Job Interview Anticipation Guide

Assignment A. Interview Skills

Name ______Date ______10 points

Print this worksheet and circle the correct answer after each question. When you are finished, turn in your completed worksheet for a grade.

  1. Which of the following is not one of the suggested strategies for preparing for your job interview:
  2. Visit /research the company before your
  3. prepare answers to possible interview questions
  4. gather key resources (extra resumes, reference list) to take with you
  5. plan to ask about salary and benefits at the beginning of the interview
  1. Dressing conservatively is always the safest “dress for success” attire.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Greeting the receptionist/assistant when you arrive and treating him or her with respect is an important key to your success.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Which part of the interview is the most important?
  2. first minute
  3. answers to the "toughest" questions
  4. final minute
  5. the whole time
  1. What are three most important keys to success in interviews?
  2. good cologne, nice smile, fresh breath
  3. making eye contact, showing enthusiasm, speaking clearly
  4. fresh breath, nice smile, making eye contact
  5. developing rapport, good posture, fresh breath
  1. It’s best to arrive how early before an interview?
  2. 1 hour
  3. 30 minutes
  4. 10 minutes
  5. 1 minute
  1. The best thing to do in an interview when you get a question that stumps you temporarily is:
  2. sit there and just stare at the interviewer
  3. keep saying, "good question, good question"
  4. respond with, "I just really can’t answer that"
  5. paraphrase the question while giving yourself time to think
  1. No matter what, you should always ask a question when the interviewer asks if you have any questions about the job or the company.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Which of the following is not one of the most common mistakes job-seekers make during job interviews:
  2. limp, clammy handshake
  3. over-emphasis on money
  4. lack of interest and enthusiasm
  5. too much knowledge of the company

10. As soon as you get back from the interview, you should:

  1. put your feet up and relax, knowing you did a great interview
  2. spend hours kicking yourself for some poor answers you gave
  3. immediately fire off thank you letters to each person who interviewed you
  4. quit your current job in anticipation of a new job offer

Once you complete this worksheet, print for a grade.