Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting, July 11, 2007
Present: Bob Zawilski, Greg Rediske, Steve Mazoff, Astrid Arola, Ben Sclair, Duncan Cook, Mary Covelli-Johnson, Dave Guttu, Clint Johnson, Janine Messenger, Joel Feldman, Katie Wolstenholme
Not present:
- Call to Order – 5:33 pm
- Secretary’s Report
- ClubRunner is up and running. is now pointing to the ClubRunner site. What can we do with the Chat room area?
- Membership:
- Mike Paulsen, sponsored by Mike Swanson. According to PP Greg he is looking to attend a Friday Info Meeting (July 13).
- Sarah Slack has resigned her membership.
- Advertising Invoices have been mailed (Jan.-June 2007 and July-Dec. 2007)
- Semi-Annual Membership Report ready to mail/pay.
- Training session will be forthcoming.
- Treasurer’s Report
- As of end of June, $45K in main checking with B&G van paid for.
- ($1,938) for operations, $12,986 for service as of June 30, 2007. Not final numbers.
- General discussion regarding an ad hoc audit committees to review the club financial information. Bob Z will solicit members to review adequacy of procedures, compliance with existing procedures and safeguards in Club Finances.
- President’s Announcements
- Club Literacy Chair. Need to name someone.
- Club Initiatives discussion. See attached sheet.
- Friends of Rotary. Janine and Dave offered to research some more and report to the board next month.
- Initatives
- Aug RI President Membership Meeting
- Sept Membership & Foundation Meetings
- Committee material from RI Convention (handouts).
- Looking for someone to catalog all the opportunities by committee.
- Wine forums (at Bobby Z's house)
- July 19: Rotary: The Greatest Story Never Told
- July 26: Lakeview Kids at Hope with JoDee Owens
- District Governor’s initiatives
- Invite youth to participate with Rotary
- District Friendship exchange
- District Governor visit is October 19
- Paul Harris sustaining members at first meeting
- Local initiatives
- Committees; vice chairman, vision and action statement and member involvement tracking
- New military appreciation chair: Tracye Kakely
- New local foundation chair: Clint Johnson.
- Emphasis on communication; dashboard tracking at each meeting as well as event horizon
- Emphasis on publicity; rat on a Rotarian for not wearing Rotary pins
- Rotary education; frequent updates by committees and “Rotary U” a series of meetings like we did for education in Lakewood.
- Sept 14th Maureen Fitz Roberts, District Membership Chair
- Sept 21st Joan Firkins, District Foundation Chair
- Host a community meeting titled “Rotary: the Greatest Story Never Told” with Penny Legate as the featured guest speaker to speak to Rotary International’s involvement with polio and clean water and also Julie Herschel the Director of the Child Abuse Prevention Program at Mary Bridge to speak on Lakewood Rotary's impact on the Mary Bridge foundation. We would do this meeting in late September or early October with an eye toward inducting new members at the District Governors visit on October 19.
- Budget to send the PEE or PEN to PETS and also task him/her to Sportsmans Dinner committee involvement and schedule the worker force.
- Intersperse occasional moments of silence and inspirational thoughts in lieu traditional invocation
- Joint meeting with Clover Park at new Sportsmans Dinner location.
- Janine Messenger and Dave Guttu to research “Friends of Rotary” for possible implementation and report at next board meeting.
Directors’ Reports:
- Membership & Fellowship (Janine Messenger)
- New Member Committee (Lenny Holmes)
- Fireside/Information (John Magnuson)
- Puffins (John Korsmo)
- Membership Mentoring (Joe Quinn)
- Club Sports ( Bill Potter)
- Fellowship (Janine Messenger). September 9 to Seahawks game. Still looking at Mariners game.
- Revolving Dinner (Bud Montgomery)
- Floating Board (Joel Feldman)
- Community Service–General (Duncan Cook)
- Community Concerns (Paul Casey). The committee will meet on August 17.
- Partners for Parks (Ted Wier). No report.
- Courage Classic (Homer Dodge). A reminder to support our riders (through individual donations) and our rest stop with a few more volunteers.
- A successor to Homer is being discussed.
- Raffle (Ron Irwin). No report
- Sportsmans Dinner (Tony Robinson/Paul Wulfesteig). Seeking items for the 2008 auction. Forms are available on our web site.
