Middle-English Glossary
abid, abyd, abydeverb, prsnt. remain, await, wait; aboodverb, pst. awaited, remained
abideth, abydethverb awaits
abidyngverb awaiting
ableadj. suitable
abluciounsnoun cleansings
aboodnoun delay
aboveadj. superior
abreggeverb abridge, shorten
accidienoun sloth, laziness
accord, acordnoun agreement
achatoursnoun buyers
acordedverb agreed
adounprep. below
adradadj. afraid
afered, aferdadj. afraid
affiancenoun trust
affrayeverb, prsnt frighten
affrayedverb, pst. frightened, afraid
after-meteprep. the time after diner
agastverb, pst. prtcpl. frightened
agasteverb, pst. sg. frightened
agunoun acute fever
aielnoun grandfather
aketounnoun wadded jacket worn under the chain-mail coat
alconj. although
alauntznoun wolfhounds
al biforeadv. first, before everyone else, heading the procession
aldayadv. daily
alderbest best of all
alderfirst first of all, to begin with
alderlevest most beloved
aldermost most of all
aleyesnoun garden paths
algate, algatesadv. always, all the same
alkamystrenoun alchemist
Alkaronnoun the Koran
alle and some one and all, everyone
alleggeverb adduce, cite
allyenoun kinsman
allyenverb ally oneself, marry
almesdedenoun almsgiving
almessenoun charity
al speke he although he may speak
alyghtverb arrived
als cleereadv. as clearly
amalgamyngnoun blending, amalgamation
amendeverb improve, correct, remedy
amendedverb, pst. prtcpl. improved, corrected
amblerenoun pacing horse
amonestethverb, prsnt. sg. admonishes
Amor vincit omnia(Latin) Love conquers all
angwissousadj. anxious
anlaasnoun broad two-edged dagger
annueleernoun chantry priest, a priest who sings anniversary masses for the dead
anon, anoonadv. straightway, at once, immediately
anoynoun trouble
antiphonernoun anthem-book, book of antiphonal hymns
apayedverb, pst. pleased
apenoun 1. fool, dupe; 2. monkey
apertenenverb befit
apertenethverb, prsnt. sg. befits
apikedverb adorned, trimmed
appalledadj. pale-looking, faded
apposedverb questioned
apprevedverb approved, proven, tested
approwoursnoun agents
aresteverb stop, restrain
a-reweadv. in succession
argumentznoun logical reasoning
arightadv. certainly
armeenoun military expedition
armurenoun armour, protective covering
arraynoun 1. equipment; 2. dress, clothes
arrayedverb, pst. prtcpl. prepared, adorned
arreestnoun restaint, seizure
artelriesnoun artillery, shooting equipment, cannons and catapults
arwesnoun, pl. arrows
aslaked calmed
asonderadv. apart
assautnoun assault
assaynoun 1. trial; 2. test
assayeverb, prsnt. sg. test
assayedverb, pst. sg tested
assegenoun siege
assegedverb besieged
assentnoun consent, will, opinion
assenteverb, prsnt. consent, agree; assentedverb, pst. consented, agreed
assisenoun the court of assizes
assoilleverb absolve
assoillyngnoun absolution
assuredadj. confident; verb entrusted
astertverb escaped
asterte, astertedverb escaped
astonedverb amazed, astonished, surprised
astoredverb provided
aswowneadv. in a swoon, aswooned
atemprely, attemprelyadv. moderately
at erstprep. for the first time
atonesadv. 1. at once, immediately; 2. at one time, at the same time
attamedverb, pst. begun
attempreeadj. moderate
atthamaunt, adamantnoun adamant, a very hard kind of stone
atwoadv. in two
atwynneadv. apart
auctorite, auctoriteenoun 1. written authority, an authoritative statement or passage; 2. legal power or authority
aungelnoun angel
aungellykadj. angel-like
auternoun altar
