Yorkshire HOA Board Meeting


Date: 06/18/15
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: GSUMC
ams / Sharon Keifer
minutes taken by / Angela Pullen
Attendees / Jim Obi (president), Michael Clayton (vice president), Angela Pullen (secretary), Jon Lovelace (at large),Greg Straus
Discussion / May Minutes
  • Greg made the motion to approve the May minutes as submitted. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion / Financial Reports
  • Angela made the motion to approve the financials as submitted. Jim seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion / Old Business
  • Fobs have been issued at the pool over 15 times. If any home has not received their fobs, please contact AMS to arrange pickup. No entrance will be allowed without a fob.
  • A new camera has been installed in the hallway at the pool entrance to monitor entry/exit.
  • A camera is being moved to the tennis courts to monitor use of the courts and maintain a safe and secure amenity.
  • Adult swim has been removed for the 2015 pool season due to legal reasons. The new pool rules are posted at the pool and on the HOA website. These will remain in effect until further notice.

Discussion / New Business
  • Collection policy – once the balance reaches $800, liens will be filed. The 2016 policy will need to be set soon.
  • Any home on a payment plan will be unable to use restricted amenities (such as the pavilion rental, pool, tennis courts). The payment plan contract will be revised by AMS to make this clear and is to be approved at the next board meeting.
  • The AMS contract states that there will be a 4% automatic increase annually. The board will pursue eliminating that line from our contract and, instead, it will be a vote each year to approve the increase.
  • Jim is handing $50 cash and a check for $20 for guest fees for the last two weeks to be deposited into our account.
  • No smoking(including use of electronic cigarettes and vaporizers)is allowed within the pool area.
  • Smoking and vulgar language is grounds for suspension from the pool for the remainder of the season. Please be respectful of our community and our pool guards and guests.
  • Current policy states that purchases for the community under $500 do not require board approval (ie: trash bags, water for cooler at pool, etc). We’ll research revising this; for example, as long as petty cash fund (from guest fees, pavilion rental, late fees, etc) covers the purchase under $X, approval is not needed. Anything above that would require board approval.
  • We received an invoice for US Aquatics for something that should be covered under warranty; this will be researched.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm