National Rental

Affordability Scheme

Monthly Performance


31 October 2012


The Department has prepared this report for the purpose of disseminating information on the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) free of charge for the benefit of the public. It draws on information and data provided by a variety of individuals and organisations, including from Approved Participants of the NRAS.

This report is made available for general information, and is subject to regular revision and updates. Use of the information contained in this report is strictly at the user’s own risk.

The Department accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained in this report.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents are factually correct, the Department does not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) concerning the accuracy, currency, reliability, completeness or suitability of this report for any purpose. It is the responsibility of the user of this Report to conduct their own investigations to ensure that the information provided is accurate, complete and relevant to their purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, the Commonwealth disclaims all liability for any loss, damage, expense or costs incurred by any person arising out of using or relying on this report (whether in whole or in part).

Performance Summary

The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) is an Australian Government initiative, working in partnership with the states and territories, to stimulate the supply of new affordable rental homes. Successful NRAS applicants are eligible to receive a National Rental Incentive, drawing together Commonwealth and state or territory contributions for each approved home where they are rented to eligible low and moderate income households at a rate that is at least 20 per cent below the prevailing market rates.

Report Definitions:

In this report:

Incentives Allocated means homes tenanted or available for rent.

Incentives Reserved means homes not yet built, tenanted or available for rent.

Total Incentives means the total number of Incentives Allocated, Reserved or Under Offer.

Type means the type of NRAS home.

Size means the number of bedrooms in the NRAS home.

NRAS Year means the period 1May to 30April each year.

Key Allocation Data:

ü  Number of Incentives Allocated: 10,671

ü  Number of Incentives Reserved: 29,367

ü  Total Incentives: 40,038

ü  Number of Participants: 137

ü  Number of Approved Participants by Profit/Not for Profit Status: 59/78

ü  Of the Not for Profits, 75 are endorsed charities.

1. Incentive Status by State/Territory

State / Incentives Allocated / National % / Incentives Reserved / National % / Total Incentives / National %
ACT / 1,305 / 12.2% / 1,390 / 4.7% / 2,695 / 6.7%
NSW / 1,505 / 14.1% / 5,219 / 17.8% / 6,724 / 16.8%
NT / 105 / 1.0% / 1,591 / 5.4% / 1,696 / 4.2%
QLD / 3,436 / 32.2% / 7,827 / 26.7% / 11,263 / 28.1%
SA / 1,367 / 12.8% / 2,374 / 8.1% / 3,741 / 9.3%
TAS / 480 / 4.5% / 983 / 3.3% / 1,463 / 3.7%
VIC / 1,731 / 16.2% / 5,091 / 17.3% / 6,822 / 17.0%
WA / 742 / 7.0% / 4,892 / 16.7% / 5,634 / 14.1%
Total / 10,671 / 29,367 / 40,038

2. Status of NRAS Allocations by ABS Remoteness:

ABS Remoteness (RA) / Incentives Allocated / Incentives Reserved / Total Incentives / Total %
Major Cities / 8,376 / 18,336 / 26,712 / 66.7%
Inner Regional / 1,459 / 4,528 / 5,987 / 15.0%
Outer Regional / 693 / 2,023 / 2,716 / 6.8%
Remote / 3 / 1,231 / 1,234 / 3.1%
Very Remote / 0 / 506 / 506 / 1.3%
Location Not Stipulated / 140 / 2,743 / 2,883 / 7.2%
Total / 10,671 / 29,367 / 40,038

^ The requirements around the provision of location data of proposed allocations have been relaxed to allow participants to provide only the postcode when applying under certain application rounds. This has resulted in an inability to map to a remoteness category for some homes, until they become available for rent. Incentives allocated reported as "Location not Stipulated" have yet to be geographically coded by the Department. Data Source: ABS Remoteness Area (RA) [ASGC 2006]

3. NRAS Monthly Summary:

NRAS Summary / To September / To October
Total Incentives Allocated and Reserved / 40,151 / 40,038
Incentives Allocated (Tenanted or available for rent) / 10,112 / 10,671
Incentives Reserved (Not yet delivered) / 30,039 / 29,367

4. Actual and Participant Reported Delivery by NRAS Year (30 April) – Cumulative:

Actual Delivery (by NRAS Year) / Participant Reported Delivery (by end of NRAS Year)
State / To April 2009 / To April 2010 / To April 2011 / To April 2012 / 31
Oct 2012* / To April 2013 / To April 2014 / To April 2015 / To April 2016 / To April 2017**
ACT / 0 / 37 / 565 / 1,259 / 1,305 / 1,794 / 1,869 / 2,343 / 2,343 / 2,695
NSW / 91 / 574 / 892 / 1,277 / 1,505 / 2,820 / 4,321 / 4,908 / 4,908 / 6,724
NT / 0 / 0 / 0 / 14 / 105 / 1,300 / 1,367 / 1,646 / 1,696 / 1,696
QLD / 6 / 236 / 713 / 2,161 / 3,436 / 7,737 / 10,260 / 11,263 / 11,263 / 11,263
SA / 50 / 284 / 628 / 1,166 / 1,367 / 2,300 / 3,135 / 3,741 / 3,741 / 3,741
TAS / 14 / 102 / 242 / 372 / 480 / 827 / 1,307 / 1,312 / 1,463 / 1,463
VIC / 136 / 393 / 498 / 1,492 / 1,731 / 3,459 / 5,149 / 6,822 / 6,822 / 6,822
WA / 32 / 121 / 298 / 552 / 742 / 1,957 / 2,767 / 4,498 / 4,739 / 5,634
Total / 329 / 1,747 / 3,836 / 8,293 / 10,671 / 22,194 / 30,175 / 36,533 / 36,975 / 40,038

