Milton Keynes College

Admissions Policy and Procedures

Document Status
Author / Customer Services Manager
Date of origin / April 2016
Version / Draft
Review requirements / Annually
Date of next review / October 2017
Approval Body / Senior LeadershipTeam
Ratified by / N/A
Publication / Staff Intranet / Student Intranet / College Website
Equality Impact Assessment / March 2015

This policy and procedure is subject to The Equality Act 2010 which recognises the following categories of individual as Protected Characteristics: Age, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion and Belief, Sex (gender), Sexual orientation, Disability.



This policy is aligned with the overall Milton Keynes College Higher Education (HE) Strategic Plan. It is informed by the mission and values of the College and the needs of all stakeholders. It is aligned with the policies of our collaborative partner institutions. Milton Keynes College wishes to increase and widen participation in HE amongst all groups of society locally so that Milton Keynes is characterised by a skilled, inclusive workforce able to access training and development throughout their career. There may be specific admission procedures for different categories of applicants but this policy in underpinned by one value; that we create a fair Admissions system for all.

  1. Admissions Statement and principles

1.1 Milton Keynes Collegeis committed to ensuring fairness based upon the recommendations outlined in the ‘Fair Admissions to Higher Education: Recommendations for Good Practice’ by the Admissions to Higher Education Steering Group. It is committed to the five principles set out in the guidance;

  • Transparency,
  • Selecting students based upon achievements and potential,
  • Using assessment methods that are reliable,
  • Minimising barriers and
  • Being professional.

1.2 The Admissions process should be one that provides equal opportunity for all individuals, regardless of background, to gain admission to a course suited to their ability and aspirations.

1.3 The process for Admissions may vary for different groups of students but this policy covers all routes for Admissions and aims for them to be fair to all of them. The College is committed to delivering the expectations of the Quality Assurance Agency’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Chapter B2: Admissions (2014).

  1. Responsibility for Admissions

2.1 The overarching responsibility for ensuring the quality and effective, efficient, implementation of admission practices is the Head of Customer Services, Commercial Director and Director of Quality and Student Experience who is the senior lead for HE.They monitor and review the Policy on an annual basis.


2.2 Heads of School are responsible for the ensuring that all staff making a decision on the suitability of applicants for acceptance on to programmes are adequately qualified and trained to make those decisions. Staff will received continuous professional development to ensure they access the latest information on the types of qualifications currently being undertaken by potential applicants.

2.3Heads of School are responsible for ensuring that qualified academic staff are in place to accept students on to programmes on the basis of their confirmed qualifications, or relevant experience.

3. Admissions Process and procedures.

3.1 As per section 1.14 of the Competition and Markets Authority guidance for HE providers wewill ensure that applicants are provided with the information they require to make an informed choice. This will be via the College Prospectus, its website and impartial information, advice and guidance on the choices available to them, available via any of our campus reception areas, Programme Tutors, Support Coaches (Careers and IAG), telephone enquiries to our AdmissionsTeam or one of our Open Events. The College also has an identified Higher Education Specialist Advisor.

3.2 The College will set out entry requirements in validation documentation and advertising literature. Entry requirements may be changed for individual students who can demonstrate alternative qualifications or experience that lead staff to believe they will be successful on the programme.

3.3 Targets for recruitment on each programme are based upon the number of places available.

3.4 The CollegeAdmissionsTeam are based at our Chaffron Way Campus and are responsible for processing applications made via the Online application form found on the College website and those made via the paper based version. It is their responsibility to enter accurate data on to the College database. They will, when requested, arrange interviews for students in consultation with academic staff. The processing of UCAS applications is the responsibility of our HE Academic Coordinator.

3.5 The CollegeAdmissionsTeam are responsible for conveying the application decision to the student and this is done via letter. Students may be made an unconditional offer, a conditional offer or rejected. If academic staff reject a student they must offer the student some impartial, advice and guidance, record the interview outcome and make clear to the AdmissionsTeamany further action as required.

3.6 All rejections are recorded within the College database and will be recorded for 10 years.

3.7 The College will provide appropriate feedback to applicants upon request and decisions will be recorded and responded to in that context. There is a mechanism to appeal against an Admissions decision, further information can be found in the complaints policy.

3.8 The Collegesupports learners with disabilities/learning difficulties and makesreasonable adjustments to specialist equipment, facilities and support where possible. A support need that is disclosed will be assessed via an interview with a member of the Learning Support Team. Decisions may be delayed based on the complex nature and financial considerations of students with high needs and if the College requires further information. In some circumstances, the Collegewill offer alternative course options either internally or externally.

3.9 The Collegemay refuse admission to an applicant who has previously been excluded from this or other educational institutions due to unacceptable behaviour or lack of attendance and/or failure to complete their studies.

3.10 The College has a duty of care to its learners and staff.It reserves the right not to admit a learner where there is evidence that they could be a threat or danger to others, or themselves, thereby safeguarding the College community. Applicants that have a declared Criminal Conviction will be subject to additional checks, risk assessments and interviews.

3.11The College reserves the right to request references and/or reports fromschools/Colleges/employers/supporting agencies/other organisations for a potential learner.

3.12The College will insist that DBS checks are undertaken for entry into courses that lead to careers where this is a requirement. Admission will be refused or a student withdrawn as a result of certain convictions. Alternative options may be offered.

3.13Consideration is given to the changing environment with regard to application numbers and limits. Applications are considered fairly and in date order and this always take precedence.

3.14Compliance with the Admissions Policy is monitored through student feedback and other internal audit systems. Feedback is encouraged, whether positive or negative,and as a valuable tool to drive improvements in the quality of our services.

