Indicate the extent to which each of the following statements is true of either your actual behavior or your intentions at work. That is, describe the way you are or the way you intend to be on the job. Use the scale for your responses.
Rating Scale
5 Almost always true
4 Often true
3 Not applicable
2 seldom true
1 Almost never true
__4__ / 1. / I openly discuss with my fellow students and colleagues how to get ahead_4__ / 2. / I try new ideas and approaches to problems
__5__ / 3. / I take things or situations apart to find out how they work.
__5__ / 4. / I welcome uncertainty and unusual circumstances related to my tasks.
_2__ / 5. / I maintain an open dialogue with others who disagree with me.
__4__ / 6. / I can be counted on to find a new use for existing methods or equipment.
__5__ / 7. / I will usually be the first to try out a new idea or method among my colleagues or fellow students.
__5_ / 8. / I take the opportunity to incorporate ideas from other fields or disciplines in my work.
_4__ / 9. / I demonstrate originality in my work.
_4__ / 10. / I will willingly work on a problem that has caused others great difficulty.
_4___ / 11. / I provide important input regarding new solutions when working in a group.
__5__ / 12. / I avoid jumping to conclusions about others’ proposed ideas.
__4__ / 13. / I develop contacts with experts outside my area of interest or specialty.
__5__ / 14. / I use personal contacts to expand my options for new jobs or assignments.
__5__ / 15. / I make time to pursue my own pet ideas or projects.
_3__ / 16. / I set aside resources for pursuing a risky project that interests me.
__3__ / 17. / I tolerate people who depart from organizational routine.
__3__ / 18. / I speak out in class and in meetings.
__3__ / 19. / I am good at working in teams to solve complex problems.
__5__ / 20. / If my fellow students or colleagues are asked, they will say I am a wit.
Scoring Key
Add up the numbers associated with your responses to the 20 items. When you have done so, compare your scores to the results from a group of approximately 1,500 graduate and undergraduate business school students.
Mean score: 72.41
Top quartile 79 or above
Third quartile 73-78
Second quartile 66-72
Bottom quartile 32 or below
Source: Adapted from Ettlie & O’Keefe, 1982. Appearing in: Whetton, D. A. and Cameron K. S. (2007) Developing Management Skills. Prentice Hall.