Sixth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-Bechwar

Unit 2.1: The Universe / Theme: Space and Time
Why is it important to know about the universe? / Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Lesson Vocabulary:
1.  astronomers – experts in the science that deals with the sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies
2.  collapse – to cave in
3.  collide – to strike violently together
4.  galaxy – a group of billions of stars forming one system
5.  particles – extremely small units of matter / Spelling Words:
1.  possibility
2.  linear
3.  ridiculous
4.  artificial
5.  calculator
6.  competitive
7.  curiosity
8.  organization
9.  individual
10. encyclopedia
11. peony
12. tarantula
13. correspondent
14. cauliflower
15. optimistic
16. enthusiastic
17. sophisticated
18. satisfactory
19. irritable
20. simultaneously
21. contemporary
22. cinematography
23. panoramic
24. condominium
25. glamorous
More Words to Know:
1.  cosmic – having to do with the whole universe
2.  optimistic – hoping for the best
3.  outbursts – acts for bursting forth
Multisyllabic words
Regular and irregular plural nouns
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Word structure / Comprehension Skill:
Main idea
Comprehension Strategy:
Monitor and fix up
Social Studies Content:
The Telescope Satellite,
How Stars Are Named,
Kinds Of Stars,
Solar Energy

Sixth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-Bechwar

Unit 2.2: Dinosaur Ghosts: The Mystery of Coelophysis / Theme: Space and Time
What can we learn from studying fossils? / Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Lesson Vocabulary:
1.  fragile – easily broken, damaged or destroyed
2.  poisonous – containing a dangerous substance, very harmful to life and health
3.  prey – animals hunted and killed for food by another animal
4.  sluggish – lacing energy or vigor
5.  specimens – examples of a group
6.  treacherous – very dangerous while seeming to be safe
7.  volcanic – of or caused by a volcano / Spelling Words:
1.  suspend
2.  pendant
3.  conductor
4.  novel
5.  productive
6.  numeral
7.  reserve
8.  numerous
9.  preserve
10. pending
11. pendulum
12. deduction
13. novelty
14. numerator
15. reservoir
16. conservatory
17. appendix
18. impending
19. induct
20. innovation
21. aqueduct
22. abduction
23. perpendicular
24. expenditure
25. enumerate
More Words to Know:
1.  excavation – the act of uncovering by digging
2.  geologists – scientist who study the composition of the earth or of other heavenly bodies, the process that formed them, and their history
3.  paleontologists – scientists who study prehistoric life as represented in fossilized plants and animals
Latin roots 1
Possessive nouns
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Word structure / Comprehension Skill:
Main idea
Comprehension Strategy:
Prior knowledge
Science Content:
Triassic Dinosaurs,
Global Warming,
Testing Hypothesis,
Careers In Science

Sixth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-Bechwar

Unit 2.3: A Week in the 1800s / Theme: Space and Time
How can knowing the past help us understand the present? / Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Lesson Vocabulary:
1.  counselor – person who gives advice; advisor
2.  identity – who or what you are
3.  physical – of or for the body
4.  surplus – amount over and above what is needed
5.  technology – the use of scientific knowledge to control physical objects and forces / Spelling Words:
1.  ancestor
2.  hospital
3.  grumble
4.  sponsor
5.  superior
6.  escalator
7.  encounter
8.  shoulder
9.  skeleton
10. forbidden
11. appetizer
12. identical
13. abandon
14. governor
15. endeavor
16. outspoken
17. durable
18. lengthen
19. cinnamon
20. interior
21. interpreter
22. bachelor
23. accelerator
24. acquittal
25. misdemeanor
More Words to Know:
1.  tradesman – storekeeper; shopkeeper
2.  unladylike – impolite; not like a lady; not well-bred
Final syllable patterns
Action and linking verbs
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Dictionary/glossary / Comprehension Skill:
Graphic sources
Comprehension Strategy:
Text structure
Social Studies Content:
Technology And Culture,
Gender Roles,
Careers Then And Now

Sixth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-Bechwar

Unit 2.4: Good-bye to the Moon / Theme: Space and Time
How can a focus on the future help us imagine new possibilities? / Genre: Science Fiction
Lesson Vocabulary:
1.  combustion – act or process of burning
2.  dingy – lacking brightness or freshness; dirty-looking
3.  negotiate – to talk over and arrange terms
4.  traversed – passed across, over, or through
5.  waft – a breath or puff of air, wind, scent
6.  waning – going through its regular reduction in the amount of its visible portion, such as the moon / Spelling Words:
1.  different
2.  sentence
3.  American
4.  brilliant
5.  substitute
6.  opinion
7.  material
8.  complete
9.  jewelry
10. dramatic
11. instance
12. communicate
13. hesitate
14. elementary
15. vitamin
16. ingredients
17. invitation
18. discipline
19. lasagna
20. desperate
21. inhabitant
22. ferocious
23. orangutan
24. sympathetic
25. infinity
More Words to Know:
1.  birthright – right or privilege that someone is entitled to by birth
2.  conventional – of the usual type or design; commonly used or seen
3.  infinity – a condition of having no limits; endlessness
Subject-verb agreement
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Context clues / Comprehension Skill:
Compare and contrast
Comprehension Strategy:
Ask questions
Social Studies Content:
First Men On The Moon,
The “Seas” Of The Moon,
The Moon,

Sixth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-Bechwar

Unit 2.5: Egypt / Theme: Space and Time
Why is it important to understand ancient civilizations? / Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Lesson Vocabulary:
1.  abundant – more than enough; very plentiful
2.  artifacts – things made by human skill or work, especially tools or weapons
3.  decrees – official decisions or laws
4.  eternity – the endless period after death
5.  immortal – living forever; never dying
6.  receded – moved backward
7.  reigned - ruled / Spelling Words:
1.  musician
2.  politician
3.  novelist
4.  scientist
5.  historian
6.  tenant
7.  student
8.  patient
9.  resident
10. comedian
11. vegetarian
12. soloist
13. specialist
14. motorist
15. merchant
16. participant
17. occupant
18. custodian
19. descendant
20. chemist
21. technician
22. superintendent
23. accompanist
24. correspondent
25. pedestrian
More Words to Know:
1.  festive – of or suitable for a feast, festival, or holiday; merry
2.  inlaid – set in the surface as a decoration or design
3.  papyrus – a tall water plant form which the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, And Romans made a material upon which to write
Suffixes, -ian, -ant, -ent, -ist,
Past, present, and future tenses
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Word structure / Comprehension Skill:
Graphic sources
Comprehension Strategy:
Social Studies Content:
The Pharaohs,
Life Of The Common People,
Egypt And Other Nations,