3.15If the College does not run, or makes significant changes to, a programme between the offer being made and the student commencing the programme the School will liaise with Student Services and the AdmissionsTeam to advise the applicant of this and the options available to them.

4. Minimum Expectations

4.1 Milton Keynes College is committed to ensuring that its Admissions process is fair for all stakeholders including staff, applicants, parents and schools. To achieve this we ensure that all staff within the central AdmissionsTeam are adequately trained and undergo a full induction period. Any academic staff involved in the decision making process also receive training.

4.2 In return,it is expected that studentsdemonstrate appropriate behaviour and attitude.

4.3 The College expects applicants to provide accurate information on which to make Admissions decisions. Any student found to have provided false information or to have plagiarised their personal statement are at risk of having an offer withdrawn or being asked to leave the programme.

5. Entry Requirements

5.1 The ability to complete the course is an essential criterion for admission to Milton Keynes College.

5.2 Applicants will be assessed as individuals.

5.3 Past educational attainment is the best indicator of future retention and success and, as such, each programme will have a clear statement on entrance requirements as detailed within the Prospectus, throughthe AdmissionsTeam(who can be contacted on 01908634551), or at our reception desks. The most up to date information can be found on our website;

5.4 Application forms are monitored regularly to ensure that applicants have the best opportunity to demonstrate suitability for their chosen course.

5.5 The Collegemay require learners to have an appropriate level of Englishand Maths to access their chosen course of study.

5.6 Prospective students are selected not only by their formal qualifications,but also their experience, motivation and interest in the course. This isnormally established by an interview for the programme.

5.7 Adults returning to education are welcome to apply. The College mayconsider previous experience and training as an alternative to formalqualifications. In addition applicants may be asked to complete an initial assessment that informs decision making.

5.8 For International Students, overseas qualifications should be equivalent to the UK requirements. (See relevant section on ‘How to Apply’ –Stages of application for International Students in the College’s full timeprospectus. This information is also availableon the website).

5.9 The Collegewill not include any irrelevant factors when assessing merit. For example, preference will not be given to relatives of graduates.

5.10 In some instances our partners may wish to be included in the application process. For UoB application Process see Appendix 1.

6. Enrolment Procedures

6.1 The AdmissionsTeam are responsible for sending out invitations to enrol. This will be done via letter.

6.2 All students are required to enrol in person. Learning agreements for these students will be produced and signed at enrolment; ID cards will also be provided at this time.

6.3 All students are required to bring Photographic Identification with them to enrol.

6.4 For information on paying for your course please see our Fees Policy.

6.5 For some of our courses students will be required to enrol with our partner institutions

7. Minimising Barriers

7.1 Milton Keynes College aims to minimise any barriers that are irrelevant to Admissions requirements. These could potentially come from:

Means of assessment;

Resources and support available to applicants;


The type of an applicant’s qualification.

8. Feedback and Complaints

8.1 Any applicant who is not satisfied with the way in which the College has dealt with their application may complain using the College website or visiting the reception area at any Campus.

8.2 The College’s complaints procedure applies to both HE and FE students, as well as the general public. In addition, all higher education students who are in receipt of student support funding, have access to the same dispute resolution arrangements as any other student on a higher education programme in England. The Office of Independent Adjudicator’s (OIA) is the Government’s designated operator for handling unresolved student complaints in higher education, it provides an independent, transparent complaints handling scheme to review student complaints and academic appeals.

More information about the OIA can be found on its website

In cases where courses are partner with other organisations all students are welcome to raise any concerns with the partner institutions directly. Information can be obtained from our HE

Appendix 1: MKC and UoB partner Admission Process

The University is always the final arbiter regarding whether an applicant can be admitted to this course. The appropriate admission information will be made available to potential students and applicants in both printed and online materials. Applications for this course may be made directly to Milton Keynes College or via UCAS.

Milton Keynes College is responsible for the verification of the accuracy and authenticity of the applicant’s documentation and retains a copy of this material for scrutiny by the University.

Based on information provided by the applicant, Milton Keynes College will undertake an initial screening of applications to determine whether the University’s approved academic entry requirements for this course are met.

Milton Keynes College sends the application information to the Faculty Registry administrator responsible for maintaining the University’s student record for the partnership. This will comprise:

  • The application form
  • Copies of certificates, including any relating to English-language proficiency – signed/stamped by Milton Keynes College to confirm that the original versions have been seen and verified
  • Confirmation of identity – also signed/stamped by Milton Keynes College
  • Reasons for proposed acceptance or rejection reached through the initial screening process

Where adherence to the entry requirements cannot be clearly evidenced by the Registry administrator, the application material will be sent to the Account Manager to facilitate consideration of the application by a suitably qualified member of academic staff at the University.

The Link Coordinator will endorse (or otherwise) the conclusion of the screening process, ensuring that a clear decision is given by the University for each applicant. The Account Manager will inform Milton Keynes College of the outcome, and will also inform internal colleagues to ensure that application information can be matched against registration information. This includes Link Coordinator and the Faculty Registry administrator.

The Faculty Registry administrator will ensure that the following information is stored as an auditable record of the admissions process:

  • Copies of the application form, certificates and proof of identification
  • The results of the initial screening undertaken by Milton Keynes College
  • Any confirmation from the University relating to applicants with non-

Appendix 3: Admissions Process for Foundation Degree in Psychology and Criminal Behaviour Guidance for students

Appendix 4: Admissions Process Sports and Public Services Guidance for students

Appendix 5: Admissions Process for Engineering Guidance for students

Appendix 6: Admissions Process for Photography and Graphic Design

Guidance for students