Music Schedule 2012-2013

Amanda Heister / AM
PM / Stone
Stone / Jefferson
Jefferson / Stone
Stone / Jefferson
Jefferson / Stone
Eva Chidester / AM
PM / Taylor
Taylor / Sanger
Sanger / Taylor
Taylor / Sanger
Sanger / Taylor
Kesa Gill / AM
PM / Will Rogers
Supervision / Will Rogers
Will Rogers / Will Rogers
Coronado / Supervision
Coronado / Coronado
Paulina Rodriquez / AM
PM / So. Heights
So. Heights / Jefferson
BTW / So. Heights
So. Heights / Coronado
BTW / So. Heights
So. Heights
PM / Mills
Mills / Broadmoor
Broadmoor / Mills
Mills / Broadmoor
Broadmoor / Mills
Annette Labastida / AM
PM / College Lane
College Lane / Edison
Edison / College Lane
College Lane / Edison
Edison / College Ln.
College Ln.

Elementary Music Education Program

A.  Personnel

Elementary music for the Hobbs Municipal Schools will be provided by one certified music teacher and five teacher aides.

B.  Procedures

Music will be taught by the music teacher and aides every week to each classroom (Grades K-5). Elementary Music will be taught on a weekly basis.

C.  Scheduling of the Elementary Music Teachers:

Building schedule is provided. Each building principal is to assign their teachers to these daily time slots. Please keep time management in mind.

1.  Schedule using the geographical layout of the building. Do not have the music teacher going from one end of the building to the other.

2.  Teachers are to have students ready for music before the music teacher arrives.

D.  Utilization of the Music Teacher:

If there is any extra time, the music teacher may help the classroom teacher prepare students for parts in other programs, or extra practices for city-wide elementary music programs.

E.  Home School Assignment:

Monday assignments are the designated home school for each employee.