Evolution: Macroevolution

n  Microevolution: changes on the small scale

n  Changes in gene frequencies in a population

n  Macroevolution: changes on the large scale

Species Formation

n  Earth is home to numerous species

n  Estimates range between 10 and 25 million species

n  4 million species is lowest estimate

n  Present species are survivors or newcomers

n  99% of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct

What Is a Species?

n  All of the species on Earth share a common ancestor ~3.8 billion years ago

n  Initial type of organisms branched into two types of organisms

n  New “species”

Species Formation

n  Process continued, producing all of the species that have ever lived on the planet

n  These species branched further

n  New species are formed after populations of a single species stop interbreeding

What Is a Species?

Biological species concept

n  Species are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups

What Is a Species?

n  Some separate species may be able to interbreed in captivity, but do not do so in nature

n  e.g., Lion ♂ + tiger ♀ à liger

n  e.g., Lion ♀ + tiger ♂ à tigon

n  Since this interbreeding does not occur in nature, lions and tigers are separate species

n  Mythical powers

What Is a Species?

n  The biological species concept is not always sufficient in defining species

n  Many bacteria reproduce asexually, not sexually

n  There is sometimes limited very limited gene flow between two species

How Do New Species Arise?

n  “Speciation” is the development of new species through evolution

n  Branches from parent species, while parent species continues to exist

n  Speciation results from the same processes operating in microevolution (changes in allaele frequencies in the population)

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Evolution within a population involves a change in the population’s allele frequencies

n  Two interbreeding populations will share any changes in allele frequencies

n  These populations will evolve together and remain a single species

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Two populations that do not interbreed will not share changes in allele frequencies

n  Changes will add up over time
n  Ultimately, a new species could be formed

How Do New Species Arise?

Allopatric speciation

n  Geographic separation can restrict gene flow between populations

n  Glaciers can move into an area

n  A river can change course

n  Ponds can dry up

n  Part of a population may migrate into a remote area (e.g., Galápagos Islands, Hawaiian Islands, etc.)

How Do New Species Arise?

Allopatric speciation

n  Restricted gene flow between two populations can ultimately result in the formation of a new species

n  “Allopatric speciation”

How Do New Species Arise?

n  During their geographic separation, allele frequencies of two populations will change differently

n  These populations will evolve differently

n  Physical or behavioral changes may result

How Do New Species Arise?

n  When two geographically separated populations are reunited, they may or may not be able to interbreed

n  If not, then speciation has occurred

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Mechanisms preventing interbreeding are central to speciation

n  Mountains and rivers are extrinsic isolating mechanisms
n  Characteristics of the organisms are intrinsic isolating mechanisms

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms

n  Any factor that prevents interbreeding of individuals of the same or closely related species

n  Allopatric speciation involves extrinsic isolation (geographic separation) followed by the development of intrinsic isolating mechanisms

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms

n  Ecological isolation

n  Temporal isolation

n  Behavioral isolation

n  Mechanical isolation

n  Gametic isolation

n  Hybrid inviability or infertility

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Ecological isolation

n  Two species may feed, mate, and grow in different habitats within a common area

n  e.g., Ranges of lions and tigers overlapped
n  Lions preferred the open grasslands
n  Tigers preferred the deep forests
n  No interbreeding occurred

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Ecological isolation

n  Two species may feed, mate, and grow in different habitats within a common area

n  e.g., Ranges of lions and tigers overlapped
n  Lions preferred the open grasslands
n  Tigers preferred the deep forests
n  No interbreeding occurred

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Behavioral isolation

n  Individuals choose their mating partners

n  This choice is often dependent upon courtship rituals

n  Closely related species may have incompatible courtship rituals

n  e.g., Songs of birds and crickets, fiddler crab claw waving, etc.

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Mechanical isolation

n  Reproductive organs of two closely related species may have incompatible sizes or shapes

n  e.g., Different butterfly species have genitalia that differ in shape

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Gametic isolation

n  Mating may occur, but the sperm is incompatible with either the egg or the female reproductive system

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Gametic isolation

n  e.g., Sperm in pollen of one plant species cannot reach egg of related species
n  e.g., Sperm of one animal species is killed in reproductive system of related species
n  e.g., Sperm of one species cannot bind to receptors on egg of related species

How Do New Species Arise?

n  Hybrid inviability or infertility

n  Offspring resulting from a mating between closely related species may be unhealthy

n  Offspring resulting from a mating between closely related species may be infertile

n  e.g., Horse + donkey à mule

n  Mules are healthy, but infertile hybrids

Sympatric Speciation

n  The fruit fly Rhagoletis pomonella provides one of the best-studied examples of sympatric speciation

Sympatric Speciation

n  R. pomonella

n  Originally existed solely on hawthorn trees

n  “Haw flies”

n  Some moved to apple trees newly introduced from Europe

n  Flies colonizing apple trees are becoming a new species

n  “Apple flies”

Sympatric Speciation

n  Haw fly life cycle

n  These flies winter underground as larva

n  Adult flies emerge in the summer

n  Flies fly to their host trees, mate, and lay their eggs in the fruit

n  Adult flies live for approximately one month

Sympatric Speciation

n  A mutation or new combination of existing rare alleles arose in the ancestral haw flies

Sympatric Speciation

n  Mutant flies emerged earlier in the summer

n  These flies were attracted to apples as well as hawthorns

n  Apples mature slightly earlier than hawthorn fruit

n  These early emerging flies interbred amongst themselves to a high degree

n  Limited gene flow between these populations

Sympatric Speciation

n  Mating periods of “haw flies” and “apple flies” do not fully overlap

n  Temporal isolation

n  These two types of flies occupy different habitats in the same area

n  Ecological isolation

n  These two intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms have occurred without geographical separation

