For Short-listed Commissioning Consultants

Project:619, IBC & IHLC New Facility

Location:1504 and 1510 W. University Avenue, Gainesville, FL

This fact sheet supplement attempts to provide short-listed applicants with more detailed information on the Owner’s expectations for the interview phase. Please also refer to the initial Project Fact Sheet, template contract, and other project documents in preparing for the interview session.


Please do not contact representatives of the selection committee, A/E, or user group.


Prior to the formal interviews, and no later than Monday, November 14th, 2016, each firm shall submit aCommissioning Plan and Design Development phase peer review comments from one of the (5) “most comparable” projects included in the initial proposal. Provide these documents as e-mail attachments for faster routing to the selection committee, if possible. If not, submit five hard copies of each.

INTERVIEW AGENDA (Monday, November 21st, 2016 – PD&C Conference Room 235)

12:45PM / Convene Committee
1:00PM / Presentation (30 min.) / H2 Engineering
1:30PM / Q & A / Discussion (20 min.)
1:50PM / Break & Setup
2:00PM / Presentation (30 min.) / Mitchell Gulledge
2:30PM / Q & A / Discussion (20 min.)
2:50PM / Break & Setup
3:00PM / Presentation (30 min.) / Graef-USA
3:30PM / Q & A / Discussion (20 min.)
3:50PM / Committee Deliberations

Please contact Robert Hatker, (352)294-3572 if you have questions regarding the room where interviews will be conducted.


Shortly after the selection is made, meetings will follow that will need attendance. Be prepared to submit fee proposal and begin early coordination.

The current project schedule is as follows:

Advanced Schematic Design (ASD) / 01/03/17
Design Development (DD) / 02/28/17
Early Release Package (ERP) / 03/14/17
100% CDs / 05/05/17
Construction / 07/17/17

NOTE: The selected applicant will be required to provide proof of project-specific insurance compliant with the requirements of the Agreement Between Owner and Commissioning Agent prior to execution of that Agreement, including Professional Liability, General Liability, Automotive Liability, and Worker’s Compensation.


Short-listed design teams demonstrated on paper their qualifications, past performance, and experience with similar scopes of work. Now, the University seeks to determine which team provides the best combination of those qualities with an ability to integrate its talent and approach with the UF-619 IBC & IHLC New Facilityproject and its primary stakeholders and agents (Owner/User Group, A/E, CM).

Each team will be evaluated on its presentation, pre-interview submittals, references, and the selection criteria outlined in the original Project Fact Sheet.

The interview format consists of a 30-minute opening statement by the team, followed by a 20-minute, interactive Q&A / discussion between the team and the Selection Committee. Instead of leaving the content of the 30-minute presentation open to interpretation, though, the Committee asks that each team specifically provide the following:

  • A review by the team leader (PM) of the scope of Cx services and the systems to be Commissioned, plus an explanation by other key staff of their role(s)
  • A review of the team’s planned approach to Commissioning on this project
  • An explanation of the Commissioning Agent’s role and a discussion of the team’s ability to integrate with the Owner/users and the design and construction teams
  • A brief discussion of the teams ability to provide Cx services … specifically, review the availability (workload) and proximity (location) of key staff; confirm the team’s understanding of the project schedule; and confirm the firm’s acknowledgement of the draft contract and available fee

Finalists are urged to focus on this project, not to re-hash past successes on other projects. Do not bring anyone who will not play a direct and active role in the Commissioning process.

PDC Revised November 2014Page 1 of 2