Non-abuser of an elderly parent appeal!

1/16/15 2:29 PM

The truth has falling as less important to liar’s words

Today I try to locate an attorney in order to correct a non-finding void of evidence that will place me a non abuser of my elderly mother on a register that states that I abused her when she was in my care. The before mentioned notion is erroneous and the woman Dennis Headington of Human Services was assured that by my eighty seven year old mom in October when she paid our home a call in Waukon, IA. I was so very proud of mom she stood toe to toe at 86 with this stranger who had entered our home with the only objective to find mother harmed in some factious manner. Mother stood her ground and stated that this isn’t Soviet Russia and that we aren’t on any social services list and that she had no business in our home. Mom Marian D. Heike also told her that at No time had I ever harmed or with held food from her. Mother also told her without loosing or dropping a beat that she wasn’t going to be ever welcomed back.

Two weeks later we mother and I (Val K Heike) received a letter naming my older half sister for having made the trouble with the lie of elder abuse. Diana lee Heike Dudley has for the past two years been trying in earnest to make mother move to Texas and live with her. Mother always said no she loves Waukon and Diana never got that mom should be allowed to live out her days in Waukon. It was a regular thing for Diana to call and harass mom between 5 and 12 times a day. Mother would literally cringe and say “Why can’t she leave me alone?” or “Why does she have to always keep at me!”

Last October rather the October of 2013 Diana made her annual trek to bother mom in person. She Diana harps after mom to tell her when she wants something she doesn’t need that or what she should do with property mom has in northern Wisconsin (Diana wants to sell it to her ex husband –John Cook’s son by marriage by condemning the other half of the property owned by my cousins forcing them to also have to sell the property our grandpa Paul John Andrew Heike had bought for back taxes in the 1930’s.)

In 2013 Diana wasn’t taking no for an answer and so she just took mom. Like mom was some sort of rag doll Diana could do, as she liked. Mom finally consented to a two-week stay. Unfortunately that two-week stay became three months making mom at 86 have to travel home alone on a plan. Eighty six year olds don’t move well and traveling alone is a scary matter Diana didn’t care!

Diana’s phone calls caused a deliberate tremor to go through mom mother had two abusive husbands her first husband Diana’s father beat mother with physical punches mostly in the gut. Mother finally stood up and left when Diana was a year and a half old. Mother compared Diana to her paternal grandmother “Albertine” she was a button pusher and demanded to always be in control of all around her as her Gay sister with several hours of psychology and human services classes I don’t fall victim to her any longer if I can help it the situation has come to a head and now I need to stand up not only against my mothers abuser but also to a woman she is and has been slandering with malice my good name.

Mother second husband my father used verbal abuse as the most sensitive of the family I was always to reason for leaving family gatherings early dad would have me in tears with a look or a arm pulled back aimed at me. Dad never was a fan or Diana’s. When dad married mom Diana was eight years old it wasn’t long at a family gathering Diana was in command of all thoughts of our grandpa Paul John Andrew Heike Diana told mom that he had touched her in a wrong place. After that Grandpa was never allowed to be alone with his grand daughter’s. The funny thing about that was that I had seven cousins older then me in the Heike family that were girls and grandpa had never touched them in any manner of funny way.

After five husbands and failed marriages Diana has master punching buttons and leaving the floor full of body parts with a wink lies roll from her mouth and the weak believe her words that are valueless and empty and no one opens their eyes and investigates to find the true is in my mothers words I have never abused in any faction my mother.

In august Diana tried to take mother home with her that didn’t work so she “cried wolf”, and told Social Services that Val K Heike had abused her mom and that I with held food from her. My priest says that the wolf criers get all the attention and the truth suffers I believe Father Jim is correct but to kill off my future and allow my mothers abuser to win the day I will stand in the face of the bullies all of them fortunately this is just Diana and her gang persuaded that her truth is the correct truth.

In august Diana up her stakes and told mom that if I returned to school she was going into a home or moving to Texas. Mom can only take so much battering then we all become like my younger sister Ellen Beth Mathis we tuck our heads into the sand and hope the crazy people will go away eventually. Ellen in 2000 was made power of attorney if mother lost her mind or got dementia I was in Virginia and Diana has lived in Texas for over thirty years now. That is a foolish person to give power of attorney over mom because she fears Diana and is the animal waiting for the enemy to pass by I just describes.

Mom came to me with tears in her eyes I never knew mother to beg she knows how much I loved being a student at Luther College a place I dreamed all my life of attending. It was as hard as going back to school at fifty to decide but in actually it took just an instant to know without breathing that I have only one mom and she needed me more then I needed to continue right now at Luther College. My hand shakes as I think of lies spoken by this person about my care of my mom. There are few people I would stand in front of a loaded gun and say shoot me but that’s exactly what I did at fourteen when I took a loaded gun from my dad.

