City Of Green Isle
City Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
City Office Council Chambers
Call the City Council Meeting to order Mayor ZumBerge called the meeting to order at 7pm
Pledge Of Allegiance
Council Members present Mayor ZumBerge, Schauer, Wentzlaff, Oelfke, Harms
Staff present City Clerk Panning
Others present Lee Ortloff representing People Service
Public comment period No one
Approval of the Agenda Clerk Panning & Mayor ZumBerge asked to be added to the Agenda
Motion made by Harms & seconded by Wentzlaff to approve the Agenda with the additions. Motion carried 5/0
A) Approval of the minutes from the April 12th, 2016 meeting
B) Approval of the claims for April 26 totalling $28,958.73
Motion made by Wentzlaff & seconded by ZumBerge to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion passed 4/0 with Oelfke abstaining
Lee—People Service Lee gave a little history re: People Service. They reorganized a while ago and he is now the lead operator for Lester Prairie, New Germany, Winsted, Arlington & Green Isle. Panning commented that he already has seen a difference in getting things done since Lee took over.Panning also mentioned that there is a property on Cleveland Ave where we have to turn off the curb stop but there is not a wrench that fits over the curbstop valve. Lee is going to check with New Germany to see if they have a wrench that fits. Lee also said that the bid to clean our water tower from McGuire Iron for $9,600.00 is extremely high. He is going to check with some companies to look for another bid.
561 4th Street & 350 McGrann Panning stated that Litzau will do the work at 561 4th Street although it may not be til the end of May. He also said that Mathew’s is to do the work at 350 McGrann.
Other Matters Panning mentioned that Jason Voight came in and was wondering what the weight restrictions are on the residential streets. Panning stated that he contacted I&S Eng., Sibley County, City of Arlington, in an attempt to get information regarding the streets in Green Isle with no luck. Schauer suggested that we call Wm Mueller & Sons to see what they know being they did some street work when the streets were put in. Panning did have a handout showing where an ordinance was amended in 2009 allowing home owners to park 18 wheelers on the street by their house assuming it does not exceed the weight limits or impede traffic. Jason did say he contacted Mid County Coop to see if he could park on their lot by Steve Hanson’s building. Wentzlaff said he again would talk to Jason regarding the situation.
Mayor ZumBerge told the Council that Council Members must call and advise the City if they are to be absent from a meeting.
Mayor ZumBurge left the meeting at 7:40 pm
Panning handed out a quote from Paul Vos to repair some windows at the school. The proposal was to replace a bank of 5 windows for $1,573.00 & a bank of 5 windows for $2,200.00. There was some concern as to where exactly the windows are on the school. Schauer said he would check this and have information for the next meeting.
The EDA was brought up to see how to handle the addition of Scott Voss to the EDA. It was explained that the Mayor has to appoint a new member.
Motion made by Wentzlaff & seconded by Oelfke to table any further action til meeting of 5-10-16. Motion carried 4/0.
Motion made by Wentzlaff & seconded by Schauer to adjourn at 7:58 pm. Motion carried 4/0.
Mayor ZumBerge Clerk Panning