Portobello Market



Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello.


Please refer to PEDAL’s Policy on Produce for details of produce and goods suitable for sale at the Portobello market.


The cost of each stall is £50.00 for a full stall, £25 for half stalls. Reduced rates are available for registered charities or those providing educational material only, at £35.00 for a full stall, £17.50 for half stalls. Fees must be paid in advance or on day of the event. An invoice will be provided.


If the stallholder does not cancel by midday on the Friday one week before the market they have booked they will be charged the full rate of the stall with no refund unless under special circumstances.


Trading times are 9.30 a.m. to 13.30 p.m. each Market Day. Access to the site is available from 8.00 a.m. each trading day.


Stalls will be provided with bare table top, roof and skirting fitted. Full stalls measure 8ft x 4ft. Banners and signs for each business are permitted to be hung from the stall frames or located in front of each pitch. Pavement boards must not intrude into the stall space or pitch of an adjacent stallholder nor into the designated thoroughfare, fire escape routes and exits.

The area of the pitch is 2.5 m wide by 2.5 m deep. Trailers will not be allowed access to trade due to the location of the market sitewithin Brighton Park. Stock must be unloaded and held behind the stalls with no produce directly on the ground itself. All vehicles / trailers must be removed to the allocated parking areas prior to trade.

NOTE: The market will operate in the pubic park at Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello. The exit gates must be kept free from any obstruction throughout the trading day without exception.


Principal Producers / stall holder must have obtained and produce on request a REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene Certificate for all stalls handling food stuffs. Certificates must be the Basic Food Hygiene at minimum.


The Environmental Health Officer has stressed that NO PRODUCE is laid directly on the pavement.


Units must be manned at all times.

If a company reaches a ‘SOLD OUT’ position, notification must be left on the stall stating that they are ‘SOLD OUT’ along with the time that status was reached.

Stall holders should not leave before the end of the market unless they have asked the Organisers in advance.


Electricity for the use of Producers / stall holders is not available at the event from mains supply.

The use of generators powered only by LPG, biodiesel or recycled chip fat is permitted.

Permission to use a generator must be obtained from PEDAL prior to attending each event.

Any item of electrical equipment used on site must have passed a PAT test with an up to date certified sticker. Please ensure you bring all electrical cabling you require. A 10m length is recommended.


Power supply willnot be available for cash registers or weighing machines.


IMPORTANT: Hand wash facilities MUST be provided by each stallholder offering food goods especially where food stuffs are not pre-packaged or are offered as tasters. Limited facilities are available for stall holders from the PEDAL Porty stall at the event on the day.

Toilets are available at the top of Bath Street, 5 mins from the market site and are open 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.

Please report any spillage of waste, cooking oils or similar immediately to the Market Organisers.


All food sold loose only has to be labelled with the name of the food. All other foods sold which are pre-packed at premises other than the final seller will require to be labelled with:

  1. Name of the food
  2. List of ingredients
  3. An appropriate ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ declaration
  4. Any special storage conditions or conditions of use
  5. Name of manufacturer or packer

All food items offered for sale must comply with conditions of the Food & Safety Act 1990– Conditions for Food Vendors at Markets (and any amendments currently in force at the time of trading). Goods must be stored in proper containers and at the correct temperatures to avoid potential food hazards. It is the responsibility of the Producer / stall holders to ensure they comply with the requirements and terms of this Act. The Organisers accept no responsibility for failure to achieve the required standards.


It is requested that all stallholders display a ‘PROVENANCE’ label on their stall for the information of customers with details of which foods / ingredients are organic and/or locally sourced, and ideally the food miles incurred in the production and transport of the foods.


Any Producer / stall holder wishing to offer hot food and/or tastings should notify the Market Organisers accordingly. Every unit with a gas appliance must have a current CORGI gas safety certificate available for inspection and fire extinguishers are to be provided by Producers / stall holders using any appliance for the cooking of foodstuffs. All Producers / stall holders offering produce for tastings must use (blue) latex gloves for handling of food without exception. Probe or infra-red thermometers must be used at all stalls where food stuffs are served as tasters.

Producer / stall holdersoffering samples must do so in a clean and sanitary manner i.e. toothpicks must be used for sampling. Samples must be stored in a covered container until served and must be adequately sized and proportionally spaced to minimise customer handling. All Producers / stall holders providing free sampling must provide a waste bin in a prominent position and clearly marked for public use.


Stall holders should ensure that they provide carrier bags. Please consider the use of paper bags or fully bio-degradable bags in consideration of the general disposal of waste and the environment.


Anyone selling alcohol is responsible for arranging their own liquor licence with the City of Edinburgh Council. The Organisers accept no responsibility for any stall holder failing to comply with the Alcohol Licensing laws.


Weights and measure requirements must be adhered to and all goods for consumption to be labelled in accordance with the current statutory requirements.


It is recommended that concession holders selling food should wear (white) aprons, and the use of (blue) latex gloves is a requirement for all stallholders handling food items.


It is recommend that Producers / stall holders obtain a money belt or have money in zipped pockets in order to keep cash safe, and Producers / stall holders remain vigilant at all times whilst manning stalls. Cash boxes and tills are the sole responsibility of the Producer / stall holder and the Organisers of the Portobello Market and proprietors and staff of Pedal -Portobello Transition Townaccept no liability for failure to keep tills and money in a safe manner.


It is a requirement for all stall holders to possess their own public and product liability insurance. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is to accompany the Application Form together with the accompanying Liability Statement Form duly signed in acceptance of these Terms.


Stall holders should provide a first aid box with a supply of coloured waterproof dressings. Further facilities are available from the PEDAL stall at the event on the day.


While manning the units, a ‘NO SMOKING‘ policy must be strictly adhered to. No food or drink is to be consumed whilst trading or whilst in attendance of the stall for the duration of the trading hours as stated.


Access to the Market will be from 8.00 a.m. on market days. Stall holders should set up as early as possible to avoid congestion. Vehicles should then be moved to the appointed car parking area ADJACENT to the market as directed by the Organisers. Trader’s vehicles CANNOT access the Brighton Park at any time, but must be parked around the side of the park for unloading. ALL vehicles and trailers must be removed from the trading area and the access to Brighton Park by 9.00 a.m.


All refuse must be cleared by the stall holder from the market area on a regular basis during the trading hours. At the end of the trading day stall holders will be responsible for ensuring that all their own refuse is bagged up and removed from site and the trading area of each stall is left in a clean condition. Food waste, overspill and all packaging is to be removed from the ground at each stall. Waste water must not be disposed of on the pavement.

Please note that any item of spillage, waste or ‘dropped’ matter from a Producer / stall holders stall must be immediately cleared from the ground at each stall to avoid any slip hazard.


The Organisers of Portobello Marketand Market Operators Licence holders, PEDAL -Portobello Transition Town,23a Bath Street, Edinburgh. EH15 1HB retain the right to terminate the operation of the market at any time including the erection of stalls due to extreme weather conditions for the safety of all concerned.

The Organisers will make every effort to ensure all Producers / stall holders are advised of any curtailment, cancellation or deferment of Portobello Organic Marketat the earliest opportunity if the occasion arises that any such action is required due to health and safety regulations of the safe operation of the event. The Organisers are not liable for any losses so incurred.

With regard to payments received for prior markets, any such payments will be carried forward as credit against the next available event.


MarketCraft are pleased to operate the facility of Portobello Marketon behalf of PEDAL -Portobello Transition Town.


License to operate Portobello Market is held by PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town, a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland, Company no. SC353557. Registered address: 23a Bath Street, Edinburgh, EH15 1HB