*Dwellings delivered in July 2012 are part of the 2013 NRAS year. **Expected dwelling deliveries in June of 2016 will be part of the NRAS April 2017 year figures

Actual Delivery of Incentives by end of NRAS Year (30 April) – Cumulative:

Participant Reported Delivery of Incentives by end of NRAS Year (30 April) – Cumulative:


ü  Actual delivery of Incentives has been displayed by the date of delivery.

ü  Delivery of incentives in future years is based on information reported to the Department by NRAS participants.

5. Types of NRAS Homes by Availability:

Type of Home / Incentives Allocated / Incentives Reserved / Total Incentives
Apartment / 3,948 / 12,872 / 16,820
House / 2,884 / 5,261 / 8,145
Studio / 1,913 / 4,884 / 6,797
Subsidiary Dwelling (Multiple Tenancies) / 5 / 0 / 5
Townhouse / 1,921 / 6,350 / 8,271
Total / 10,671 / 29,367 / 40,038

2011-12 Tenant Data:

Note: Tenant Data is collected annually at the end of each NRAS year (ending 30 April).

Approved NRAS Participants are required to submit Tenancy Demographic Data (TDA) as part of their end of year reporting requirements. 7,758 TDA were analysed for the NRAS year 1 May 2011 to 30 April 2012. Note that tenants may fall under multiple or no options; therefore the figures may not add up to the total number of occupants.

The key observations resulting from this analysis are:

Occupant Demographics

ü  Number of occupants: 15,719

ü  Occupants identifying as Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander descent: 701

ü  Persons with a disability: 1,425

ü  Sole Parents: 1,830

ü  Couples: 1,782

ü  Children (under 17): 5,115

ü  Mature age Australians

o  (55 – 64): 768

o  (65 years and over): 1,112

Occupant Income Sources

ü  Private sector wages: 2,979

ü  Public sector wages: 659

ü  Community sector wages: 255

ü  Self-employed: 209

ü  Superannuation or annuity: 45

ü  Government pensions and allowances: 5,181

ü  Other sources: 1,570

Occupant Employment

ü  Reported as employed: 4,777

ü  Reported as unemployed: 2,322

ü  Reported as full time students: 4,268

Previous Living Arrangements

ü  Renting through real estate: 6,078

ü  Renting from State/Territory housing authority: 943

ü  Living with family/friends: 3,560

ü  Previously owned or purchasing own home: 320

ü  Homeless: 382

6. Overview by round:

State / Round 1 / Round 2 / Round 3 / Round 4 / Total Incentives
Allocated / Incentives
Reserved / Incentives
Allocated / Incentives
Reserved / Incentives
Allocated / Incentives
Reserved / Incentives
Allocated / Incentives
ACT / 56 / 0 / 64 / 12 / 947 / 75 / 238 / 1,303 / 2,695
NSW / 608 / 127 / 649 / 257 / 23 / 279 / 225 / 4,556 / 6,724
NT / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 105 / 1,095 / 0 / 496 / 1,696
QLD / 567 / 90 / 1,036 / 557 / 1,116 / 2,184 / 717 / 4,996 / 11,263
SA / 360 / 14 / 866 / 16 / 78 / 22 / 63 / 2,322 / 3,741
TAS / 368 / 0 / 83 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 29 / 977 / 1,463
VIC / 475 / 49 / 945 / 765 / 221 / 3,459 / 90 / 818 / 6,822
WA / 337 / 36 / 141 / 5 / 40 / 1,477 / 224 / 3,374 / 5,634
Total / 2,771 / 316 / 3,784 / 1,618 / 2,530 / 8,591 / 1,586 / 18,842 / 40,038

7. Charitable Status by State/Territory:

State / Endorsed Charities / Non – Endorsed Charities
Total Incentives / Incentives Allocated / Completed / Total Incentives / Incentives Allocated / Completed
ACT / 2,695 / 1,305 / 48.4% / 0 / 0 / 0.0%
NSW / 4,155 / 1,391 / 33.5% / 2,569 / 114 / 4.4%
NT / 1,556 / 105 / 6.7% / 140 / 0 / 0.0%
QLD / 5,818 / 1,882 / 32.3% / 5,445 / 1,554 / 28.5%
SA / 1,493 / 849 / 56.9% / 2,248 / 518 / 23.0%
TAS / 1,134 / 154 / 13.6% / 329 / 326 / 99.1%
VIC / 4,475 / 1,609 / 36.0% / 2,347 / 122 / 5.2%
WA / 1,655 / 75 / 4.5% / 3,979 / 667 / 16.8%
Incentives / 22,981 / 7,370 / 32.1% / 17,057 / 3,301 / 19.4%

