Skills Development Reporting Workshop

Table of Contents

1.Logging on to the INSETA Seta Management System (SMS)

2.Creating New ATR 2008/2009 and WSP 2009/2010 Forms

3.ATR Forms

a.1. Workplace Profile for the organization

b.2. Variance Report

c.3. Training Interventions for the Period 2008/2009 per Occupational


d.4. Summary of Skills Interventions

e.5 Implementing Learnerships

f. 6 ABET Training Interventions Implemented 1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009

g.8 List of Vacancies That were Difficult to Fill

4.WSP Forms

a.1 Skills Development Consultation & Planning

b.2 Annual Strategic Skills Priorities

c. 3 Current Employment Profile

d.4 Workplace Profile (Current employees to be trained at this level) 1 April 2009 – 31

March 2010

e.5 External Recruits (Including 18(2) learners) of Education and Training 1 April 2009 –

31 March 2010

f. 4 Educational Profile

g.5 Provincial Breakdown

h.6 Training Intervention Planned: ABET/ End User Computer Training

  1. 7 BEE Status

5.Important Information

a.Submitting Report

b.Printing Report

c.Organisation Information

d.SDF Information

e.Organisation Contacts

f. Training Committee

g.Pop-up Blockers

  1. Logging on to the INSETA Seta Management System (SMS)

Step 1:Go to

Step 2:Click on the “Stakeholder Logon” link

Step 3:Enter your user name and password on the logon page

Step 4:Click on the Enter Button

Step 5:Select the company on the SDF Dashboard by clicking on the name

  1. Creating New ATR 2008/2009 and WSP 2009/2010 Forms

Step 1:Click on the WSP/ATR

Step 2:Click on the “Year” dropdown box below the “Create a new Workplace Skills Plan” heading.

Step 3:Select the year “1April 2009 – 31 March 2010”

Step 4:Click on the “Enter” Button

Step 5:The system will add the option to access the forms at the bottom of the page after the last WSP/ATR for the company.

Step 6:Select the button “Select 08/09” button for the ATR and the “Select 09/10” button for the WSP

  1. ATR Forms

Note 1:Click on the “Select’ button next to each form to access the form for capturing.

Note 2:Click on the “Save” button at the bottom of each of the forms to save the information captured. Important to note that the system does not auto save the information, and should there be no activity on the screen for a few minutes, the system will disconnect and you will need to logon again and recapture the information that you were busy with last, again.

  1. 1. Workplace Profile for the organization

This form is OFO aligned.

  • Select the OFO category
  • The system filters the Sub Major group based on what was selected in the Major group
  • The system filters the Occupation group based on what was selected in the Sub Major group
  • Add the number of employees per OFO selected.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save the information.
  • The system will then add the infoamtion saved in a grid depicted in the figure below:

NOTE: “Disabled” forms part of the race/gender breakdown.

  • Example: 2 African Male + 3 Indian Woman ( + 1 Disabled Indian person) = Total of 5 employees, where 1 person is disabled.
  1. 2. Variance Report

This report needs to be filled in where the planned targets have not been met OR where the planned targets have been exceeded.

The system will pull through the “Total Planned” figure from the WSP 2008/2009. Should there be a variance – the reasons need to be indicated on this form as well as the number of employees affected.

There are 6 default reasons.

  • Lack of budget
  • Company Restructure
  • Change of strategic direction
  • Resignation of participant
  • Termination
  • Retrenchment.

There is also an option to add another reason should your specific reason does not fit in with the default reasons.

The “Enter” button next to the reasons saves the information captured per reason.

  1. 3. Training Interventions for the Period 2008/2009 per Occupational


The Number of beneficiaries, per occupation group who completed training interventions gets reported on this for.

  1. 4. Summary of Skills Interventions

A summary of the Skills Interventions used to train beneficiaries gets reported on this form.

  1. 5 Implementing Learnerships

The Number of beneficiaries, per occupation group who completed Learnerships gets reported on this for.

  1. 6 ABET Training Interventions Implemented 1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009

The details of employees who competed ABET training interventions for the period 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2009 gets reported on this form.

