General Physics II (SCI 3102)Spring 2017

Indiana Academy

Meeting Times: (B209)

M W F: 8:00 – 9:00; 9:00 – 10:00 AM(lecture)

T: 10:00AM-12:00 PM; 2:00 – 4:00 PM(lab)

Instructor and Office Hours:

Mr. Jeff Sayers email:

Office: Elliott B027A 765-285-7418

Office hours: M, W: 11 AM -2PM; T: 10 AM - 12 PM; Th: 12-2 PM

The above hours are my posted hours—feel free to stop by anytime my door is open or make an appointment for aprearranged time.

Text and Materials:

Kinetic Books digital text,Conceptual Physics,Ninth Edition.

Laptop computer, scientific calculator, lab notebook

Course Description:

General Physics II is the second semester of a two semester introductory course in physics.Thesecond semester focuses on waves, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics andis the foundation for further topics in physicsas well as our basic understanding of many other scientific principles.Conceptual understanding of these topics is emphasized, as well as the vital role mathematicsplays in describing and quantifyingscientific ideas and relationships.

Besides giving an overview of basic principles of physics, the primary goal of the course is to illustrate and teach what goodscience is and how it works: This includes asking good questions, careful observation and measurement, critical quantitative analysis, and constructing logical conclusions based on that analysis. Such critical thinking and analysis skills are valuable intellectual skills which science is particularly adept at teaching but which are of great general intellectual value.

Class attendance, preparation and expectations

Pay attention in class and takeselectivenotes that reflect the main points of the class discussion. Ask questionsto insure you understand what the main points of the class discussionare.Regularly review your notes outside of class;use your textbook as a valuable resourceto help you learn and understand the main concepts covered in class. It is very important to study and learn the material as we cover it in class assuccessive classes will build on concepts covered previously. Pay special attention to learn the vocabulary, definitions and mathematical symbolismpresented in class.

This class does not have a paper textbook. Instead you will have a digital textbook installed on your laptop. Therefore you must bring your laptops to every class. However you must also bring paper and a writing instrument to class for taking notes and working practice problems.


A student late to class/lab up to 5 minutes will be marked ‘tardy’

A student late to class/lab for more than 5 minutes will be marked ‘absent’.

A student who is sleeping in class will earn an unexcused absence.

Also students who read or work on materials not related to the class activitieswill be counted absent. Refer to your student handbook for polices related to attendance, tardiness, excused and unexcused absences.

There is also a separate 2 hour lab period each week. You must be enrolled in a lecture and lab section with the same instructor. Come prepared to lab by looking over the lab assignment and preparing a data sheet for lab. Bring pencil, paper, calculator and laptops to lab.

Course requirements:

Laboratory: Much of the course content will be applied and illustrated in your lab activities. Each week we will perform a lab experiment/activity during the lab period. Successful completion of each weeks lab will entailperforming the experimentcarefully, recording pertinent data and observations completely, and turning in a complete and correct write-up of your lab analysis and results.

Lab reports (data, analysis, and results) are due at the beginning of the next lab. Late reports will not be accepted.

Failing to satisfactorily complete and/or turn in more than three lab reports will result in a grade of D* for the course.

If you miss a lab because of an excused absence, you are expected to obtain data from another student and turn in your lab analysis by the regular due date.

Further details for lab are contained in a separate lab syllabus you will receive in lab.

Homework and Quizzes: Homework problems based on lab exercises and class presentations will be provided and occasionally, homework problems will be assigned in class. Homework will be collected at various times. Each homework assignment should be completed as assigned but not every assignment will be collected.Short quizzes based on homework problems, assigned reading,and class presentations will be given, usually each Friday.

Tests: Three (or four) multiple-choice unit tests will be given in class every three to four weeks.

Final Exam: A comprehensive multiple choice final exam will be given.


Approximate Percent of total grade

Activities & Participation10%


Quizzes / Homework20%

Tests25 %

Final exam25 %

Total points100%

Anticipated grade cutoffs are

90% - 100% = A

88% - 90% = A-

84% - 87% = B+

80% - 83% = B

78% - 79% = B-

74% - 77% = C+

70% - 73% = C

65% - 69% = C-

0% - 64% = D*

Academic Honesty:

Students are encouraged to work and study together outside of class with whatever aids they can use. Work turned in for a grade must reflect your own work. Copying or reproducing other people’s work is cheating and will result in a zero for that assignment and may be referred to the Administration for further action. This includes sharing any electronic (computer) informationbesides raw data. Work with each other and help one another, but do your own work!

See your student handbook for policies related to academic dishonesty.

Tentative calendar: Spring 2017

Week / Weekly activities /


/ Lab
1/9 / Course introduction , course goals and definition, SHM review,
Wave Motion / Ch 14,
Ch 15 / Lab 1
Hooke’s Law
1/16 / Wave definitions and wave motion
Wave propagation, refraction, diffraction, interference, dispersion.
Sound waves: f, A and v, echoes and lambda / Ch 16
Ch 17 / Lab 2
Finding g Using a Simple Pendulum
1/23 / Sound wave: phenomenon: interference (beats), moving sources
Sound waves: standing waves and resonance.
Music; scale, pitch and tone / Ch 16
Ch 17 / Lab 3
Wave motion
1/30 / Static charge observations and deductions (theory):
Coulombs law
Test 1 / Ch 22
Ch 23 / Lab 4
Standing waves
2/6 / Calculations involving Coulombs law
Electric field concept
Electric potential and voltage (in a field) / Ch 22
Ch 23 / Lab 5
Speed of sound
2/13 / Electric fields—sundry topics
Electric current / Ch 22
Ch 23 / Lab 6
Coulomb’s Law
2/20 / Electric current: water analogy and I, V and R
Electric circuits: Ohms law I, V and R / Ch 22
Ch 23 / Lab 7
Electric Fields
2/27 / Electric circuits: resistors
Electric circuits: I, R and temperature (micro. view)
Practical electricity and circuits / Ch 23
Ch 27 / Lab 8
Ohm’s Law
Resistors in circuits
3/6 / Spring Break
3/13 / Electromagnetism- I  B
Electromagnetism B  I
Magnetism in matter.
/ Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30 / Lab 9
Voltage sources
Circuit Networks
3/20 / Light waves: EM wave definition and spectrum (A f, c, lambda)
Dual nature of light / Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32 / Lab 10
3/27 / Light phenomenon: refraction and reflection / Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32 / Lab 11
Index of refraction
4/3 / light phenomenon: dispersion
Light phenomenon: diffraction and interference / Ch 34 / Lab 12
4/10 / Light and optics: ray tracing / Ch 33 / Lab 13
Optics: mirrors
4/17 / Modern Physics: Absolute frames, MM experiment
Special Relativity: postulates and ramifications / Ch 35 / Lab 14
Optics: lenses
4/24 / Special relativity: extensions to general theory
Modern Physics: BB radiation and PE effect (QM precursors)
Bohr atom, (absorption and emission) / Ch 36 / Lab 15
5/1 / DeBroglie hypothesis and wave particle duality
Wave mechanics: postulates
Wave mechanics and uncertainty
Atomic and Nuclear Physics / Ch 37
Ch 38 / Lab 16
5/8 / Final Exams
5/15 – 5/26 / May Term

Send me an email after you have read the Syllabus, answering the following question: What is the lowest percentage for a passing grade?