Allan, Deborah, Soil, Water and Climate, CFANS (UMNTC)
Anderson PhD, Kristin Ellen, SPH EpiCH Division
Apland, Jeffrey, Applied Economics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Arndt PhD, Roger EA, CSENG St Anth Falls Lab-SAFL
Arnold, Bill, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Arnold, Todd W., Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Aukema, Brian Henry, Entomology, Dept of
Aydil, Eray, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Baker, Lawrence Alan, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Barney, Brett, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Bates, Frank, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Becker, Dennis, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Bhan, Aditya, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Bhattacharya, Mrinal, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Biesboer, David, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Blank, David, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Blinn, Charles R, Forest Resources, Dept of
Bolstad, Paul V, Forest Resources, Dept of
Bond, Daniel, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
Borer, Elizabeth, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Bozic, Marin, Applied Economics, Dept of
Bradeen, James M, Plant Pathology, Dept of
Broadbent, Jeffrey Praed, Sociology
Brooks, Kenneth, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Buhlmann, Phil, CSENG Chemistry Administration
Bunzel, Mirko, Food SciNutr, Dept of
Campbell, Stephen, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Cao, Jason, Regional Plan & Pol AcadProg
Carmody, John, Landscape Architecture, CDES (UMNTC)
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine Marie, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Chase, Thomas, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Chen, Senyu, Southern ROC, Waseca
Cohen, Philip, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Cohen, Jerry, Horticultural Science, CFANS (UMNTC)
Cotner, James, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, CBS (UMNTC)
Cotner, Sehoya H, CBS Scholarship Teaching, Lrng
Coulter, Jeffrey Alan, Agron&Plant Genetics, Dept of
Cramer, Christopher J, CSENG Chemistry Administration
Cussler, Edward L., Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Cuthbert, Francesca J, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
D'Amato, Anthony, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Daoutidis, Prodromos, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Davidson, Jane, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Doering, Aaron H, Curriculum & Instruction Admin
Dong, Zigang, The Hormel Institute
Douglas, Christopher, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Easter, K William, Applied Economics, Dept of
Edwards, Lawrence, CSENG Earth Sciences, Dept of
Ehlke, Nancy Jo, Agron&Plant Genetics, Dept of
Ek, Alan, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Erwin, John E, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
FerringtonJr, Leonard Charles, Entomology, Dept of
Finlay, Jacques C, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Frisbie, Daniel, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Fruin, Jerry, Applied Economics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Fulton, David C, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Galatowitsch, Susan M, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Gantt, Stephen, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Garrick, Sean, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Gibson, Sue, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Gillman, Jeffrey Hays, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Gladfelter, Wayne, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Glazebrook, Jane, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Gralnick, Jeffrey, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
Griffis, Timothy John, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Gupta, Satish C, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Hammer, Jeffrey, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, CSE (UMNTC)
Harjani, Ramesh, CSENG ECE Admin
Hegeman, Adrian, Horticultural Science, CFANS (UMNTC)
Heimpel, George Eugene, Entomology, Dept of
Heins, Bradley J, West Central ROC, Morris
Hill, Jason, Institute on the Environment (UMNTC)
Hillmyer, Marc, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Hirschmann, Marc M, CSENG Earth Sciences, Dept of
Hobbie, Sarah E, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Hokanson, Stan C, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Holmes, Russell, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Hoover, Emily E., Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Horgan, Brian P, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Hoye, Thomas, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Hutchison PhD, William D., Entomology, Dept of
Ismail, Baraem, Food SciNutr, Dept of
Ito, Emi, CSENG Earth Sciences, Dept of
Jacobson, Larry Dean, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Janni, Kevin A, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Jansa, Sharon A, Bell Research Collection/Acad
Johnson, Gregg A., Southern Research and Outreach Center, CFANS (UMNTC)
Johnston, Lee J, West Central ROC, Morris
Jordan, Nicholas Royal, Agron&Plant Genetics, Dept of
Jovanovic, Mihailo, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Kaiser, Daniel, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Kakalios, James, CSENG Physics & Astron,Schl of
Kane, Rosalie A, SPH Health Policy & MgmtDiv
Katagiri, Fumiaki, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Kaznessis, Yiannis, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Kilgore, Mike, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Kim, Chris H., CSENG ECE Admin
Kinkel, Linda Lee, Plant Pathology, Dept of
Kittelson, David, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Knight, Joe, Forest Resources, Dept of
Kortshagen, Uwe Richard, CSENG Mech Engineering Admin
Kozak, Kenneth H., Bell Research Collection/Acad
Kuehn, Thomas, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Lamb, John A, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
LaPara, Timothy M, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Lazarus, William Franklin, Applied Economics, Dept of