avalenverb take off
avaricenoun greed
avaunceverb prosper
avauntyngverbal noun boasting
avayleverb help, benefit
Ave Marie(Latin) Hail Mary (first words of a Latin prayer)
avoutrye, avowtrie, avowtryenoun adultery
avowtiernoun adulterer
avownoun vow, solemn pledge
avysnoun 1. discussion; 2. opinion
avysethverb, 3rd prs. sg. look at, consider
avysementnoun deliberation
awrekeverb avenged
axeverb, prsnt. sg. ask
axedverb, pst. asked
axethverb, prsnt. sg. asks
ayadv. always
baverb kiss
baarverb carried
bacheler, bachilernoun young man, unmarried man, young knight
bachilrienoun knighthood, knightly conduct
Bacusnoun Bacchus, god of wine
baillif, baillynoun bailiff, an agent for a lord's estate who administered justice and collected revenues
balkenoun beam
balledadj. bald
banenoun killer
Barbre naciounnoun pagan world
bargaynesnoun bargains, buying and selling
bargenoun sailing ship
baronagenoun nobles, nobility
bataillenoun battle
bathnoun cauldron
bathenverb bask
bauderye, bawderyenoun pandering
bawdesnoun pimps
bawdryknoun baldric, shoulder strap, a belt for a sword, bugle, etc. hung from the shoulder across the body to the opposite hip
bawmenoun balsam
beauteenoun beauty
beddes heednoun head of the bed
bedenoun bead, a small usually rounded and perforated piece of glass or stone for threading with others to make jewellery
bedredeadj. 1. bedridden, confined to bed by infirmity; 2. decrepit
beggesterenoun beggar-woman
bekke nod
beneficenoun ecclesiastical living
benigne, benygne, benyngneadj. 1. kind, good; 2. gracious
benignely, benygnelyadv. graciously
benignytee, benygnytee, benyngnytee,noun goodness
benyson, benysounnoun blessing
berethverb acquits
berkyngverbal noun barking
bernenoun barn
bestnoun beast
biblenoun book
bibleddeadj. covered with blood
biddethverb, prsnt. pray
bifel, bifilverb (it) happened
bigileresnoun liars, deceivers
biheeste, biheete, bihestenoun promise
bihight, bihighteverb promised
bihightenverb promised
biknoweverb reveal, confess
bileveverb remain, stay
billenoun petition, formal charge
biraftverb taken away (from)
birafteverb took away (from)
bireveverb remove, deprive, take away
birevethverb removes, deprives, takes away from
biseche, bisekeverb beseech
bisemarenoun scorn
bisetteverb, pst. applied, used
bitookverb entrusted
bitraysethverb, 3rd prs. prsnt. betrays
bitwix, bitwixe, bitwixen, bitwyxenprep. between
biwrey, biwreyeverb, prsnt. 1. reveal, expose; 2. betray
biwreyedverb, pst. revealed
blak, blakeadj. black
blentverb deceived, blinded
blewadj. blue
bleynteverb turned pale
blisfuladj. blessed
blyveadv. quickly
bobancenoun boast
bochernoun butcher
bodies, bodyesnoun metals
boefnoun beef
boghteverb redeemed
bokeler, bokeleernoun buckler, small shield
bondnoun bond, knowledge of practitioner
boonenoun request, prayer
bootenoun remedy
booteleesadv. without remedy, cureless
bordnoun dinner table
bord bigonne sat in the place of honor
bounteenoun goodness, virtue
bountevousadj. generous
bournoun, sg. inner room, bedroom, private room for lord and lady
bourdenoun jest
bouresnoun, pl. bedrooms
boidekynnoun sg. dagger
boydekynsnoun, pl. daggers
brawen, brawnnoun, sg. 1. muscle; 2. meat
brawnesnoun, pl. muscles
bremeadv. fiercely
brenne, brennenverb burn
brennethverb, 3rd prs. sg. burns
brentverb burned
brennyngeverb burning
brestenverb break, burst
bretful, bret-fuladj. brimful
bretherhednoun guild, fraternity
