Minutes of the SouthropParish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 12thNovember 2015 in The Village Hall
Councillors: Chairman Beccle, Cllr. Guest, Cllr. Jones, Cllr. Gowland, Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou &
The Clerk.
Members of the public: There were none.
- Apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr. Hibbert.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Cllr. Jones in item 5biii.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on10th September2015. The minutes were approved and signed off by The Chairman.
- Open Public Session. There were no members of the public present. Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou informed us that at a Cabinet meeting yesterday the investment in the incinerator in Javelin Park was approved. He also advised that there is approximately a £4,000,000 deficit in the County Council budget due to overspends in the elderly and vulnerable children budgets. If this continues by 2021 86% of the entire budget will be taken up by these areas so it seems likely that they will eventually work with the NHS. At CDC the 20/20 vision project is underway with Local Authorities working together in an effort to save money. £2,000 is available for litterpicking throughout the whole ward and there is still some money left for Active Together grants. Chairman Beccle enquired about an archery range and will liaise with Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou directly regarding this. Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou also advised that the Immigration Department is taking 5 refugee families. Chairman Beccle thanked him for his time.
- Finance
- To approve the current financial statement. Council approved the financial statement subject to the date in the bank balance row being changed to 31.03.15
- To approve the expenditure since the last meeting. Council approved the following financial expenditure:
i. £671.58 Clerk’s salary July, August & September
ii. £25.90 website hosting October and November
iii.£187.50 bus shelter repairs
iv.£77.80 replacement cheque for Vin Est
v.£100.00 Tai Chi instructor
vi.£144.00 AMM Bookkeeping – payroll services
vii.£24.00 AMM Bookkeeping – accountancy services relating to insurance against HMRC inspections and investigations.
- To sign off cheques and cheque book transaction record. The Chairman signed off the cheque transaction record in the cheque book.
- Planning – new applications received since the last meeting:
- 15/04271/FUL – single storey haybarn and store to land to south west of CottenCorner, Southrop. Decision: No objections.
- 15/04212/FUL – proposed alterations, remodeling and extension (amendments to planning permission ref: 15/00670/FUL) at Tiltup Barn, Southrop. Decision: No objections.
- Precept. Chairman Beccle confirmed that we are still waiting for a quote for the bus shelter renovations. Cllr. Guest undertook to obtain a quote for new noticeboards. The Clerk requested that all the figures be available before Christmas.
- Round Table meeting. Chairman Beccle confirmed that the meeting had been a success and
explained how useful they are for establishing how well all the committees link up. For example the school would like an after school archery club which would take place on Jubilee Close and could potentially be funded by the Parish Council via Active Together. Cllr. Gowland undertook to obtain a quote for archery kit. Chairman Beccle will do the defibrillator training in January. The Tai Chi sessions have been a runaway success and now need to start at 11.00am. The Friendship Circle needs drivers. Dog bins cost £220 each and have to be positioned on the road side. The Clerk undertook to place a notice in CHEQS to remind people. Southrop School would like to bring back the fun run. The fundraising for the Village Hall is ongoing. It was agreed that if anyone wanted something, eg. allotments, then it would be necessary for that person to champion it themselves and bring the costings etc. to the Parish Council for discussion.
- Any other business. In relation to the enforcement of the 20mph zone Chairman Beccle showed everyone a pocket radar device that she hason a 30 day trial, the data collection from which she is hoping to have approved by the Police. The device costs £145 plus VAT which is very much cheaper than the other type of data capturing device. Decision: purchase approved subject to the data being accepted by the Police. It will also be necessary to buy signs advising motorists that they are entering a speed watch area but Chairman Beccle is still investigating the cost of these. Cllr. Gowland enquired about a Local Plan for Southrop. Chairman Beccle explained that it is a Village Design Plan that we need but in any event this can be overridden by the Government. However it would still be good to have one as it would give some peace of mind as we can include a development boundary.
11.Date of the next meeting. Thursday 7th January 2016.
12.Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.