Minutes of the Parish Assembly

Monday 15 June 2015 at 7.00pm
Assembly Room, Town Hall
33/15 / Welcome & Apologies
Apologies:Deputy Jackie Hilton, Deputy Russell Labey, Deputy Richard Rondel, Deputy Rod Bryans, Deputy Sam Mezec, The Dean
Deputies in Attendance: Deputy Andrew Lewis
34/15 / Item 1: to approve the minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 27 May 2015;
Proposed:Geraint Jennings
Seconded:Bernie Manning
The minutes were duly adopted.
35/15 / Item 2: elect a Vingtenier for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon;
Proposer: Daniel Scaife
Seconder: Peter Pearce
There being no other candidates Mitch Couriard was re-elected Vingtenier for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon.
The Constable thanked Mitch for his loyal 32 year service to the Honorary Police and warned him to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 19 June to take his Oath of Office.
36/15 / Item 3: elect a Vingtenier for the Canton de Haut de la Vingtaine de la Ville;
Proposer: Daniel Scaife
Seconder: Peter Pearce
There being no other candidates Isaura de Castro was re-elected Vingtenier for the Canton de Haut de la Vingtaine de la Ville.
The Constable warned her to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 19 June to take herOath of Office.
37/15 / Item 4: elect a Constables Officer for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon;
Proposer: Manuel de Sousa
Seconder: Daniel Scaife
There being no other candidates Rafael Gouveia was elected as Constables Officer for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon.
The Constable warned him to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 19 June to take his Oath of Office.
38/15 / Item 5: to consider an application by Chordz Coffee House in respect of premises at 3 West Centre, Bath Street, for a Bailiff’s Annual Entertainment permit;
Proposer: Johnathan Scriven
Seconder: Adam Marshall
Geraint Jennings asked if the Assembly could be informed of the nature of the entertainment, the proposed hours and the hours of opening.
The Proprietor Charles Northedge said that essentially it would be acoustic acts, duos mainly, with low amplification. There was no room for drums, therefore it would be background music. It was planned for a Saturday afternoon and the premises were open Monday to Saturday 8am to 7pm.
On being put to the vote the application was unanimously approved.
39/15 / Item 6: to approve a recommendation of the Roads Committee and Procureurs du Bien Public that some of the proceeds of the sale of land at Westmount Gardens for the Jersey Electricity substation is spent on the design and installation of a St Helier WW1 Memorial in Parade Gardens P.01/2015*
Proposer: Peter Pearce
Seconder: Clive Barton
John Stievenard, Director of Technical & Environmental Services explained the background to the proposition.
Geraint Jennings said he was supportive of the proposition but had a question on the financing. The proposition wording said “some of the money of the sale of Westmount Gardens” the figures in the Projet suggest most if not all of the money from the sale. He felt that the proposition was misleading and could suggest that there could be additional funding coming from elsewhere, therefore could a ceiling figure be inserted to ensure that the cost does not exceed the sale of the land.
The Constable said that tonight the Assembly was being asked for an in principle decision and that once chosen, a final design and cost would be brought to another Assembly for final approval. He confirmed that there was no additional sums therefore the cost would have to be within the sale price of the land.
Bernie Manning said that he thought there was additional funding from the States.
The Constable said that the only funding he was aware of was an allocation of £83,000 on a scheme which had to be carried out by TTS.
Peter Pearce added that although the Parish had the Cenotaph, St Helier was the only Parish without a WWI memorial. He informed the Assembly that at the earlier Conseil Municipal meeting a suggestion had been made to include WWII and possibly other conflicts as part of the project and therefore this would have to be borne in mind.
On being put to the vote the proposition was unanimously approved.
The date of the next Parish Assembly was confirmed as Wednesday 15 Julyat 7.00pmwhich would be the Annual Rates Assembly.