briberyesnoun ways of stealing money
bridalenoun wedding-party
bridnoun, sg. bird
briddesnoun, pl. birds
briggenoun bridge
brikenoun trap, plight
Britounsnoun Bretons
brodeadv. plainly
broodadj. broad, wide
brondnoun torch
brostenverb broken
broteladj. insecure, unstable, brittle
brotelnesse, brotilnessenoun insecurity, unstability, fickleness
browdyngenoun embroidery
brybeverb steal
brydelnoun bridle, the harness fitted about a horse's head
brymstoonnoun sulphur
bryngenverb bring
brynneverb burn
bullesnoun papal bulls, edict, indulgences
bureladj. uneducated, unlearned
burghesnoun, pl. boroughs, a town (as distinct from a city) with a corporation and priviliges granted by a royal charter
burdounnoun bass (part in a song)
burgeysnoun citizen of a city (tradesman)
buryelesnoun burial places (the catacombs)
butconj. unless
butillernoun butler, steward
buxomadj. obedient
buxomlyadv. obediently
by aventure by chance
bygadj. strong
bylenoun beak
by oon assent unanimously, all together
by noon assent not at all
by rote by heart
by taille on credit
byteverb burn
byyngeverb purchase (buying)
caasnoun case, circumstances
cakenoun loaf of bread
calcenyngnoun calcination, reducing to powder by heat
calculingenoun astrological computation
Cantebrigge Cambridge
caplesnoun, pl. horses
capulnoun nag, a small riding-horse or pony
careynenoun corpse
carlnoun fellow
carryknoun barge, large sailing ship
carterenoun charioteer
casteverb, pst. sg. thought, planned
catelnoun property, possessions
caytyf, kaityf, kaytyfnoun wretch
caytyvesnoun wretched creatures
ceint, ceyntnoun belt
cellenoun a subordinate monastery
certesadv. certainly, indeed
chaarnoun chariot, a stately or triumphal vehicle
chaastadj. chaste
chaffarenoun merchandise, goods
chalonsnoun, pl. blankets
chambererenoun (chamber)maid
chambrenoun, sg. (bed)room
chambresnoun, pl. bedrooms
chanon, chanounnoun canon, a member of the clergy serving in a cathedral or collegiate church
chapedverb mounted
chapeleynenoun a nun serving as a secretary to a prioress
chapmannoun merchant
chasteynnoun chestnut tree
chastiteenoun chastity, abstinence from sexual intercourse
chaunterienoun appointment as a chantry priest, an endowment for a priest to serve in a chapel for the soul of its patron
chauntethverb, prsnt. sg. sings
cheere, cherenoun 1. manners, behaviour; 2. facial expression, look
cheesverb choose, chose
chekkernoun chess board
ches, cheseverb choose
chesnoun chess
chestenoun coffin
chevyssauncenoun financial arrangements
chidyngverbal noun scolding
chiknesnoun, pl. chickens
childhedenoun childhood
chirchenoun church
chirche dorenoun door of the church
chivalrie, chivalryenoun 1. nobility; 2. knights
cisernoun strong alcoholic drink
cladverb, pst. prtcpl. clothed
claddeverb, pst. sg. clothed
clepeverb call; clepeth3rd prs. prsnt. sg. calls; cleped (ycleped)pst. called
clergeonnoun choir-boy, schoolboy
clerknoun 1. university student; 2. scholar
cleneadv. neatly
clennessenoun purity, chastity
clippethverb embraces
cloutesnoun rags
clowdenoun cloud
cloystrenoun monastery
clyketnoun key
coknoun rooster
cokenaynoun weakling, coward
cokewoldnoun cuckold, husband of an adulteress
cokkownoun cuckoo, a kind of bird
col-foxnoun fox with black-tipped tail, feet and ears
collaciounnoun colloquy, discussion, conference
coltnoun a young uncastrated male horse usually less than four years old
