Regular Meeting Minutes April 27, 2015
2910 East Fifth Street Austin, TX 78702
~ Minutes ~
Executive Assistant/Board Liaison Gina Estrada
Monday, April 27, 2015 12:00 PM Meeting Called To Order
12:00 PM 2:42 PM Meeting Adjourned
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Safety Briefing
Donna Simmons, Vice President of Administration, presented the safety briefing for the month which highlighted the "Don’t Block the Box" from the City of Austin. You should not block cross traffic from moving forward and preventing mobility in the crosswalks and the bike lanes. The goal is to improve safety and to keep traffic flowing.
III. Recognition
Wade Cooper, Board Chair, thanked past Chair Mike Martinez for his service to Capital Metro for the past 7 years and his longtime community service. Linda Watson, President/CEO, thanked Martinez for his leadership at Capital Metro. Mike lead Capital Metro through some tough times and managed to keep us focused on projects for long term planning. President Watson noted that Mike would be missed and she wished him the best for the future.
IV. Oath of Office
Wade Cooper, Board Chair, gave the Oath of Office to new board member Councilmember Ann Kitchen, our new appointee from CAMPO.
V. Public Comment:
Customer Carlos Leon feels that a group of operators may be cheating Capital Metro out of fare revenue. At times the driver has tried to stop him from paying to ride the bus by placing his hand over the farebox. One female black driver followed me off the bus and tried to give me a free bus pass so that I would not report her.
VI. Advisory Committee Updates:
1. 3122 : Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and
Celso Baez, Manager of Community Involvement, gave an update on CSAC.
The following items were discussed at their monthly meeting:
· CSAC supports the June service changes
· CSAC’s by-laws are in the process of being revised
· August Service Change updates
· Concerns over the routes chosen for the High-Frequency Network
· Special Event Ridership (SXSW)
2. 3121 : Access Advisory Committee (AAC)
Ellen Ray, Community Involvement, gave the ACCESS update.
The following items were discussed at ACCESS’ monthly meeting:
· Monthly statistics and technology
· An IVR Update
· Revisions to the MetroAccess Eligibility Application
· Access-a Ride Working Group update
· Project Connect; North Corridor and transit development plans
· Proposed Summer 2015 Service Changes
· ADA 25 Year Recognition
VII. Executive Session of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code:
Section 551.072 for Real Property Issues - Real Estate - Saltillo Property.
VIII. Board Committee Updates:
1. Operations, Planning and Safety Committee
Beverly Silas, Chair of Operations, Planning and Safety Committee, gave the report. The committee met on Monday, April 13th. Items #2-10 were discussed and were recommended to be placed on the Board of Director's consent agenda today. The committee voted to place action item #1 - the Proposed August 2015 Service Changes - on the Action Item agenda today.
2. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and
Terry Mitchell, Chair of the Finance Audit and Administration Committee gave, the update. There were 3 action items which are on the consent agenda today listed as items #11, 12 and 13. The presentations included a Retirement Plan Benefits update; Fare Revenue report; State of Good Report/Map 21 update; and the CFO report.
3. CAMPO update
Board Member David Siebold gave the CAMPO Update. At the meeting there were some questions about express bus access to the eventual MoPac South flyovers. Also, Councilmember Ann Kitchen was approved as the CAMPO representative to serve on the Capital Metro Board of Directors.
IX. Consent Items
Consent agenda.
1-13 motion Silas, DS, 7-0. Stafford absent.
1. Approval of the minutes for the March 11, 2015 public hearing and March 23, 2015 board meeting.
2. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of transit services for a period of 20 years.
3. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an addendum to the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of Route 237 for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $724,075.
4. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an addendum to the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of Route 214 for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $1,608,675.
5. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an addendum to the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of Route 271 for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $1,027,195.
6. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an addendum to the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of Route 990 for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $586,251.
7. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City of Leander for Capital Metro through its Rail Operations and Maintenance Contractor to add an additional exit gate to the Hero Way Grade Crossing Warning System in the City of Leander for an amount not to exceed $70,000.
8. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement (ILA) with the City of Hutto for a Transit Development Plan (TDP) in an amount not to exceed $56,205 in FTA Section 5307 funds from Capital Metro and $14,051 in local funds from the City of Hutto.
9. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with JM Engineering for Dynamic Message Sign Maintenance for a base period of one year, with four, one-year options for a total amount not to exceed $1,399,790.
10. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with VTMI-Transdev for $3,873,237 to replace 113lb rail with new 115lb rail and to replace cross ties and ballast so that the track between mileposts 78.0 and 86 meets FRA Class V standards for an amount not to exceed $4,454,222 of which $580,986 is contingency funding.
11. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an extension to the current contract with Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc., for an additional amount of $60,000 ($10,000 per month) through December 31, 2015. The current contract expires on July 26, 2015.
12. Approval of Build Central Texas (BCT) FY 2015 Projects List and funding allocations disbursement in accordance with the approved FY 2015 budget for Build Central Texas (BCT). The FY 2015 budget includes a not to exceed amount of $250,000 for BCT projects.
13. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Round Rock authorizing Round Rock to be a direct recipient of a portion of Capital Metro’s FY2015 and FY2016 Federal Section 5307 Program funds.
X. Action Items:
1. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to approve the service changes described in the attached document dated April 27, 2015 for implementation beginning August 23, 2015.
Catlin D'Alton, Short Term Planner, presented the proposed August 2015 Service Changes. The changes are very routine this period and are mostly just restoring UT services that had been suspended for the summer.
MOVER: Terry Mitchell, Board Member
SECONDER: David Siebold, Board Member
AYES: Silas, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Siebold, Kitchen
ABSENT: Stafford
2. Approval of a resolution waiving Section II-1.3 of the Capital Metro Acquisition Policy with respect to the disposal of the building located at 414 Waller Street and authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute contracts necessary to dispose of and relocate the asset.
Kerri Butcher, Chief Counsel, presented the Waiver of Procurement Policy for Disposal of Surplus Property item.
This item would waive the 30 day notice to local government entities normally required for disposal of an asset for the property at 414 Waller Street. Normally this 30 days precedes the time that items are advertised to the general public. Discussion included notifying the entities of the availability of this asset anyway, at the same time that the public is notified.
MOVER: David Siebold, Board Member
SECONDER: Beverly Silas, Vice Chair
AYES: Silas, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Siebold, Kitchen
ABSENT: Stafford
XI. Presentations:
1. 2015 Title VI Program
Diponker Mukherjee, Diversity Coordinator, gave an update on the Title VI program and report that has been distributed. Discussion with staff and board members included at this time we have no outstanding violations under the Title VI Program. This report will need to be affirmed by the board at the May board meeting under a new federal requirement.
XII. Reports:
1. President's Report
Linda Watson, President/CEO, presented her monthly report. The President's report included the following:
· MetroAccess vehicles will be allowed to travel for free on CTRMA toll roads
· Capital Metro’s 30th Anniversary celebrations including rider appreciation event
· Capital Metro again named one of the healthiest employers in the region
· Senior Vice President Gerardo Castillo, who just completed the Boston Marathon
XIII. Adjournment
ADA Compliance
Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call (512)389-7458 or email if you need more information.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wade Cooper, chairperson; Beverly Silas, vice chair; Ann Stafford, board secretary; David Siebold; Delia Garza; Ann Kitchen; Terry Mitchell and Juli Word. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email if you need more information.
The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.
Gloria E. Barnes Date
Support Specialist II
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Page 4 Updated 10/13/2015 9:56 AM