Catherine Ganley

Grammar 2


Commas can be quite misused.
One of the best ways to prove your proficiency as a writer is to gain mastery over the comma.

Rule 1: Use a comma to help clear up misreading/misunderstandings

If you cook Elmer we will do the dishes.

While we were eating a rattlesnake approached our campsite.

Rule 2: Use a comma to separate two separate sentences (independent clauses) when they are combined by a conjunction (and, or, but, because, also, however, etc.)

Nearly everyone at the dance fell in love at first sight but I fell in love at first dance.

I would have taken the train but I felt that the plane was much safer.

I would like to eat eggs and I would like to have a glass of orange juice

Rule 3: Use a comma after an introductory word group (listen for the pause).

After eating a good breakfast you should be able to get a good start for the day.

Knowing that he couldn’t outrun the car Kevin ran across the field.

Excited about the move Alice and Don began packing their books.

Rule 4: Use a comma between items in a series.

I want eggs apples and oranges from the store.

I would like to play dominos checkers and then hearts.

Rule 5: Use a comma before “which” but not before “that.” Actually, the rule reads: use a comma before nonrestrictive phrases (phrases that can be left out of a sentence and still have the sentence make sense), and do not use a comma before restrictive phrases (phrases that require the additional information to make sense). Now… Isn’t my rule easier?

For the camp the children needed clothes that were washable.

For the camp the children needed sturdy shoes which were expensive.

Rule 6: Use a comma to set off appositives (really long adjectives for the preceding noun).

Sally McGinnis the office manager was out sick today.

Norman Mailer’s first novel The Naked and the Dead was best seller.

Catherine Ganley

Grammar 2 (con’t)

Correct the following sentences keeping in mind the rules listed above.
Some of the sentences might be correct.

1. When the electricity fails there’s no elevator no light no television none of the amenities.

2. We keep books that are valuable in locked cases.

3. Martha L. Ferris chairperson of Consolidated Amalgams has announced the mergers.

4. Fill in the enclosed form and mail it today.

5. Saving not spending is the way to security.

6. We eat and drink to survive but eat cheese and drink wine to live!

7. I love to play with cats and dogs.

8. I love to play with cats and chase dogs.

9. I love to play with cats and he loves to chase dogs.

10. If you hear a natural pause then you should consider a comma.

11. On the contrary a college degree does not guarantee employability.

12. We have been planning this expansion for years and I am glad the time has come to make a start.

13. Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday.

14. Eat your vegetables and drink your milk!

15. Engraved stationery which conveys the impression of dignity adds to the attractiveness of correspondence.

16. The boy and the dog ran down the street because his father did not see him waiting on the corner.