communeverb communicate, have conversation with
commune profitnoun common interest
communesnoun common soldiers
complayneverb lament
complexiounnoun temperament, balance of the body's fluids
concupiscencenoun sexual desire, lust
consciencenoun moral sense and solicitude
conseilnoun 1. opinion, decision, advice; 2. council, adviser
conseil kepeverb keep secret
conseilleverb tell, instruct, teach, advise
consistorienoun court
constellacionnoun configuration of the celestial bodies
conteknoun strife
continuancenoun perseverance
countour (contour)noun auditor
contreenoun district, country
contriciounnoun the state of being contrite, affected by guilt, feeling remorse or penitence
convertibleadj. interchangeable
conveyenverb introduce
coomverb came
copnoun top
coppenoun cup
coragenoun, sg. 1. heart, feeling; 2. (sexual) desire, ardor
coragesnoun, pl. spirits, feelings
cordial medicine of the heart
cornnoun grain, any cereal before or after harvesting
coronenoun, sg. crown
coronesnoun, pl. crowns
corrumpableadj. corruptible
corsnoun corpse
costleweadj. very expensive
cosynagenoun kinship
cotenoun 1. dungeon, cell; 2. cottage, small farm
couchedverb placed, arranged
countrefeteverb imitate
countrefetedverb imitated
courtepynoun short coat, jacket
coveitise, coveitysenoun avarice, greed, covetousness
covenableadj. appropriate
covenantnoun agreement, contract
coventnoun convent, a religious community, a group of friars or monks
coverchiefnoun, sg. head-dress
coverchiefsnoun, pl. head-dresses
covynenoun treachery
cownoun chough, a crow-like bird
coyadj. quiet, shy
craftnoun profession, occupation, trade
cracchynge scratching
creaunceverb obtain credit, borrow money
creauncethverb obtains credit
crekesnoun tricks
crispeadv. curly
cristal stonesnoun glass cases
crocenoun cross
crommesnoun crumbs
croppesnoun shoots, new leaves
crosseletnoun crucible, a vessel made of a refractory substance used for melting materials at high temperatures
croysnoun cross
crudeadj. raw, unrefined
cruelteenoun cruelty
culpenoun guilt
curaat, curatnoun parish priest
curenoun charge, jurisdiction
curiousadj. skillful, skillfully made
curiouslyadv. skillfully
cursyngnoun archdeacon's curse, excommunication
curteisienoun gracious and considerate conduct, refinement of manners
daliance, daliauncenoun 1. flirtation; 2. sociability, gossip
damenoun mother
dampnedverb condemned
dangerous, daungerousadj.domineering, arrogant, fastidious, hard to please, grudging
dartesnoun, pl. spears
daswenverb are dazed
dayesyenoun daisy, a small plant bearing flowers each with a yellow disc and white rays, usually found in meadows
day of doomnoun Judgement Day, the day on which the Last Judgement is believed to take place
debonaireadj. modest, gracious
debonaireteenoun graciousness, meekness
debonairely, debonairlyadv. gently, modestly, graciously
decreenoun text of ecclesiastical law
dede, deedadj. dead
deedlyadv. deadly
deefadj. deaf
deerneadj.secret, sercretive
deethnoun death
defautenoun 1. flaw; 2. lack, absence; 3. wickedness
defendedverb forbad
deffendedverb forbad, forbidden
deffendenverb forbid
deffendethverb forbids
defyeverb repudiate
delit, delytnoun, sg. delight, pleasure, desire
delicesnoun, pl. pleasures
deliciouslyadv. luxuriously, voluptuously
delivernessenoun dexterity
delveverb dig
delyvereadj. agile, active, nimble
delyverlyadv. nimbly
demandenoun, sg. question
