Throughout history tea has been used not only for social reasons, but for the more practical “cures” it offers. While Simple Graces doesn’t claim that any tea will cure illness, the following list will help you match a common illness to a tea that has been known for centuries to offer relief.

Common ailments and the teas that might offer some relief

Body Aches – Chamomile

Acid Reflux – Chamomile, Spearmint, Lemon

Arthritis – Chamomile, Cinnamon, Ginger

Asthma – Green

Blood Pressure – Ginger, Green

Blood Sugar – Green

Colds (bronchial, head) – peppermint, ginger, lemon

Burns – Chamomile (applied topically)

Chills – Cinnamon, Ginger

Cholesterol Regulation – Ginger, Green

Cramps – Chamomile

Gas – Cinnamon, Peppermint

Headaches – Peppermint

Heartburn – Cinnamon, Peppermint

Hiccoughs – Spearmint

Immunity – Green

Insomnia – Chamomile

Laryngitis – Peppermint

Motion Sickness and Nausea– Ginger, Peppermint, Spearmint

Muscle Aches and Tension – Chamomile

PMS – Raspberry

Stress – Peppermint

Toothache – Peppermint

Viruses – Cinnamon, Green

Weight Control – Ginger, Green

* avoid chamomile if you are allergic to ragweed.

(Simple Graces does not claim that any of our teas will cure an ailment.)

The health benefits of tea are almost too numerous to list! Here are the most commonly accepted benefits:

Fights cancer and heart disease

Protects teeth and strengthens bones

Improves digestion

Prevents food poisoning

Helps you look and feel younger (antioxidants)

Strengthens the immune systerm

Prevents dehydration

Contains the following vital nutrients:

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – converts energy from food, good for growth and reproduction and promotes appetite and digestion.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – good for skin, eyes and nerves. Essential for proteins and energy metabolism.

Vitamin B6 – enhances the metabolic proteins. Red blood cell formation and regulation of central nervous system

Vitamin C – healing and immunity

Vitamin K – Bone metabolism and prevents blood clots

Carotine (Vitamin A) – Good eyesight and healthy skin

Folic Acid - Red blood cell formation

Manganese – Growth and body development

Potassium – Maintains normal fluid level and hearth rhythm

Zinc- Development of reproductive organs and wound healing

Fluorine – Strengthens teeth and bones

Polyphenols (Antioxidants) – Fight cancer-causing radicals and heart disease

Facts about Tea Health

Five cups of tea have the same “radical scabenging capacity” as two to three portions of fruit and vegetables

Three cups of tea a day has approximately the same antioxidant power as eating six apples.