Leger, James, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Leighton, Christopher, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Li, Perry Y, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Libourel, Igor, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Lipinski, Wojciech, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Lu, Connie, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Macosko, Chris, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Magner, Joe, Forest Resources, CFANS (UMNTC)
Mann, Kent, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Manson, Steven M., Geography Department
Mantell, Susan, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Marcus, Alfred A.,
Marshall, Julian, Civil Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Massari, Aaron, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
McNeill, Kristopher, CSENG Chemistry Administration
Meyer, Mary Hockenberry, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Millet, Dylan Baird, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Mohan, Ned, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Moncrief, John F, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Montgomery, Rebecca Anne, Forest Resources, Dept of
Morey, Vance, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Muehlbauer, Gary John, Agron&Plant Genetics, Dept of
Mulla, D J, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Muller-Landau, Helene, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Nater, Ed, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Nelson, Kristen, Forest Resources, Dept of
Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne Ruth, SPH EpiCH Division
Newman, Raymond M, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Nieber, John Little, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Noll PhD, Sally Lee, Animal Science, Dept of
Norris, David J, CSENG ChemEng & Mat Sci Admin
Novak, Paige J, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Oberhauser, Karen S, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Oh, Sang-Hyun, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Orf, James, Agronomy and Plant Genetics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Oxenham, Andrew John, Psychology
Peterson, Devin Grant, Food SciNutr, Dept of
Polasky, Steve, Applied Economics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Ragsdale, David W, Entomology, Dept of
Ramachandran, Gurumurthy, SPH EnHS Division
Ramaswamy, Shri, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Raynor, Peter Cameron, SPH EnHS Division
Reich, Peter Bernard, Forest Resources, Dept of
Robbins, William, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Rosen, Carl Jay, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Ruan, Roger, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Ruan PhD, R. Roger, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Ruden, P.P., Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Saar, Martin, Geology and Geophysics, CSE (UMNTC)
Sadowsky, Michael, Soil, Water and Climate, CFANS (UMNTC)
Samac, Deborah A, Plant Pathology, Dept of
Sands, Gary R., Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Sarkanen, Simo, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Schilling, Jonathan S., Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Schmidt, Lanny, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Schmidt-Dannert, Claudia, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Biophysics, CBS (UMNTC)
Schmitt, Imke, CBS Plant Biology Department
Schoenfuss PhD, Tonya C, Food SciNutr, Dept of
Seabloom, Eric, CBS Ecology, Evolution, Behavr
Seeley, Mark W, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Semmens, Michael John, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Severtson, Steve, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Seyfried, William E., Geology and Geophysics, CSE (UMNTC)
Sheaffer, Craig, Agronomy and Plant Genetics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Simcik, Matt, SPH EnHS Division
Simon, Terry W., Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Smith, Tim, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Smith, Kevin Paul, Agron&Plant Genetics, Dept of
Smyrl, William, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Snyder, Peter, Soil, Water and Climate, CFANS (UMNTC)
Sorensen, Peter William, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Sotiropoulos, Fotis, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, CSE (UMNTC)
Spivak, Marla, Entomology, Dept of
Spokas, Kurt, Soil, Water and Climate, CFANS (UMNTC)
Springer, Nathan, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Srienc, Friedrich, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
Stefan, Heinz G, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Steffenson PhD, Brian Joel, Plant Pathology, Dept of
Stein, Andreas, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Stelson, Kim, Mechanical Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Strack PhD, Otto D, CSENG Civil Engineering Admin
Strock, Jeffrey, Southwest Research and Outreach Center, CFANS (UMNTC)
Taff, Steve, Applied Economics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Talghader, Joseph, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Thill, Christian A, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Thorleifson, Harvey, Minnesota Geological Survey, CSE (UMNTC)
Tiffany, Doug, Applied Economics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Tilman, David, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, CBS (UMNTC)
Tolman, William, Chemistry, CSE (UMNTC)
Toner, Brandy Marie, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
ToscanoJr, William A, SPH EnHS Division
Tsapatsis, Michael, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, CSE (UMNTC)
Tschirner, Ulrike, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Twine, Tracy, Soil, Water and Climate, CFANS (UMNTC)
Valentas, Kenneth, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
VandenBosch, Kathryn, Plant Biology, CBS/CFANS (UMNTC)
Venterea, Rod, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Von Keitz, Marc, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
Vondracek, Bruce, Fish Wildlife& Cons Bio, Dept
Wackett, Larry, Biotechnology Institute, CSE (UMNTC)
Wang, Ping, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, CFANS (UMNTC)
Watkins, Eric, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Wilcke, Bill, HR Benefits Spec Circumstances
Wilson, Elizabeth,
Wilson, Bruce Nord, Bioprod&BiosysEng, Dept of
Wollenberg, Bruce, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSE (UMNTC)
Wyse, Donald L., Agronomy and Plant Genetics, CFANS (UMNTC)
Yoo, Kyungsoo, Soil, Water & Climate, Dept of
Yue, Chengyan, Horticultural Sci, Dept of
Zamora, Diomy,
Zhu, Jun, Southern Research and Outreach Center, CFANS (UMNTC)
Zhu, Xiaoyang, CSENG Chemistry Administration