- Major Project (Bob Zawilski/Greg Rediske)
- Community Service–Youth (Steve Mazoff). Steve gave the directors the month off. Nice guy. Committee gets rolling starting in September.
- Youth Sports & Activities (Eric Herbel)
- Scholarship (Robert Peterson)
- Next Step (Mike McGowan)
- RYLA & 4-Way Test Program (). New chair needed. Jim is willing to help get the new chair up to speed.
- Educator Recognition (Tony Robinson)
- Student Recognition (Robert Petersen)
- Lakeview Tutoring (Mark Blanchard)
- Youth Exchange (Greg Rediske)
- Public Relations & Communications (Mary Covelli-Johnson)
- Publicity (Eric Herbel). Going on with
- Club Bulletin (Dave Sclair). Bulletins have been cut to 26 mailed per week. Dave and Mary Lou are seeking more.
- Club Directory (Ben Sclair)
- Calendar (Dave Covey)
- Sunshine/Spiritual Support (Jan Luze/Jim Ray)
- Military Appreciation (Tracye Kakley). No meeting with committee until August.
- Risk Management (Bob Zawilski). Insurance in place.
- Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Clint Johnson)
- 501 c 3 paperwork is ready to be filed for Lakewood Rotary Club.
- Paul Harris Foundation (Jim Ray). Committee rolls along.
- Lakewood Foundation (Cal Kushen). The name has officially been changed, July 1. Two $50,000 gifts, pending. This will bring us to about 33% of the $1 million goal.
- World Affairs Conference (Bill Price). Occurred in June. Went well. Bill Price will be coordinating a report from attendees.
- World Community Service (Mark Blanchard)
- Club Administration (Dave Guttu)
- Program (Larry Faulk)
- Attendance/Greeters (Dan livingston/Jim Skar)
- Sgt-At-Arms (Bill Young)
- District Affairs (Norm Tremaine)
- Installation Banquet (Joe Ghilarducci)
$3136.00 - 98 attended @ $32 each. 5 additional attended, compliments of the Rotary Club. 49 of the attendees were Rotary Members
$3441.91 - Dinner + tax + gratuity
$ 102.87 - Postage + envelopes
$ 58.66 - Printing
$ 25.00 - Name Tags & Misc.
$3628.44 - Total Costs
$ 492.44 - Net Deficit
- This is right in line with the budget, I think, but be aware that the Tacoma Country Club next year will be higher by $700. to $800. We will, therefore, have a tough time keeping the overall cost at less than $1000. in ’08. Personally I think the quality of the food and service is worth it.
- A question for Board discussion would be should the Club be subsidizing the cost to members and guests and if so, how much? In ’06, the Club subsidized the dinner cost by about $6 per person. This year it was about $3 per person and we charged $2 more than in ’06 ($32 vs. $30). Next year it will likely be close to $5 per person if we keep the price at $32. Any thoughts?
- By-Laws (Sam Hunter)
- Long Range Planning (Ted Wier)
- Set-Up/Equipment (Richard Simmons)
- Old Business
- 07-08 Budget. MSC to accept budget as submitted.
- Discussion. Slight Service deficit budgeted. Includes $48,000+ if IB program moves forward. $12,000 carried over from 2006-08. $6,000 in new line items.
- Secondary motion. MSC. After consideration the board is comfortable with the amount of carryover and sees no need for a one time disbursement.
- 07-08 Committee Assignments
- RYLA/4-Way test committee. Bob needs to find a new chair.
- Long Range Planning Change. No action. Defer discussion until after existing Long Range Committee can comment.
- Results of Equipment Audit & adjustment to Balance Sheet. Duncan supplied inventory (trailer contents) showing nearly $13,000 (replacement value) of equipment. No action taken to adjust equipment audit. Thank you Duncan.
- Annual Audit. Members of the club will be asked to be on an ad hoc audit committee.
- New Business
- Youth Protection Policy. MSC to accept the Youth Protection Policy as presented.
- Bill Allen has committed for Youth Exchange host.
- Genesis of policy comes from Clover Park Rotary, District 5020, Boy Scouts, etc.
- Background checks will be performed and stored at Greg's office.
- Thank you to Greg for performing invocation at meeting.
- Katie: Asked about Lakewood Foundation and why not co-mingle funds. That was discussed and may be a future opportunity.
- Next Meeting: August 8, 2007
- Adjourn