Student/Family Letter (Template)

Update the blue/bold pieces with your site’s event information and feel free to add more details. Mail or email this letter to potential participants. This template is available in Microsoft Word at

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Dear Students and Families,

Site Name, in collaboration with Minnesota College Goal, is pleased to offer a free financial aid workshop on Date, Time, at Location. This workshop is for students who plan to attend any postsecondary institution next year. This workshop is designed for those who are low-income or have no family history of attending college. However, any student or family who feels they need financial aid to attend college is invited and encouraged to attend.

Many students and families don't apply for financial aid because they don't think they're eligible or because they don't understand the process. The best way to find out if you are eligible is to attend a Minnesota College Goal event and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with the help of trained professionals.

A workshop usually lasts for two hours. See the attached flyer for a list of materials to bring with you to the workshop. In addition, student workshop participants are eligible to be entered into a drawing for a $500 award for the postsecondary institution of their choice. Please arrive on time to receive financial aid information and complete the FAFSA.

If you are new to the financial aid process and are looking for more information, visit In addition, if you are unable to attend this Minnesota College Goal workshop, this website provides a complete list of financial aid workshops on other dates.

If you have any questions about Minnesota College Goal or our workshop, please call Name, Title at (000) 000-0000. We hope to see you at our event!


Site Coordinator