Andrews High School

Michael R. Barrineau

Geometry CP

August 17, 2016

Dear Parent:

The Mathematics course that your child will be taking this year is intended to integrate strong mathematics content with real-life activities that are relevant to the experiences of the HighSchool Student. Students who successfully complete the course will be able to:

  • Experience success in mathematics
  • Improve basic skills
  • Present mathematics as a unified whole
  • Gain an understanding and appreciation of real world and multifaceted activities
  • Solve problems, reason, communicate mathematically, and make connections
  • Use calculators and other manipulatives

Your support is greatly needed to ensure a successful year. Please be certain that your child attends school consistently and with the proper materials. Encourage your child to follow school and class rules and procedures, complete class work, homework and other assignments that will be given, and use proper study techniques.

I encourage you to monitor your child’s progress by being present at scheduled meetings, scheduling conferences, checking the school and district website, and attending other school events. Please feel free to call the school office and schedule an appointment. The school’s telephone number is (843) 264-3414. My cell number is 843-373-2111. The best way to contact me is by email: or

I look forward to seeing you and having the pleasure of teaching your child.


Michael R. Barrineau,

Math Department Chair

Andrews High School

Rules and Procedures for Student Behavior

  • Be on time and prepared to work
  • Bring all necessary materials
  • Follow instructions
  • Be cooperative
  • Respect yourself and others

Consequences for Violating Rules

  • 1st Offense: Verbal warning
  • 2nd Offense: Lunch Detention
  • 3rd Offense: Parental Notification
  • 4th Offense: Parental Notification and Lunch Detention
  • 5th Offense: Office Referral

Any severe disruption in class will result in immediate referral to the office.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

  • Homework will be checked periodically and assessed using the attached grading rubric.
  • Students will keep all warm-up activities, class notes, and class work in their notebook (required). The notebook can be 4 one-subject notebooks (one for each grading period) or 1 five-subject notebook. The student’s math notebook should be devoted to math work and math notes ONLY.
  • Notebooks will be checked twice per grading period (before interims and before nine weeks end) and will be assessed using the attached grading rubric.
  • Notebooks and binders should be brought to class daily.
  • Students are to have pencils sharpened and be prepared to work at the start of the period.
  • The school tardy policy will be followed.
  • Students must have ID’s at all time.
  • Parent/Teacher communication will be conducted through email, telephone, &/or US Mail.


  • Homework/Class Work, an integral part of instruction, will be checked periodically, and must be in the student’s notebook.
  • Assessments will be multiple choice, free response, and/or open-ended questions throughout the nine weeks (with the exception of mathematical projects which will be assigned throughout the year). The following point system will be used:

CP Classes:

Major Assignments: 40% (Test and large projects)

Quizzes: 35% (Small test and small projects, or journal writing)

Practice: 25% (Homework, classwork, journal writing)

Honors Classes:

Major Assignments: 50% (Test and large projects)

Quizzes: 30% (Small test and small projects, or journal writing)

Practice: 20% (Homework, classwork, journal writing)

Parental Signature Page

(Please sign and return to Mr. Barrineau.)

Please sign below indicating that you have received a copy of the letter to parents, from the math teacher, and a copy of the rules, procedures, and assessment criteria. Your signature also indicates that you have reviewed this information with your child.

Signature of the Parent (Guardian)______Date______

Signature of the Student______Date______

Parent’s Telephone Number______

Best Time to Call______

Alternate Telephone Number______

Expected Final Grade______

Grading Rubric:

A: 90-100 / B: 80-89 / C: 70-79 / D: 60-69
4+ / = / 98 / 3+ / = / 88 / 2+ / = / 78 / 1+ / = / 68
4 / = / 95 / 3 / = / 85 / 2 / = / 75 / 1 / = / 65
4- / = / 92 / 3- / = / 82 / 2- / = / 72 / 1- / = / 62

Homework Grading:

4:To receive a homework grade of 4, the student must:

  • Copy the questions completely and
  • Show all work to support the answer and
  • Have the correct answer for most of the questions and
  • Have a neat, organized and legible paper.

3:To receive a homework grade of three, the student must:

  • Copy most of the question or questions and
  • Show some work to support the answer and
  • Have some of the questions answered correctly and
  • Have a neat, organized or legible paper.

2:To receive a homework grade of two, the student must:

  • Copy most of the questions or
  • Show some work to support the answer and
  • Have some of the questions answered correctly or
  • Have a neat, organized or legible paper.

1:To receive a homework grade of one, the student must:

  • Copy most of the question or questions or
  • Show some work to support the answer or
  • Have some of the questions answered correctly or

Note: A grade of ZERO will be assigned for all students not submitting the assigned homework. The student will be allowed to submit the assignment late but will be penalized one letter grade per day late with the lowest recorded grade being 50.