Chairman’s report 2014/15 (v3)

This is my first, and could be my last chairman’s report!

Before launching into the main part of the report, I would just like to remind you of an extract from our constitution:

‘The aim of the association shall be to maintain and improve the Lofthouse Colliery Nature Park (formerly Lofthouse Colliery) and its immediate environs and to protect the site from any future development or action that has a detrimental effect on the quality of life enjoyed by users and residents.’

So by using the headings of ‘maintaining, improving’ and ‘protecting’ I will outline just some of the activities of the LCAG for 2014/15:

Maintaining and improving

·  Improving the environment

o  The pit wheel at the entrance to Ridings Way is an important symbol not only for our group, but also for the residents living near the Nature Park. Throughout the year members of the group have devoted time and effort to ensure the pit wheel is in good order (repainted in July), and that the public garden immediately in front of the pit wheel is well stocked (restocked in November) and maintained. Carr Gate Garden Centre remains an important sponsor by donating plants.

o  Thanks to the thoughtless individuals who continue to use the park as their personal dustbin, the removal of the litter left on the site and the surrounding area is a never ending job. Litter picking sessions were carried out most months throughout 2014/15 by our volunteers.

o  Although Mother Nature is doing a great job in populating the flora across the site, the group has given a helping hand by planting wild daffodil bulbs and snowdrops which are now coming up around the park. We have also applied for, and received some lottery funded packs of seeds through the ‘Grow wild’ scheme. We will be planting these seeds later in the year.

·  Shrub clearing

o  In July we removed the old wire fencing and rotten posts along the far end of the park to enable the WMDC foresters to use their scrub clearing machinery to keep the sides of the path clear.

o  Removing unwanted shrubs from the heathland is important to the achieving formal recognition of the park as a Local Wildlife Site. In March we cleared a section of this area adjacent to the Silkstone path.

·  Maintaining Paths

o  The focus in path improvement in 2014/15 was the far end of the Silkstone path which had become prone to flooding. In November, although 20 tons of road planings improved the situation, it is still not resolved, and further work is required in 2015/16.

·  Maintaining gates

o  In addition to replacing some damaged bolts on the kissing gates around the pond, we sought to address a long standing issue concerning the closure mechanism for the black gates at the end of Riding Way. The original automatic closing mechanism has proved to be rather fierce, and concern has been raised that a member of the public could get caught unawares and possibly suffer an injury. We have recently submitted a bid to the Neighbourhood Improvement Fund for money to supply and fitting a soft closure device. Until this is fitted, one of the black gates will remain in an open position.


·  Protecting the pond

o  After protracted negotiation the council and the Wakefield Angling Group finally signed a lease agreement for the pond in the hope that this arrangement would address problems to do with anti-social behaviour….including littering, camping, and substance misuse. On the whole this has been a very positive move, and the open and ready access to the club’s bailiff to deal with any issues is very welcome.

·  Protecting from over development

o  In August, following an application for planning permission to develop the land adjacent to Lingwell Nook Lane for housing and a care facility, it was agreed that the LCAG would submit a formal objection on the grounds that this land has not been designated by WMDC as development land in the Local Development Framework, and has been designated as Green Belt. With support from our local councillors, this proposal was refused.

·  Protecting our heritage

o  As part of the formal closure of the Lofthouse Colliery Heritage Trail project, we were required to submit a post project evaluation. This project has been a splendid example of what can be done through working in partnership working (LCAG, WMDC and the Outwood Video Group).

11th November 2014 was the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One. We took this opportunity to remember the sacrifice made by miners who contributed (sometimes with their lives) to the war effort by laying wreaths at the pit wheel on Ridings Way and the steel and stone obelisk next to the railway line near the pit shafts.

·  Protecting the public

o  Following a report to the council of an incident during the icy weather, when a member of the public had slipped on the small bridge over the feeder stream to the pond, it was felt that handrail would provide added security in the future. Under the direction of our WMDC countryside warden, a robust handrail was fitted to one side of the bridge.

o  Horse riding around the park is growing in popularity. However, concerns were raised regarding the potential for serious injury caused by the horses ‘hoof holes’ to those using the playing fields. With support from our WMDC Countryside Ranger, WMDC has now circulated a letter to all of the local riding stables outlining the issue, and clarifying the routes where horse riding is permitted. The response form the stables has been very positive, and particularly for the sake of the young footballers, we hope that serious injuries will be avoided.


To enable our group to continue to maintain, improve and protect the Nature Park, we need to ensure that we have access to adequate funds. During 2014/15 we have done this in a number of ways:

·  Outwood Christmas Fayre (December)

·  Donations from guided walks:

o  The Women’s Institute (September)

o  Outwood Surgery Patients Group (January)

·  Recycling Tassimo and Nespresso pods (Ongoing)

·  Plants donated from Carr Gate for the pit wheel garden (November)

Working in partnership:

Although our main partner is Wakefield Metropolitan District Council, Countryside Service and councillors, we have, during 2014/15 also worked with a range of other groups and fora including:

·  Wakefield Biodiversity Group

·  Wakefield Police Community Action Team

·  Wakefield Angling Club

·  Outwood Surgery Patients Group

·  Outwood Community Video group

·  Womens Institute