Click on the “Add” button to save the information captured

  1. 8 List of Vacancies That were Difficult to Fill

  • When a skills is not only critical, but a scarce skill as well, the “SS (Scarce Skills)” tick box needs to be selected.
  • This form is OFO aligned.
  1. WSP Forms
  1. 1 Skills Development Consultation & Planning

  1. 2 Annual Strategic Skills Priorities
  1. 3 Current Employment Profile

The “Workplace Skills Plan Profile” for the year 2008/2009 has been divided into 3 separate forms:

  1. Current Employment Profile
  2. Workplace Profile (Current employees to be trained at this level) 1 April 2009 - 31 March 2010
  3. External Recruits (Including 18(2) Learners) of Education and Training 1 April 2009 - 31 March 2010
  • The Current Employment Profile OFO aligned, AND the Age Group needs to be competed per OFO selection
  • When you click on the “Save” button the information gets saved as depicted in the figure below:
  • Note that the total of the race/gender breakdown needs to be the same as the total of the age category breakdown.
  1. 4 Workplace Profile (Current employees to be trained at this level) 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010
  1. 5 External Recruits (Including 18(2) learners) of Education and Training 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010
  1. 4 Educational Profile
  • Note that the only difference in this form is the age breakdown that is not a dropdown list anymore but ha been included just after the race/gender breakdown.
  • 5 Provincial Breakdown
  • Note that the format of this form changed
  • The system will also pull through subsidiary companies, should you have subsidiary companies linked to the main L number.
  • You need to complete the Provincial breakdown per L number and not only on the Main L number.
  1. 6 Training Intervention Planned: ABET/ End User Computer Training
  1. 7 BEE Status
  1. Important Information
  1. Submitting Report

Click on the “Submit” button to submit the WSP after all the forms for the ATR 2008/2009 and WSP 2009/2010 has been completed. This button is available on the WSP 08/09 section. The status of the WSP/ATR will then change from “Pending” to “Submitted”.

  1. Printing Report

Click on the “Print” button on the Main Page next to the “Select 08/09” button, for the system to give you a complete report of all forms filled in.

The report will be best printed in “Landscape” format – therefore ensure that your printer settings will be set up as Landscape.

This report can also be copied into a word document.

  1. Organisation Information

Step 1:Click on the “Organizations” Tab

Step 2:Update ALL information on the “INSETA Data” side of the screen.

Step 3:Click on the “Enter” button to save all data entered/changed.

  1. SDF Information

Step 1:Click on the SDF tab

Step 2: Update information, especially contact information

Step 3:Click on the “Enter” Button to save al data entered/changed

  1. Organisation Contacts

Step 1:Click on the “Organisation Contacts” tab

Step 2:Update/Add new contacts details

Step 3:Click on the “Enter” button to save the information entered

Step 4:To edit information click on the “Edit” icon in the “Options” area.

Step 5:Change required information

Step 6:Click on the tick mark to save information changed.

  1. Training Committee

Step 1:Click on the “Training Committee” tab

Step 2:Add the Training committee members’ details

Step 3:Click on the “Enter” button to save the information.

Step 4:To edit information click on the “Edit” icon in the “Options” area.

Step 5:Change required information

Step 6:Click on the tick mark to save information changed.

  1. Pop-up Blockers

The Seta Management System (SMS) is a web-based system. The system use in some instances Pop-up blocks to give you an important message. If your machine does have a pop-up blocker, you will need to turn the pop-up blocker off, only for these pages.

Pop-up blockers can be installed on your machine in at least the following two instances:

  1. Windows Internet Explorer settings
  2. Google bar /Yahoo bar /Hotbar

To uninstall the above follow the next steps:

  1. Windows Internet Explorer Settings.

Step 1:Open Internet Explorer

Step 2:Click on Tools

Step 3:Select Pop-up Blocker

Step 4:Select the “Turn Off Pop-up Blocker”

  1. Google Toolbar/ Yahoo bar/ Hotbar

The Google toolbar has it own built in pop-up blocker. To turn the pop-up blocker off you need to uninstall the google toolbar by following the next steps.

Step 1:Click on the Windows Start Button

Step 2:Select “Control Panel”

Step 3:Click on the “Add/Remove Programmes” option

Step 4:Scroll down on the list of programmes installed on your PC until you find the “Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer” application.

Step 5:Click on the “Remove” button, to uninstall this application.

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