MINUTES of a Meeting of the Commons, Open Spaces, Allotments, Cemetery and Footpaths Committee (COSAC) held in the Lee Hall , Dinas Powys, on Tuesday, 19th June 2012.

PRESENT: Cllrs. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies (Chairman), V. Driscoll, C. P. Franks, M. Hartrey, Mrs. J. Jones, N. M. Streeter and J. H. Williams

ALSO PRESENT: Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey, Mr. A. Sullivan (Footpaths Officer) and Mr. N. Gaskell (Allotments


The Chairman welcomed all present to her first Meeting.

01. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. C. J. Williams.

02. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the COSAC and Footpaths Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 6th March 2012 having been previously circulated were taken as read, and on the Motion of Cllr. M. Hartrey and seconded by Cllr. J. H. Williams it was RESOLVED - THAT such Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

03. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS - Cllr. V. Driscoll declared an interest in matters relating to Dinas Powys Football Club.


St. Andrew’s Quarry

The Clerk was requested to contact the Vale of Glamorgan Council regarding the outcome of the excessive water problem from St. Andrew’s Quarry.

Matters Relating to Footpaths

Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey updated Committee on the upgrading of the footpaths at Mill Field, Cwm George and Dinas Powys Golf Club. The owner of the land at Cwm George had advised that the footpath divided his land – one side in Dinas Powys and the other in Michaelston-Le-Pit and he had written a letter to the Vale of Glamorgan Council requesting the land be consolidated. The Vale Council are investigating the matter. The Clerk is to check with Mark Cottray, Rural Regeneration Officer, on the closing date to submit applications for available footpath funding.

Grass Maintenance – St. Andrew’s Cemetery

Committee were informed of complaints being received from the general public regarding the unsatisfactory standard of grass maintenance at St. Andrew’s Cemetery. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT the previous contractor be approached to see if he is willing to maintain the grass at the Cemetery for the duration of the summer and his agreement to stand by his quotation of £176.40p (+ VAT) received in January 2012. Upon confirmation by the Contractor Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT the present Contractor be thanked for the work he has carried out but discontinue his services.

25 Year Licence – Dinas Powys Football Club

Having obtained the necessary information from Dinas Powys Football Club the Clerk advised that she was now in receipt of the 25 Year Licence from the Legal Department of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. The Clerk had approached the previous COSAC Chairman asking if he would check the 25 Year Licence as he had been involved initially. The Clerk was awaiting his response.

Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT Dinas Powys Football Club be invited to sign the Licence as soon as possible.

Footpath – Skate Park, Bryn-Y-Don to Old Bryn-Y-Don Field

The Clerk was requested to contact the Vale of Glamorgan Council asking if a public footpath could be installed from the Skate Park in Bryn-Y-Don through to the Old Bryn-Y-Don Field.

Allotment No. 2

The condition of the allotment has improved but there is still more work required. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT this be monitored.

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

The planting of a suitable tree and rose bushes had been previously discussed at a recent Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting. Planting will take place during the planting season. A drawing of the pergola was circulated. This will made by the Handyman and Maintenance Manager.


Mr. Alan Sullivan advised Committee that he, with the assistance of Cllr. Geraint Thomas, will be leading the annual Summer Walks. The Walks will commence at 7.00 p.m., prompt on Tuesday evenings: 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st July 2012 from the Dinas Powys Infant School. Posters have been produced, will be placed on notice boards throughout the Village, and a request will be made to the Penarth Times and GEM Newspapers for the details to be published. Mr. Sullivan was thanked for his report.

Cllr. C. P. Franks informed Committee of a tree which had fallen due to high winds at the entrance to Mill Field and, following his telephone call to the Clerk, the Community Council’s work force cleared the tree very quickly. Also there are low branches along the Mill Field Footpath which require attention. The Clerk to arrange for the Council’s staff to action.


Committee attended an Allotments Site visit on Saturday, 2nd June 2012. Two plots are still available – Nos. 21 and 22. However, these plots are in a very poor condition and require a lot of work. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT the next two people on the Council’s Waiting List be offered these plots at no charge for this season.

Mr. Neil Gaskell, Allotments Holders Representative stated that the allotments were flourishing - the best he has seen for 10 years. There is a very good mix of Allotment Holders with a community spirit which is a pleasure to see. Some of the Allotment Holders are educating their children on cultivating an allotment and getting them involved in planting. He was aware of the Council’s Waiting List being greatly reduced due to allotments being reduced in size and advised that in the Vale there were over 800 people waiting for allotments. He expressed concern regarding any possible encroachment on to the allotments due to the number of grave spaces left in the Cemetery and asked that Committee look at alternatives.