demandesnoun, pl. questions
demethnoun judge
Depardieux by God
depeadv. deeply
depeintverb, pst. prtcpl. stained
depeyntedverb, pst. prtcpl. painted
deppercomp. more deeply
derk, derkeadj. dark
derknessenoun darkness
descensoriesnoun, pl. retorts, flasks used for distillation
despit, despytnoun scorn, disdain, insult, contempt
despitousadj. scornful
desport, disportnoun amusement, pleasure
desraynoun disorder
destreynethverb afflicts, distresses, compels
dettenoun debt, obligation
dettelees without debts
Deus hic God is here
deveadj. deaf
devoirnoun duty
devyneverb guess, conjecture
devyseverb 1. tell, narrate; 2. look upon, inspect; 3. instruct, command
deynousadj. haughty, arrogant
deynteenoun, sg. delicacy; adj. fine, valuable, excellent
deynteesnoun, pl. fine food and drinks, delicacies
deyntevousadj. delicicious
deysnoun dais (stage, raised platform)
dide execucioun carried out the law
diffamaciounnoun slander
diffame bad reputation
diffyeverb repudiate, despise
dightverb, pst. 1. prepared; 2. had sexual intercourse with
digneadj. worthy
digne of reverenceadj. worthy of respect
dilataciounnoun elaboration, increase of words
diligencenoun effort, diligence
disclaundrenoun slander, defame
discordnoun disagreement
discryveverb desribe
disfigurenoun deformity, disfigurement
disesenoun discomfort, distress
dispencenoun expenditure(s)
dispitousadj. angry
dispitouslyadv. angrily
dispoillenverb undress
disporteverb amuse oneself
disposedverb determined, decided
dissevereverb separate, be separated
dissymulethverb dissembles
divynyngenoun speculation
dokkedverb cut short
dolvenverb buried
doomesnoun, pl. judgements, decisions
doostverb, 2nd prs. sg. prsnt. do
doothverb, 3rd prs. sg. prsnt. do, does
doresnoun, pl. doors
dorsteverb, pst. dared
dortournoun dormitory
dotagenoun feeble-minded senility
doutancesnoun uncertainties
dowairenoun dowry, property or money brought by a bride to her husband
dradverb feared, respected
drastyadj. worthless, lousy
drawen to memorieverb be remembered
draweth cut draw lots (straws)
dredenoun fear; drede, dredenverb be afraid
dredeleesadj. 1. fearless; 2. doubtless
dredethverb, 3rd prs. sg. is afraid, fears
dreemnoun, sg. dream
dremesnoun, pl. dreams
drencheverb drown
drenchyngverb drowning
dresseverb go, move
dressedverb treated
dreynt, dreynteverb drowned
droghtenoun dryness
dronkeleweadj. habitually drunk, addicted to drink alcohol
droppyngeverb leaking
dryveverb rushed
ducnoun duke
dureverb last, endure
durenverb last, continue
duszeynenoun dozen, twelve
dwalenoun sleeping potion, drug
dyamauntznoun diamonds
dyched surrounded by a ditch
dykenoun ditch
dyvynyteenoun theology
echpro. each (one)
eek, ekeadv. also
eelde, eldenoun old age
eem, emnoun uncle
eere, erenoun, sg. ear
eeris, eres, erysnoun, pl. ears
eetverb ate
eftadv. 1. again; 2. immediately
eftsoone, eft soone, eft-soone, eftsoones, eft-soonesadv. 1. again, once more; 2. immediately, very soon, right now
eggyngverb incitement, urging
eglenoun eagle, a large bird of prey
egreadj. fierce
eirnoun air
elf-queenenoun fairy queen
elvyssheadj. mysterious
embassadryenoun negotiation
embroudedadj. embroidered
empeyreverb damage, injure
emprentedverb imprinted, made an impression of
emprentyngnoun imprint, impression
emprisenoun enterprise, chivalric exploit
encombredverb, pst. prtcpl. 1. stuck; 2. burdened, encumbered (by)
encressenverb increased
