. Outcomes from ASEAN’s Survey on User's Needs
/ Ms. Elizabeth Alarilla
Senior Officer, ASEANstats, ASEAN Secretariat
14:30-15:30 / Agenda 2b: Panel Discussion on Agenda 2a and Open Discussion
Comments by Discussants / Ms.ChellamPalanyandy
Asian Development Bank
Mr. Patrick P. Patriwirawan
Department of Labour and Employment, Philippines (t.b.c)
Mr. Haji Abd Amin Hashim
Deputy Director General, Department of Economic Planning and Development Brunei Darussalam
Open Discussion / Mr. Romulo A. Virola
Consultant, PARIS21
15:30-15:45 / Coffee Break
Session 3: ACSS Strategic Plan
15:45-16:45 / Agenda 3a: Overcoming the challenges in the ACSS: ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 / Expected Outputs: Recommendations for enhancement of the Draft Strategic Plan in terms of challenges to be address, proposed strategies and measures, resource allocation, and other aspects of the Strategic Plan.
11.Mid-Term Reviewof the ACSS Multi-year Plan / Mr. Agus Sutanto
Senior Officer, ASEANstats, ASEAN Secretariat
12. ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 / Mr. Candido Astrologo Jr.
Philippine Statistics Authority
13. National Strategic Plan: Some Notes on Prioritisation and Drafting Process / Ms.TitiKanti Lestari
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
16:45-17:45 / Agenda 3b: Panel Discussion on Agenda 3.a and Open Discussion
Comments by DiscussantsDiscussion / Ms. El IzaMohamedou
Mr. Pham QuangVinh
Deputy Director General,General Statistics Office Viet Nam
Open Discussion / Mr. Romulo A. Virola
Consultant, PARIS21
17:45-18:00 / Closure of the first day of the High-level Seminar and Workshop on ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 / ASEANstats
Day 2: Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Session 4: Statistics in Development Planning: Ensuring Budget for Statistics
09.00-10.00 / Agenda 4a: Integrating statistics in development planning and Ensuring Budget for Statistics / Expected Outputs: Recommendations on measures for aligning RSDS and NSDS and measures for ensuring budget for statistics programmes
14. NSDS and RSDS / Ms.Millicent Gay Tejada
15. NSDS and Development Planning: Malaysia's Experience / Ms. Omi Kelsom Elias
Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics Malaysia
16.Integrating Statistics in Development Planning / Ms. Myrna Clara B. Asuncion
Ministry of Planning of Philippines
17. Issues and Challenges Integrating Statistics in Development Planning / Mr. Haji Abd Amin Hashim
Deputy Director General, Department of Economic Planning and Development Brunei Darussalam
10.00-10.15 / Coffee Break
10.15-11.30 / Agenda 4b: Panel Discussion on Agenda 4a and Open Discussion
Comments by Discussants / Ms. Lina V. Castro
Philippine Statistics Authority
Asian Development Bank
Open Discussion / Mr. Romulo A. Virola
Consultant, PARIS21
11.30-12.00 / Closure of User Input Session / ASEANstats
12.00-13.00 / Lunch Break
14.00 / Tour to Bogor Presidential Palace
  1. Producers‘ Consultation Session

Session 5: Narrowing Statistical Development Gap
14:00-15:00 / Agenda 5: Identifying major issues and overcoming the challenges in the CLMV / Expected Outputs: Defined key constraints facing CLMV in catching up the level of statistical development in ASEAN6 and measures for addressing the development gap
  1. Major Constraints and Resource Impacts at National Level
/ ACSS-SCPC Member from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam
Open Discussion / ASEANstats and ACSS-SCPC Members
15:00-15:15 / Coffee Break
Session 6: Recommendations for Finalisation of Draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020
15:15-16:00 / Agenda 6:Recommendations for Finalizing the draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020 / Expected Outputs: Recommendation on the next step to finalize Strategic Plan, strategies, and other major points to consider
  1. Integrating the inputs from Seminar/Workshop into the draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020
/ ASEANstats and ACSS-SCPC Member from Brunei Darussalam
  1. Final Draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020
/ ASEANstats and ACSS-SCPC Member from Philippines
16:00-16:15 / Closure of Producers’ Consultation Session / ASEANstats

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