Committee agreed that they will be looking at possible alternatives and making further enquiries by approaching owners of vacant land/land for sale. One possibility was Cross Common. The previous Clerk had investigated and possibly 12/14 allotment spaces could be available on this site. However, there would be costs involved of approximately £2,500 for fencing and other necessary work. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT a letter be sent to the joint owners of land behind the Allotments asking if they would either sell approximately an acre of land or consider leasing part of the land. There is other land for sale which also will be looked into.

Mr. Gaskell was thanked for his report.


Committee were informed that one new full burial and 5 reopenings (two full burials and 3 cremated remains) had taken place at St. Andrew’s Cemetery from 1st March- 13th June 2012.

Clerk was asked how many pre-purchased grave spaces were unoccupied. The Clerk to advise.


Committee were informed of £15k which will be received after the sale of all properties at the Westra Quay Development. Creative Rural Communities advised of a European Grant of £40K (match funded) was available to Communities for Community Projects and they held ‘A Village Consultation Evening’ in the Lee Hall on 24th May 2012.

The Chairman requested Committee Members to bring along suitable ideas for the Village which will incorporate the Play Area on Dinas Powys Common.

The Chairman had posted an article on Facebook and had received 60 responses with a variety of ideas.

Mrs. Liz Richards, who was present at the Meeting, suggested a better pedestrian area in The Square – and suggested one consideration maybe to close off Elm Grove Road being a thoroughfare for traffic. This road can then be used by the Dinas Powys Music Festival and Dickensian evening. Mrs. Richards offered to produce drawings.

The Chairman advised that her idea was for an amphitheatre which could encourage Schools, etc to use Dinas Powys Common. The Chairman proposed to meet with CADW to discuss Dinas Powys Common. Also any comments from the public, who use Facebook, regarding ideas on what they would like to see in the Village, be directed to the Clerk’s Office.

The deadline for grant applications was Christmas time.


a. Repairs to Water Fountain

Committee were advised that minor repairs were required on the water fountain to retain it. Quotations are to be obtained for repairs to the loose stone and railings. The Clerk was requested to write to the Dinas Powys Civic Society asking if they may wish to contribute to the cost of the repairs. Cllr. M. Hartrey offered to discuss the matter with Mossfords.

b. Request for ‘well dressing’ the Water Trough next to the War Memorial –

Mrs. Merry Metcalf.

After considering the request Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT there is no objection in principle to her creating a ‘well dressing’.



Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey has been in contact with the Vale of Glamorgan Council regarding this matter.


Cllr. V. Driscoll suggested suitable bulbs be planted at the triangle in Station Road. The Clerk was requested to contact the Vale of Glamorgan Council regarding the land and planting of bulbs.

Horse Riders on Dinas Powys Common

Committee was informed of a letter and photograph received from a local resident advising of a horse owner, who had ignored the signs, galloping his horse across Dinas Powys Common on Bank Holiday Monday. After discussion Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT a copy of the resident’s letter be sent to Penarth Police and also an ‘open’ letter be sent to the Penarth Times advising horse owners that the Council will consider banning riding on Dinas Powys Common as a result of irresponsible riders causing danger to members of the public by riding across the centre and not keeping to the perimeter. It will be a great shame that a few individuals spoil it for responsible owners and put the Council in this position.

Car Incident – The Southra, Dinas Powys – 6th May 2012

The Clerk had received a telephone call from a lady who advised that her car had become stuck on a boulder on the grass verge at The Southra, Dinas Powys, because she had moved over for a tractor, did not see the boulder in the grass, and is claiming for repairs to the vehicle. Upon receiving her correspondence, which was an AA Breakdown Report and photographs, the Clerk wrote back asking whether the Police had been involved and her contact telephone number. The AA report stated “small damage to the sill”. There were no details regarding costs to repair the damage. Cllr. V. Driscoll reported that he saw the car on the boulder but had not seen the incident. The Clerk to action.

Request for a Seat – Vicinity of The Cricket and Rugby Club, Dinas Powys Common

Mrs. Sybil Arthur had written a letter offering to donate a seat, to be placed on Dinas Powys Common, in the vicinity of the Cricket and Rugby Club in memory of her late husband Mr. Peter Arthur, who had a long history of playing both of these sports on the Common.

Committee RECOMMENDED granting Mrs. Arthur permission to donate a seat. The Chairman agreed to look at suitable areas where the seat can be placed.

Footpath – Sunnycroft Lane to The Old Quarry at Cross Common, Dinas Powys

A local resident was concerned about a gate and barbed wire fencing which had been placed across a footpath. Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey agreed to meet with the resident.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER 2012 AT 7.15 P.M. (provisional).

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