• Student must point to each word as he/she reads with 1:1 correspondence.
  • TAP out, with fingers, all letter sounds when stuck.
  • Reread for fluency and accuracy.
  • Talk about periods, commas, question marks, exclamation points, quotation marks and sentences beginning with upper case letters and names beginning with upper case letters.
  • BONUS: Spell the words in these stories.

Theme 1 and Theme 2 Phonics Library, Houghton Mifflin.


Cat sat. Cat sat, sat, sat.

Cat on the Mat

Cat sat, sat, sat.

Cat sat, sat, sat.

Cat sat on the mat.

Cat sat, sat, sat.

Cat Sat

Cat sat. Cat sat. Go, cat!

Cat sat, sat, sat on the mat.

Nan Cat

Nan sat on the mat.

Nat can pat Nan cat.

Nat can fan Nan Cat.

Go, Nan, go!

Fat Cat

Nan sat here.

Pat, Nat, and Fan sat.

Fat Cat sat.

We can pat Fat Cat.

Tan Fan

We can pat Tan Fan.

Nat can pat Tan Fan, too.

Tan Fan can jump.

Nan can not pat Tan Fan.

Can It Fit?

Can the hat fit the pig?

Can it fit the rat?

Can it fit the bat?

It can fit the big cat!

Who Can Hit?

Have a big bat, Nan.

Nan can it to Nat.

Nan ran, ran, ran.

Nan can sit!

One Big Fat Fig

Pat can find a big fat fig.

Can Pat hit the big fig?

Pat ran. Pat hit the big fig.

Pat bit the big fig.

Dot Fox

Dot Fox got a wig.

Dot Fox ran a lot.

Dot Fox got hot.

Dot Fox got a fan.

Pig Wig and Dan Ox

What can fit in a big, big box?

Pig Wig can fit.

Dan Ox can fit.

A lot can fit in a big, big box?

Once Upon a Dig

Pig Wig can dig, dig, dig.

Dot Fox can dig, dig, dig.

Dot Fox can dig a lot.

Dot Fox can find Pig Wig!

Not Yet!

Len Hen can get one kit in the tan van.

Can two fit?

Can ten fit?

Not yet!

Big Ben

“Is Big Ben set yet?” said Ken.

Vet Dan got Big Ben for me.

Big Ben can sit.

I can pat Big Ben.

Get Wet, Ken!

Can you get wet, Ken?

I can not get wet yet.

My big tan van got wet.

I can do it.

I can get wet, wet, wet.

The Bug Kit

Jen got a big bug kit.

But can Jen get a big bug?

Zig, zig, zig.

The bug ran.
“Quit it!” said Jen.

Quit It, Zig!

Jen set a big, hot mug on the big rug.

Quit it, Zig!

Get away, Zig!

But Zig sat.

Tut, tut, Zig!

They are wet, wet, wet!

Rug Tug

Ten men can tug a big rug.

Ten men pull it to a tan hut.

It does not fit yet, but the ten men do not quit.

Zig, jig!

Ten men cut it. It can fit!