8. ABS Remoteness by State/Territory:

State / Major Cities / Inner Regional / Outer Regional / Remote / Very Remote / Not Stipulated / Total Incentives
ACT / 2,695 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2,695
NSW / 5,789 / 443 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 477 / 6,724
NT / 0 / 0 / 1,128 / 50 / 0 / 518 / 1,696
QLD / 7,958 / 1,839 / 903 / 25 / 0 / 538 / 11,263
SA / 3,090 / 322 / 162 / 37 / 0 / 130 / 3,741
TAS / 0 / 1,327 / 136 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1,463
VIC / 5,155 / 1,388 / 25 / 0 / 0 / 254 / 6,822
WA / 2,025 / 668 / 347 / 1,122 / 506 / 966 / 5,634
Total / 26,712 / 5,987 / 2,716 / 1,234 / 506 / 2,883 / 40,038

Data Source: ABS Remoteness Area (RA) [ASGC 2006]

9. Type of Homes by State/Territory:

State / Apartment / House / Studio / Subsidiary Dwelling / Townhouse / Total Incentives
ACT / 1,085 / 82 / 1,464 / 5 / 59 / 2,695
NSW / 4,352 / 420 / 1,192 / 0 / 760 / 6,724
NT / 1,158 / 164 / 293 / 0 / 81 / 1,696
QLD / 3,753 / 4,224 / 293 / 0 / 2,993 / 11,263
SA / 1,226 / 1,517 / 151 / 0 / 847 / 3,741
TAS / 200 / 182 / 770 / 0 / 311 / 1,463
VIC / 3,940 / 367 / 1,619 / 0 / 896 / 6,822
WA / 1,106 / 1,189 / 1,015 / 0 / 2,324 / 5,634
Total / 16,820 / 8,145 / 6,797 / 5 / 8,271 / 40,038

10. Size of Homes by State/Territory:

State / Studio / 1 Bedroom / 2 Bedrooms / 3 Bedrooms / 4 Bedrooms / 5 or more Bedrooms / Total Incentives
ACT / 1,464 / 584 / 363 / 241 / 7 / 36 / 2,695
NSW / 1,128 / 1,749 / 3,042 / 618 / 186 / 1 / 6,724
NT / 293 / 535 / 728 / 140 / 0 / 0 / 1,696
QLD / 300 / 1,882 / 2,916 / 4,441 / 1,724 / 0 / 11,263
SA / 150 / 516 / 1,188 / 1,609 / 273 / 5 / 3,741
TAS / 770 / 77 / 376 / 227 / 13 / 0 / 1,463
VIC / 1,619 / 2,112 / 2,253 / 753 / 80 / 5 / 6,822
WA / 1,015 / 1,594 / 2,060 / 792 / 171 / 2 / 5,634
Total / 6,739 / 9,049 / 12,926 / 8,821 / 2,454 / 49 / 40,038


ü  The table above refers to NRAS homes by their size (number of bedrooms).

ü  Approximate number of bedrooms based on Incentives Reserved and Allocated: 78,164

Headlines for 31 October 2012:

ü  559 new homes have been reported available during October 2012. This brings the total number of homes tenanted or made available for rent this year to 5,327.

ü  268 new apartments, 133 houses, 123 townhouses and 35 studios were made available in October.

ü  22,884 bedrooms across the 10,671 homes are now available through the scheme.

Incentive Allocations by Participant

State / Organisation Name / Active / Proposed / Grand Total /
ACT / Australian National University / 947 / 75 / 1022
Community Housing Canberra Ltd / 184 / 417 / 601
The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Canberra and Surrounding District / 60 / 60
UnitingCare Ageing / 12 / 12
University of Canberra / 174 / 826 / 1000
ACT Total / 1305 / 1390 / 2695
NSW / 27 - 29 George Street Pty Ltd / 11 / 0 / 11
62 Darlinghurst Road Pty Ltd / 0 / 30 / 30
Aboriginal Housing Company Limited / 0 / 62 / 62
Affordable Community Housing / 163 / 268 / 431
Arara Properties Pty Limited / 0 / 53 / 53
Aspire Housing Group Pty Ltd / 0 / 71 / 71
Australand Holdings Limited / 0 / 61 / 61
Bamreta Pty Ltd / 24 / 0 / 24
Baptist Community Services / 59 / 60 / 119
BlueCHP Limited / 213 / 104 / 317
Bridge Housing Limited / 0 / 313 / 313
C.K.S. Group (Aust) Pty Ltd atf C.K.S. Unit Trust / 0 / 141 / 141