endite, enditen, endyteverb write, describe in writing
endityngesverb writings
engendrurenoun procreation, offspring
enoyntadj. anointed, rubbed with oil
ensamplenoun 1. example, model; 2. illustrative story
entenciounnoun intention
entendeverb endeavour, strive
ententenoun 1. intention, will; 2. plan
ententifadj. attentive, diligent, eager
entremettethverb, 3rd prs. sg. interferes, meddles
entunedadj. intoned
envenymyngenoun poison
envynedadj. stocked with wine
eradv. before, formerly; conj. before; prep. before
ercedekennoun archdeacon
ercedekenes cursnoun excommunication, the official exclusion of a person from participation in the sacraments or formal communion with the Church
erenoun plough
erlnoun earl
ernestnoun seriousness
ersnoun arse
erstadj. superlative before, earlier, previously
erthenoun earth
eschawfedverb, pst. prtcpl. heated
eschawfyneverbal noun heating
eschewingnoun avoidance
eschewe, eschue, eschuweverb escape, avoid
eschuethverb, 3rd prs. sg. escapes, avoids
esenoun pleasure, refreshment
esementnoun redress, compensation
esilyadv. comfortably, easily, gently
espiaillenoun (network of) spies
estaat, estatnoun 1. state, condition; 2. rank, social standing
estatlichadj. dignified
estatlyadj. dignified
estresnoun & adj. interior
eteverb eat
eterneadj. eternal
eveneadj.1. equal; 2. impartial
evene lengthe medium height
ever lenger the wers increasingly worse
everich, everychadj. every (one), each (one)
everichon, everichoon, everychonpro. everyone
everideel, everydeel, every deeladv. completely, in all respects, in every detail; noun everything
expounde, expoundenverb interpret, explain
expowneverb explain, expound
expresadv. clearly, explicit
eynoun egg
eyen narwe swollen eyelids
eyrnoun air
fablenoun fiction, falsehood
fadmenoun fathom
fairadj. pleasing, handsome, fine, morally good
fairnessenoun graciousness, kindness
faldyngnoun coarse woolen coat
famynenoun famine, shortage of food
farenoun commotion
farethverb behaves
farsedadj. stuffed
fauconnoun falcon, a kind of bird of prey
fay, feynoun faith
Fairye, Fayeryenoun fairyland
fayeryeadj. something bewitching, delightful
faynadj. glad, happy, pleased; adv. gladly, happily
feendnoun demon, devil
feendlyadj. devilish
feerenoun companion
fee symplenoun unrestricted possession, absolute possession
feffedverb enfeoffed, endowed with
felnoun skin
fellenverb happened
Femenyenoun Amazons
ferne halwesnoun distant shrines
ferreadj. farther
ferresteadv. superlative farthest, those farthest away
fersnoun queen, a chessman
fertheadj. fourth
ferthyngnoun 1. speck, spot; 2. farthing (a coin worth one-fourth of a penny), something of little value
festenoun feast, festivity
fetislyadv. elegantly
fettresnoun fetters, iron foot chains
feynedverb faked
figurenoun methaphor (figure of speech)
figures ten Arabic numerals
fil in officeverb was employed, got employment
fir, fyrnoun fire
fithelenoun fiddle
Flaundrysshadj. Flemish
fleeverb 1. fly; 2. run away, escape
fleemethverb, 3rd prs. sg. drives out
fleethverb, 3rd prs. sg. flies
flemed wrecchenoun banished exile
flesshhooknoun meat-hook
fleteverb float
fletyngeverb, prs. prtcpl. floating
flonoun arrow
flokmeeleadj. in groups
Flora the goddess of flowers
flour-de-lysnoun lily
floytyngeverb, prs. prtcpl. whistling
fnortethverb, 3rd prs. sg. snorts
foddernoun dried hay or straw for cattle or horses
folilyadj. foolishly
fongeverb receive