When Does Speciation Occur?

n  Some species remain relatively unchanged for long periods of time

n  e.g., Horseshoe crabs have changed little in 300 million years

n  Other species change dramatically over relatively short periods of time

n  e.g., The 13 species of Darwin’s finches arose from an ancestral species within the past 100,000 years

When Does Speciation Occur?

n  Horseshoe crabs are generalists

n  Extremely diverse diet

n  Eat plants, animals, scavenged debris

n  Shifts from one food source to another depending on availability

n  Do not adapt in response to changes in food source

When Does Speciation Occur?

n  Plants were established on the Galápagos Islands prior to arrival of finches

n  No similar birds preceded the finches

n  There was very little competition for the resources the islands offered

n  Many niches were unoccupied

n  Populations could specialize to fill one of many available niches

When Does Speciation Occur?

n  Finches could fly between the 25 islands

n  Water between the islands did represent a geographical barrier

n  Reduced gene flow between populations on different islands

n  These populations evolved into multiple species

When Does Speciation Occur?

n  Darwin’s finches exemplify an “adaptive radiation”

n  Rapid emergence of many species from a single species introduced into a new environment with unfilled ecological niches

n  Two conditions conducive to speciation

n  Specialization

n  Migration to a new environment

Categorization ofEarth’s Living Things

n  A taxonomic system is used to classify every known species on Earth

n  Organisms are classified into various groups based on their evolutionary relationships

n  Further classified according to physical characteristics

n  Currently undergoing revision

n  May rely solely on DNA analysis

Categorization ofEarth’s Living Things

n  Eight basic categories are used

n  Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain

n  Species is the most specific grouping
n  Domain is the broadest grouping


n  Taxonomy gives a specific (Latin) scientific name to every species

n  e.g., Homo sapiens, modern humans

n  e.g., Rhagoletis pomonella, a fruit fly species

n  e.g., Drosophila melanogaster, another species of fruit fly

n  Specific scientific names allow scientists to know which type of fruit fly (for example) they are talking about


n  Closely related species are combined in a larger group called a “genus”

n  The first word in a scientific name is actually the name of the genus

n  e.g., Canis lupus, the gray wolf

n  e.g. Canis familiaris, the domestic dog

n  Both of these species belong in the same genus (Canis)


n  A variety of techniques are used to construct evolutionary histories

n  Comparative morphology, etc.

n  Comparisons of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences provide the bulk of this information today

n  Evolutionary trees can be constructed

n  “Phylogenetic” trees


n  Homologous structures provide evidence for the occurrence of evolution

n  Similar structure due to common descent

n  Structures may arise independently in multiple evolutionary lineages

n  “Analogous structures” arise through “convergent evolution”

n  Similar environmental pressures lead to similar adaptations


n  Analogous structures can be misinterpreted as homologous structures

n  One would conclude that organisms share evolutionary ancestry when in fact they do not

Taxonomy and Relatedness

n  There is a well-established system for classifying organisms

n  Evolutionary relatedness is the most important factor used in placement of organisms

n  Taxonomy sometimes recognizes other factors when placing organisms

Taxonomy and Relatedness

n  Class Reptilia includes organisms such as snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and dinosaurs

n  Class Aves includes all birds

n  Dinosaurs and birds are more closely related than dinosaurs and lizards

n  Birds split off of the dinosaur lineage long after dinosaurs split from other reptiles

n  Birds are arguably different enough from modern reptiles to have their own class


n  Diploid species possess paired homologous chromosomes

n  e.g., 23 pairs in humans, 4 pairs in Drosophila (fruit fly), etc.

n  These homologous chromosomes are separated during meiosis

n  Gametes receive only one copy of each chromosome


n  Many plants and some animals can produce hybrids

n  Products of fertilization between two different species

n  Most hybrids are sterile

n  Lack pairs of homologous chromosomes

n  Homologues cannot pair in meiosis

n  Generally cannot produce functional gametes


n  A hybrid zygote may double its DNA in preparation for mitosis, but fail to divide

n  The chromosome number has doubled

n  This zygote now possesses pairs of homologous chromosomes

n  “Polyploid”

n  Mitosis will produce a multicellular individual whose cells all possess this doubled number of chromosomes


n  In a polyploid individual

n  Sperm and egg can be produced through meiosis

n  Self-fertilization is possible

n  Fertile offspring are produced

n  Fertilization of either parent species will produce infertile offspring

n  This individual is reproductively isolated from both parent species


n  Polyploidy produces a new species

n  Reproductively isolated from parent species

n  Able to perpetuate itself through self-fertilization





n  Triploid crops: banana, apple, ginger, citrus

n  Tetraploid crops: durum or macaroni wheat, maize, cotton, potato, cabbage, leek, tobacco, peanut, kinnow, Pelargonium

n  Hexaploid crops: chrysanthemum, bread wheat, triticale, oat

n  Octaploid crops: strawberry, dahlia, pansies, sugar cane


n  Humans can make use of polyploidy

n  Polyploidy can be chemically induced in watermelons

n  The polyploid individual is then crossed to a normal diploid watermelon plant


n  Humans can make use of polyploidy

n  Offspring from this cross have three copies of each chromosome

n  They cannot form functional gametes or functional embryos

n  True seeds cannot be produced

n  “Seedless” watermelons