I stepped out of Luther that pissed Diana off big time. In October Diana came to Iowa to bully mom in person. Diana is a person whop should never be allowed another’s care she has fiber myology and blinding migraines that shut her up in a room till they pass mother needs to go potty every two hours. When she saw her nagging was missing the mark then Diana sought another avenue of harassment she went after me. In about two weeks after the visit we received a note telling that it had been as I supposed Diana Lee Dudley had instigated the assault of Social workers and cops upon our home.

When she returned to Texas in October she took mom’s notebook given to her the following year by her grandson in 2013. It was to be wireless I had taken it to Theology class to have one of our fine young people at Luther college get it to read wireless. Diana called mom and told her that I had erased the IP address on the computer. Mother had never been allowed by Diana to be on my face page because I’m gay and that would have been horrid it someone had spoke to her. My friends are theologies, actors, mostly writers and cat lovers there aren’t any freaks the old idea that everyone gay is despicable was always erroneous. Diana supposing mom would believe all the crap she was fed. Mom is an intelligent supper lady and my very best friend. Diana told mom that I had erased her games and put porn on the notebook. Now I’m monogamous I have loved only one woman for three years I don’t need more then her Hello Howya doing daily I smile my heart beats faster and I’m good for till I here her tell me again to be safe meaning be good! I’m always good but I see that isn’t important to anyone it has died with truth in Waukon this past year.

The next thing Diana did was telling mom my email is on the notebook. Then she read mom’s email. Diana told mom that I had ordered Omaha Steaks with her debit card. Mom had found that a load of meat from them was about as cheap as actually going out to get the meat at the store especially when meat is a pound for hamburger. Diana lost out on that as well. Diana’s calls intensified like it was her mission to get mom or give her a heart attack and kill her and say that was also because of me.

Thanking day came and mother and I stayed home Ellen didn’t feel well and Diana had called mom a liar mom hadn’t felt like going to Ellen’s three miles in the country and staying when she had come to boss her down to Texas the steps at Ellen’s are hard for mom but when her grandsons Daniel now 25 and Craig 23 they assist mom and she gets there. With the unceasing badgering and mother still angry with Diana for thinking she was her pal to bee bullied and not her mom to be respected I wanted to take the phone and trash it. Diana had gotten mom a Jitterbug. I paid for the television, Internet and her phone but that wasn’t good enough so in the mail came this little phone. I was always with mom it was a non-essential item. I told mom it was just another way she could control her. Diana was most insistent that mother wore it were ever she went. Mothers arthritis is horrid it is hereditary I was never far unless I was at the grocery store. I had stopped driving Amish and as a history major I found it a hoot even though I made next to nothing driving them. I had to literally assist mother up to do everything. The only time I was out of the room was when I was cooking.

Last summer I has a punctured left foot and cellulitis twice and Shingles twice. On Thanksgiving mother fell I had gotten her to the potty and she feel backwards I called the ambulance. Mom was x-rayed nothing was broke or cracked and Dr. Schwartz said we could go home so Daniel Ellen’s eldest and I took mom home next day another social worker was at our door. Diana had told that mom’s house wasn’t perfectly clean. In all the six and a half years I cared for mom I had no assistance not even a day off. Not once did I ever harm my mom, I was also that year seeking homes for kitties.

The Tuesday before our fire on the third of December father Jim from Saint Pats came to the house he told us that we should have power of attorney placed in mine and Ellen’s name. We didn’t know till after the fire that Ellen was on power of attorney, which is changeable. As long as mom is the alert person she is and is allowed by her now keeper. Mother should be allowed thee freedom to be cared for where she wants to and to spend her money as she wished with out someone leaning over her shoulder demanding her to spend it as she wished, and over seeing her property.

The fire I had washed in the morning and dried and had other things to do so I never returned when the alarm went off at 1000 I found the fire and the most horrid black smoke imaginable it burned my lungs and took mom’s voice. By the time I took myself out of the hospital I was worried about mom. Diana was with mom constantly the first words out of her mouth were “you will never care for mom again!” funny because that is what she will not do she has no business soiling my good name and winning the day by forcing mother to Texas.

After a week after returning to my hometown of Waukon the weak-minded nurses had swallowed the slander Diana was tossing them hook line and sinker. Nurses literally came running when I entered the hospital because I wanted to sit with my mom. I tried to get legal aid but Diana falsely called them as well telling them she was an Iowa something she hasn’t been since my oldest nephew was sixteen.

I’m not done yet a descendant of people that came to America in the sixteen hundreds I’m not going to quit fighting these lies till her demise. I got my neck bowed as the Duke stated in the fighting Kentuckian. When did America become the kind of people that torture the innocent?

Valerie K Heike